This is the 11th day of my participation in the August Wenwen Challenge.More challenges in August
Hello, good evening, everyone! Today we’re going to talk about an interesting phenomenon in JavaScript: what does void 0 mean? Undefined is mutable?
First, we need a basic understanding of the void operator: the correct way to use void is to follow an expression, because void executes all the expressions that follow it, but its return value is always undefined.
There are three things to understand: the use of the void operator, the return value of void, and the fact that undefined can be redefined.
It is followed by an expression in which all statements are executed.
The void operator evaluates the given expression and returns undefined
Such as:
Void console.log(" Hello, I am the Antarctic Ice Cube ") // Console prints "Hello, I am the Antarctic Ice Cube" void alert(" Hello, I am the Antarctic Ice Cube ") // browser pops up "Hello, I am the Antarctic ice cube "void 1+2 // Return NAN, think why? Void 1 = undefined, undefined+2 = NAN void (1+2) = NAN void (1+2Copy the code
The return value is alwaysundefined
Such as:
Let a = void 0 console.log(a) let a = void 0 console.log(a) Console. log(a) // undefined let a = void alert(" Hello, everyone, Console. log(a) = void (1+2) console.log(a) = void (1+2) console.log(a) = void (1+2) console.log(aCopy the code
It can be redefined in local variables
Although undefined has been set as readable only since ES5, undefined remains mutable in local scopes.
Such as:
Function fun(){let undefined = 10 console.log()} fun(Copy the code
A big reason to use void 0 or void(0) instead of undefined is because undefined can be reassigned, and you can’t guarantee that undefined is undefined in someone else’s code. But the return value of void must be undefined.
In addition, void 0 is shorter than undefined and takes up less character space, so in JS compression code, we often see void 0 instead of undefined. Just as local variables are replaced by a, B, and C in compressed code. Of course, void 1 instead of undefined is the same if you like.
Hello, I am the South Pole ice cube, a technology and appearance level proportional to the front-end engineer, advocating to solve front-end problems, I hope my blog has helped you.
Pay attention to me and walk together on the front road. Hey ~