I still remember that when I bought my first Mac many years ago, THE first thing I did was to search for keywords like “How to use Mac efficiently” and “Recommended apps on Mac”, hoping to improve my Mac with the help of other people’s experience. During this period, I also tried a lot. Here’s a list of some that I found useful.
Editor and Terminal
The editor has been cut from webstorm to vscode. Vscode works really well. The extensions used are:
- Bracket Pari Colorizer 2
- BridleNSIS
- Debugger for Chrome
- ESLint
- GitLens
- HTML Snippets
- LeetCode
- Material Icon Theme
- npm
- open in browser
- output colorizer
- react native tools
- TODO Highlight
- vetur
The terminal uses iTerm2 with oh my ZSH!
Reference: iTerm2 + Oh My Zsh create a comfortable terminal experience
Development assistance
- Postman Interface debugging
- Charles capture package, support HTTPS
- Google Chrome + Firefox + Safari, browser, debugging. Chrome has enabled extensions for:
- Redux DevTools 2.17.0
- Allow – Control – Allow – Origin: * 1.0.3
- Axure RP Extension for Chrome 0.6.3
- Chrome Better History 3.50
- EditThisCookie 1.5.0
- FeHelper 2020.5.2810
- Octotree 5.2.1
- Placeholdifier 0.2.0
- React Developer Tools 4.7.0 (5/18/2020)
- Tag Assistant (by Google) 20.65.0
- Vue. Js devtools 5.3.3
- Protect your eyes 2.1.3
Some useful Git aliases
st = status
co = checkout
cam = commit -a -m
p = push
pl = pull
cob = checkout -b
del = restore --staged
pure = pull --rebase
confall = config --global --list
Copy the code
- OmniGraffle is used for easel composition
- Xmind mind mapping
Word processing
- Typora Markdown’s high appearance level is concise and supports multiple files
- Youdao Cloud Note Cloud note synchronization
- Xnip can annotate and pick colors
- LICEcap record screen and GIF images
- Screenshot as the name suggests, Tencent out of the screenshot tool
The efficiency of
- Alfred + Powerpack application launch, stickboard management, Workflow, Snippets management, and more
- Thor one-click direct application
- Magnet Window layout tool
- F. Lux adjusts the display color temperature to protect your eyes, especially in the morning when the screen is really dazzling
- Netease cloud music but the playlist has been taken down a little too many songs
Install via NPM
- Projj Github/GitLab project management
- Serve Local static server
- Fkill is a better process than kill called killer
- Qrcode-terminal qrcode is generated
- Fy translation between English and Chinese
- Refiddle + Regex101, tune regular expressions
- 30 seconds of code
- Astexplorer, ast
- Globtester, glob
- Ghub. IO, redirect to an NPM package’s Repository Page
- Unpkg is the CDN service of the NPM package. You can view the content after the RELEASE of the NPM package
- Sketchboard + draw. IO + MindMeister + Whimsical, online drawing flowchart
- HackMD, online notes, with PPT presentation function
- Slides, PPT production
- CodeSandbox + Glitch + repl. It, online code editor, the former supports Sandbox container, can run NPM scripts
- Node. green: Queries the ES2018 feature support of NodeJS
- Can I use to query whether the browser supports features
- Carbon generates an image from the source code
- Watches, github issue goes
- Package Diff, comparing direct differences between two versions of NPM packages
- Firefox Send + FFsend: file sharing service
- Cloud Convert, which supports 218 format conversions
- SVGR, SVG to React component
- (Beta) Webpack Config Tool
- The code runs the tool online
- Turn the font icomoon SVG
- CSS Triggers a detailed explanation of CSS styles and support for each browser engine
If you have any useful software or black technology, please let me know in the comments below ~
What’s on my Mac? Rocwong.cn
Sorry cc-2019 sorry CC-2019