What’s new in HTML5?

  1. Semantic tagSuch as:<header><article><footer><nav><aside><section>Etc.
  2. Enhanced forms
    • Multiple new form Input types, such as color, URL,date, etc. These new features provide better Input control and validation.
    • New form elements, such as:, are used for different types of output, such as calculations or feet
    • New form properties, such as the Placehoder property, will display a short prompt on the input field before the user enters a value. That is, the default prompt of our common input box disappears after the user enters.
    • The Required attribute, which is a Boolean attribute. The input field cannot be empty
    • The pattern attribute describes a regular expression for validationElement value.
    • Min and Max properties to set the minimum and maximum value of an element.
    • The step property, which specifies the legal number interval for the input field.
    • Height and width attributes for the image typeThe image height and width of the label.
    • Autofocus property, which is a Boolean property. Specifies that the domain automatically gets focus when the page loads.
    • Multiple property, which is a Boolean property. provisionsThe element allows you to select multiple values.
  3. Added video and audio labels
  4. Canvas drawing
  5. SVG drawing
  6. geolocation
  7. Drag and drop API
  8. Web Worker
  9. Web Storage
  10. WebSocket