If you want to learn Python, but don’t know why, here are 10 reasons why it’s good to learn Python in 2021.

However, depending on who is asking the questions, that is, learning Python makes sense for beginners, since simplicity is the main reason to learn Python.

Similarly, learning Python makes sense for experienced programmers looking to enter the field of data science and machine learning, as it is rapidly becoming the most widely used programming language and there are powerful apis and libraries available for AI, data science, and machine learning.

Reason 1: Python is really good for data science

This is the single biggest reason why so many programmers will be learning Python in 2021. A lot of students get bored with Java programming, and they just want to move into data science and learn Python, and the new jobs are often the most exciting, and the pay is really good.

But why is Python the preferred language for data science and machine learning? Wasn’t R considered the best not long ago? I think Python provides a variety of powerful and complete libraries and frameworks, such as PyBrain, NumPy, and PyMySQL, as well as data science and machine learning.

Another reason is diversity, Python allows you to do a lot of things, like go into Web development, you can create scripts to automate things and so on.

Reason 2: Machine learning is changing the world

This is another reason for programmers to learn Python in 2021. The growth of machine learning has been phenomenal, and it’s rapidly changing our world over the past few years.

Google’s search algorithm is a prime example of an algorithm that is getting more complex by the day. Now any question you search for can be answered. There are chatbots that can answer your questions, and Uber is completely algorithmically driven.

If you’re interested in machine learning and want to play with a do-it-yourself project, Python is the only major programming language that makes it easy.

While there are machine learning libraries in Java, we will find much more and much better content in Python, as developers prefer the Python community over anything else in data science and machine learning.

Reason 3: Python is great for Web development

Another reason to learn Python is good Web development support. It provides many good libraries and frameworks, such as Django and Flask, that make Web development very easy.

Tasks that take hours in PHP can be done in Python in minutes. Python is also often used for Web cleansing. Some of the most visited sites on the Internet, such as Reddit, are built in Python.

Reason 4: Python is very beginner friendly and easy to learn

This is the biggest reason beginners choose to learn Python. When we are first introduced to programming and coding, no one wants to start with a programming language with complex syntax and weird rules.

Python is readable and simple, and easier to set up. You don’t have to deal with any classpath issues in Java or compiler issues in C++.

Just install Python. We can run Python from anywhere on the computer, because it will voluntarily help us add Python to our PATH when you install it.

Reason 5: Python has a large learning community

You can never really learn a language by living behind closed doors. So you need a learning community to learn new skills, and people who share your interests to learn and interact with. If you’re constantly stuck in your studies, that’s when you’re going to need help.

We can use Google, Baidu to find a solution to any Python-related problem within minutes. But there are also communities like StackOverflow that bring together lots of Python experts to help beginners.

Reason 6: Python’s libraries and frameworks are so complete

One of the similarities between Python and Java is that there are a number of open source libraries, frameworks, and modules that you can use to do whatever you want, which makes application development very easy.

Imagine how difficult it would be to create a Web application in Java without Spring or to write it in Python without Django or Flask. Libraries and frameworks make our job easier because we just need to focus on the business logic.

Python has many libraries to meet different needs. Django and Flask are two of the most popular in Web development, and NumPy and SciPy are two of the most popular in data science.

In fact, Python has one of the best collections of machine learning and data science libraries, such as TensorFlow, Scikit Learn, Keras, Pandas, and many more.

Reason 7: Automated scripts are so good

I first learned about Python because of a scripting requirement I had. I was using an application that received messages over UDP at the time, but something went wrong and we didn’t see the messages in the logs.

I wanted to check if I received any UDP traffic from the program, and if the port received messages, but I couldn’t find a convenient UNIX command to do this.

A friend sitting next to me, who is studying Python, wrote a utility that uses a module of Python to intercept UDP messages in 5 minutes.

I was impressed by the time it took him to write such a tool, but it only highlights Python’s power in writing scripts, tools, and automating content.

Reason # 8: Python is so versatile

What I like about Python is its versatile nature. It’s not limited to one thing, like R, which has great potential for data science and machine learning, but has little use for Web development. This means there are a lot of things you can do with Python.

You can create Web applications with Django and Flask, and you can use NumPy, Scipy, SciKit-learn, and NLTK for data analysis.

You can even write scripts in Python to automate many everyday tasks.

Reason 9: There is plenty of room for Python to grow, and the employment rate is increasing

Python is evolving so fast that learning a growing programming language can make a lot of sense as you start your programming career.

Not only will it help you find a job quickly, but it will also accelerate your career. As FAR as I can see, for starters, the ease of getting started is just the basics. Easy employment and good prospects are the most important reasons to learn Python.

Reason # 10: Python developers are well paid

Python developers are among the better paid developers.

On average, they make a lot of money, too. Here’s the average salary for Python engineers on the career board, or even more if you’re in data science, machine learning, or artificial intelligence.


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