A question often asked by many newcomers to the e-commerce industry is: “If it is also cheap, why not directly reduce the price instead of using coupons? Is this unnecessary?” This is a very valuable question, and in this section we’ll talk about the value of “coupons” in the overall e-commerce system.

Take advantage of the “want to take advantage” mentality

The same thing, the original price of 100 yuan, there are the following two ways to sell:

(1) Directly change the price to 80 yuan, and the buyer will pay 80 yuan.

(2) Without changing the original price, send the buyer a coupon of “100 minus 20”, which can be used in the payment, and the buyer will pay 80 yuan in the end.

Considering from the logic level, there is no difference between the two methods above, and the result is that the buyer pays 80 yuan for the product. Therefore, some people think that coupons are of no value, but increase the payment steps of the buyer, resulting in a lower conversion rate. Do you feel the same way? This way of thinking is typical of “engineer thinking”.

The first thing product managers learn when they start out in the business is to use it here: “Perception trumps facts.” In particular, at the psychological level, users tend to perceive their own perceptions as facts, rather than facts themselves, which is a big proposition that we won’t elaborate on here. In e-commerce, one of the most important things about customer psychology is that “buyers want to take advantage, not buy cheap.” (If you happen to run an e-commerce business, you can double your sales by remembering this.)

Coupons can capture this point of user psychology. When buying at the same price of 80 yuan, the buyer’s mentality when using the coupon is: “It used to cost 100 yuan, but now it only needs 80 yuan, saving 20 yuan.” In particular, large coupons that are about to expire can encourage impulse buying.

Another advantage of using coupons is that they don’t devalue the product, which is also “perceived” value. Rational analysis, the same thing, no matter how much money, its own value will not change. But intuitively, if I still take the two cases above, I would say that the good in method one is worth $80, and the good in method two is worth $100, and that’s the difference. Here is not only the price of the influence of the perceived value of cognition itself, can also affect the cognition to the commodity itself, the idea of “no good cheap goods” is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, directly to spend 20 yuan to buy a T-shirt, the in the mind will think it won’t be a shoddy goods, if it is 20 yuan to buy the original price 200 yuan T-shirt, wouldn’t want to these, will only feel accounted for cheap.

Generally, when such coupons are issued, few thresholds are set, and they can even be directly displayed on the corresponding product details page, and they can be used at any time, and all buyers who want to use them can receive them. In addition to allowing users to receive manually, they can also push coupons in batches to buyers’ accounts, especially some coupons with a large discount range, which can promote buyers’ consumption.

Create a sense of superiority

For some hesitant buyers, giving them a discount coupon is a great strategy to boost their spending. The price of a certain product has not been reduced for a long time, and the buyer has been concerned about it for a long time. Or for some things, the buyer will buy sooner or later, he can give him coupons to encourage him to buy in advance. This kind of coupon is much more difficult to set than the above mentioned difficulty. First, it is necessary to increase the coupon rarity and set a certain threshold to get the coupon, so that users can feel that “this coupon is not available to everyone”. Then, it would be a pity if they do not use the coupon now until it expires.

Common “internal coupon group” or “premium membership group” coupons are issued in this type, is characterized by “creating a sense of scarcity, to promote consumption”. In the final analysis, this kind of psychology return uncut jade true or “take advantage of” psychology is the same, now need not, later can not get, need not really pity.

Price discrimination

Price discrimination is another way to explain the function of coupons. The above two ways explain the role of coupons from the perspective of “changing cognition and promoting consumption”. The function of price discrimination is to maximize profits. Some people are willing to buy at a higher price, some people are not willing to buy at that price, but they are willing to buy as long as it is cheaper. How can we get some people to buy at a higher price and some people to buy at a lower price? The idea is to set up a coupon that requires a threshold so that people who want to buy at a lower price qualify for it and people who want to buy at a higher price don’t.

For example, merchants let you post in moments, you can get a coupon of 3 yuan, some people are willing, some people are not willing. Or deepen the entry point for collecting coupons so that buyers with more time to focus on items can find them and pick them up, while buyers who are just passing by can’t easily find them. These are all methods of price discrimination.

Easy price fluctuation

Convenient price fluctuation, the fluctuation here is mainly “increase in price”, how to increase the price to the greatest extent to reduce the buyer’s “dissatisfaction” mood. The strategy here is to use coupons to adjust the buyer’s “actual purchase price.” We consider the following two approaches:

(1) The price is 80 yuan now, but it will rise to 90 yuan in a few days.

(2) The current price is 100 yuan, and there is a coupon of 20 less than 100 yuan. The actual payment is 80 yuan. After a few days can receive coupons changed to 100 minus 10, the real payment of 90 yuan to buy.

Psychologically, the last thing buyers like is when the price of the product they need to buy increases, but it’s not so hard to accept that the actual price increase can be achieved by adjusting the coupon. Mentally think: the price of this commodity has not changed, but the discount has become less. Instead of thinking that the price of goods has gone up. \

This article is reproduced from the official website of Twelve Zan [original link]