Sync updates at…

It’s 2019, and the whole thing is updated.

Over the wall

Reference… .

Mac software

Editor and Terminal

Main Intellij Idea, secondary VSCode and Vim. Intellij Idea was chosen because it was easy to use without installing plug-ins, and because there was no time to fiddle with them.

  • Font main Dank Mono, auxiliary Operator Mono, tired of one for the other
  • Intellij Idea uses material-theme- JetBrains, theme select Material One Dark, font size 16, line spacing 1.2, rendering
  • Intellij Idea add-on includes File Watchers, GitLink, Import Cost, Prettier and Rainbow Brackets
  • Terminal use iTerm2 + ZSH + oh-my-zsh combination, theme is robbyrussell
  • The ZSH plugin is now open Git, autojump, brew, git, git-extra, git-flow, git-prompt, git-remote-branch, github, gitignore, history, history-substring-search, Iterm2, node, NPM, NPX, NVM, tig, vscode, yarn
  • ITerm2 box for theRun command.../usr/local/bin/idea \1 (figure), so that Command + clicking the file path will open in Intellij Idea

Development assistance

  • Git SourceTree, git support, because git advanced command can not remember, just use the UI
  • Paw, request simulation. I’ll run it through the front and back end
  • Github Desktop, which manages changes and PR in the Github repository, takes some of the work out of SourceTree and makes it easy to checkout someone else’s PR locally
  • Gas Mask, Hosts management
  • ColorSnapper2, take color tool
  • Charles, grab packages, HTTPS support
  • Google Chrome + Google Chrome Canary + Firefox + Safari, browser, debugging, IE test will use the Intranet cloud testing platform

The output

  • Notion, the Notion tool, is ready to gradually migrate from Bear to Notion
  • Bear, note-taking tool, high appearance level, subscription Pro, and mobile phone sync
  • Typora can edit Markdown based on the directory, so all github repository documents will be edited with him
  • OmniGraffle + icauses TSX, draw flow charts
  • LICEcap: GIF recording tool

The input

  • Reeder, RSS reading software, is my main information source. If THERE is no RSS source, I will first find it on, and then I will write a serverless service and deploy it on now@2
  • Kiwi for Gmail

The efficiency of

  • Alfred + Powerpack, application launch, stickboard management, Workflow, Snippets management, and more
  • Thor, one-click direct application
  • OmniFocus, task management, syncing with iPhone via Omni Sync Server
  • Karabiner Element is used to combine the right Command and Capslock keys to avoid keyboard shortcuts.

Vlog related

  • ScreenFlow, video recording and editing
  • Final Cut Pro, video clips
  • RDM, resolution switching, allows you to set unsupported resolution, for example I will set 720p(HD) resolution when recording
  • KeyCastr, key display


  • CleanMyMac 3, system cleanup
  • 1Password: password management
  • Bartender 3, menu item on the upper right of the administration system, hides or wraps up infrequently used ones
  • KeepingYouAwake ensures that the system does not sleep automatically
  • Softorino YouTube Converter download
  • Downie 3, Universal Video download
  • Folx 5 + qBittorrent + Motrix, download tool, Folx under HTTP, qBittorrent under Magnet, Motrix is the package of AriA2, can be baidu cloud disk, 115, etc
  • F. Lux, adjust the color temperature of the monitor, protect the eyes, especially in the morning the screen is really dazzling
  • IINA, video play
  • Snipaste, screenshot tool, when you need to annotate
  • Get Plain Text automatically clears the format of the pasty-board content
  • RunCat – Menu bar shows running kittens. The higher the CPU usage, the faster they run
  • Dingding + QQ + wechat + Telegram + Slack, communication

The command line

throughhomebrewThe installation

  • Autojump, directory jump
  • The_silver_searcher, file search, command line is AG
  • Hub-git extension
  • Git extension
  • batCat with line number can be matchedalias cat="bat"
  • Fd, friendlier than the system’s own find

throughyarn global addThe installation

  • Projj, Github/GitLab Project Management
  • Serve: local static server
  • Fkill, a better process than kill called killer
  • Qrcode-terminal, two-dimensional code generation

Chrome plug-ins

Making related

  • OctoLinker, a quick jump to dependencies in require/import or package.json
  • Refined Github
  • Npmhub, which displays NPM dependency information under README
  • Hide Files on GitHub: Hides non-essential Files such as configuration Files
  • Github Hovercard, for example, can see issue details without clicking in
  • Git History Browser Extension, a visual way to display file modification History
  • File Icon for GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket


  • Workona, TAB management, based on usage scenarios
  • JSON Formatter makes JSON easier to read
  • Better History is used to search for History
  • Tampermonkey, oilmonkey, customizes web pages with scripts
  • UBlock Origin, advertising Block
  • Netflix Rating, which displays the IMDB Rating information of each movie on Netflix
  • Select like a boss, you can Select the content in the link

The iPhone software

Every day with

  • Alipay
  • WeChat
  • Chrome, instead of Safari, has the advantage of being able to sync with your computer
  • Gmail
  • Reeder, I’m a heavy USER of RSS
  • Dingding, work exchange
  • Twitter, I think the official client is enough
  • Workflow, the most common Workflow is clipboard to Instapaper, which is used to save wechat articles to Github issue via Instapaper
  • Netease Cloud Music
  • OmniFocus, task management


Online services


  • Refiddle + Regex101, tune regular expressions
  • 30 seconds of code
  • Astexplorer, ast
  • Globtester, glob
  • Ghub. IO, redirect to an NPM package’s Repository Page
  • Unpkg is the CDN service of the NPM package. You can view the content after the RELEASE of the NPM package
  • Sketchboard + Draw. IO + MindMeister, online flowchart drawing
  • HackMD, online notes, with PPT presentation function
  • Slides, PPT production
  • CodeSandbox + Glitch + repl. It, online code editor, the former supports Sandbox container, can run NPM scripts
  • Node. green: Queries the ES2018 feature support of NodeJS
  • Can I use to query whether the browser supports features
  • Carbon generates an image from the source code
  • Watches, github issue goes
  • Package Diff, comparing direct differences between two versions of NPM packages
  • Firefox Send + FFsend: file sharing service
  • (Beta) Webpack Config Tool


  • Oreilly Safari Books, Oreilly Books, video tutorials, newsletters, etc., are not ready to renew when they expire
  • Frontend Masters, video tutorials
  • Zeit Now, Serverless Services, domain names and more
  •, the domain name service, will then move to Zeit Now
  • Minority Power+ 2.0, improve performance related articles
  • Netease Cloud Music
  • Baidu cloud disk + 115 + Maiguo network disk transfer, data download
  • Iqiyi + Tencent Video + Youku, members to advertise
  • Netflix
  • Youtube Premium is designed to keep playing on the iPhone when you switch apps or lock the screen


The computer

  • MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2015, company equipped, 256 G is not enough, I bought a SDCZ43 128G U disk has been inserted for expansion
  • Shenzhou Zhanshen Z7-KP7S1, can play some not too demanding PC games

Computer accessories

The monitor, keyboard and mouse are all X2, ensuring the same experience at work and at home.

  • The U28E590Dx2, a Samsung monitor, should be the cheapest 4K
  • (HHKB Pro 2 without engraving + color key cap) X2
  • Razer DeathAdder Chromax2

Home network

  • J1900 Soft Routing + UBNT Switch + (UBNT AP & Asus RT-AC88U)

Mobile phone

  • iPhoneX

The headset

  • Bose QC30, the company environment is a bit noisy, noise cancelling headphones must have

The camera

  • GoPro Hero7 Black

