The latest news is that the OMG business group of Tencent has changed its boss. In combination with the message left by some friends in the background that they would like to talk more about their work experience and interesting news, today I would like to talk about what I have seen and felt about Tencent

Background: I worked in OMG department of Tencent in Beijing from 2012 to 2013. At that time, I was in Yinke Building. At that time, Wechat was already a star product, and this article is based on my experience.

This article some thoughts disorderly, partial stream of consciousness.

Employees care

Dare to say that Tencent staff care to do the best work in the company, no one, first list a few impressive things.

  1. At that time, the image (Amago) impression store was just opened in Beijing, which contained various experiences and dolls. The company would also organize some doll graffiti activities, and the good ones would be directly displayed in the image store.
  2. The front desk and security guards are outsourced (in fact, most of them are), but they have a good relationship with the staff. Each floor of the front desk can receive medicine, masks, umbrellas, you can let the girl to wash glasses, clean hands after washing, personal feeling than some companies throw an ultrasonic cleaning machine, but few people will use it
  3. If the company activities will be an office area, for some administrative personnel things will not cross the office area, and even do not need to run to the third pole from the silver branch, if this in Baidu will have experience, in addition to the building and science park can not deal with a lot of things.
  4. “Bus culture” : This is one of the things Tencent is most proud of. It is said that the number of buses in Shenzhen is comparable to the number of buses in Shenzhen. If you don’t take the bus, there seems to be a subsidy of 80 yuan per month (if not, it may be used as the group construction cost). The shuttle buses here are real ones to take employees home, not subway buses
  5. There is a special cooperative restaurant for overtime work. At eight o ‘clock in the evening, the security guard will cart out overtime meals. Overtime oneself report, can realize and take off, holiday three times salary
  6. Another interesting thing is that the delivery has to go through security check


After you first get the offer, you will receive an email asking you to choose an English name. In Tencent, most people directly address English names, and the email starts with English names. I remember that three names were needed at that time. It’s kind of like Ali creating a flower name, but I don’t know who started it. Tencent internally called brothers and sisters (Qge qmei), just like Baidu called classmates, is a hint of corporate culture.

I remember that I was in the Yinke building on the day of my entry, and I was given a computer and two QQ dolls. The computer did not need to be moved by myself, but it would be delivered to my workstation by special person or express delivery (not in the Yinke Building). The two figures are used for staff training.

Will have three days after induction off-job training, anyone to attend, because is must be attended during the probation period, if the delay can not attend on time, the local office and no orientation, you need to go to shenzhen or other offices, ticket reimbursement, visible how much tencent value employees’ orientation (heard that ali is a full-time), At that time, there really is a brother in the group to buy air tickets to shenzhen to attend training.

The orientation content probably includes: the company’s policies and cultural learning (exams are required, and dolls are rewarded for good ones), team integration, and visiting the elderly.

Visiting the elderly is a very meaningful activity, two groups, find an old colleague or outstanding person, ask them about their feelings in Tencent, growth experience and other questions, the other party can not refuse, after the interview will give the doll to the colleague being visited.


Good meeting, good parting. The exit experience is also very good. After going through the formalities, there will be a special HR to do the exit interview with you. Resignation interview is probably some questions that can be found on the Internet, such as why you quit, whether you will come back in the future, and whether you will recommend friends (Tencent Bole does a good job, and many employees are recommended by former colleagues). Next time, I will talk about how to do resignation interview in detail.

The resignation interview on the day of resignation is not final, HR may be due to the situation at the time of resignation, leaving colleagues are unlikely to make fun of something, so after a period of time (about 2-3 months, I don’t remember), HR will call you to communicate with you, and continue to do an interview, which is very sincere.

It’s worth noting that untaken annual leave can be cashed in when you leave (it’s unclear). After quitting, you can also follow the wechat official account, bind the employee number, and have some severance benefits, such as the “188” big red envelope last year. At that time, the page will have some data and big events worked in Tencent, also quite sensational ~


Tencent has a lot of activities, there are big events every quarter.

The fruit section

For example, the annual fruit Festival (Litchi Festival) originated from the time when litchi was ripe in Shenzhen every year, and the Shenzhen headquarters would airlift fresh litchi to the employees in each office area. Later, it developed into the fruit Festival (seems to be the name). On that day, people can apply for customized fruits such as litchi and cherry.

SiLing day

Tencent Siling Day is 11.11, Singles Day… There will be various activities in the image and office area, and there will be various dolls and action figures on the day.

Traditional festivals

Chinese traditional festivals: Zongzi Festival and Mooncake Festival, there will be customized zongzi and moon cakes, it is said that the best performance of the department to pay, customized gifts are very product characteristics, not just buy a Wufangzhai zongzi moon cakes settled. I now have the Tencent logo and Qzone music box.

Two sessions & Christmas Party & annual meeting

Every December, close to Christmas, there will be an important “two sessions”, in which Xiao Ma and Martin will do the company’s review of the year and the New Year outlook in shenzhen headquarters.

Every year must do is the Christmas party, the field can allocate quota to attend, that day is basically chartered…

Tencent Christmas Party is also very famous in the local area. When I attended it, there were many posters in shenzhen subway station, and it was an open stadium, so shenzhen citizens could watch it outside. There will be a charity sale for the stadium entrance. Tencent has done a good job in public welfare and has a strong sense of social responsibility.

Drink a spring reception

Tencent’s Spring Festival is celebrated two days longer than the national holiday. The eighth day of the festival is famous for preparing red envelopes in different denominations, which never mind the fact that queuing for red envelopes often makes headlines.

After receiving the red envelope that day, we would “drink spring tea” and have a meal in a high quality place at noon. Then we could go home. At that time, we ate in the “Bai Jia Da Yuan” in Suzhou Street.

Corporate culture publicity

Corporate culture publicity is closer to confidence, rather than new product posters and “political articles”, it is more about introducing anonymous front-line employees. For example, at that time, the publicity materials were mostly interviews with front-line editors.

Other benefits

  • House interest-free loan: this is very early Tencent, 12 years have many colleagues by 30W interest-free loan to buy a house (during the working period, three colleagues in the group), think back to the current housing price… I heard it’s up to 70W now
  • Q coin card: Q coin top-up card will be issued every month, so all kinds of members.
  • There will be various activities to get members, cards and so on.

State employees

Tencent staff quality is very high (although there are various doors..) We can find that there are a lot of big bulls in the company, but there are few big bulls outside the company. For example, it is rare for people like Zhang Xiaolong to share outside, but he can continue to share for 7 hours in the company, which may be related to the style of the boss.

In terms of staff quality, the company avoids some bad habits and develops good habits from entry to daily life:

  1. Retrograde elevator: hearsay is little Horse elder brother discovery is in the building that rents office building jointly, have a meal time to be able to have a lot of people retrograde elevator, be originally go down, but opened an elevator to see a person is full, but ascend elevator is empty however, so a lot of people sit ascend elevator first, then go down to big top floor. After Xiao Ma found out, he thought that other companies could, but Tencent employees could not. Therefore, after a period of publicity, Tencent employees formed good habits
  2. Environmental awareness: the company stipulates that printing should be on both sides, and reimbursement should be affixed with waste paper; Night computer screen closed will have security brother sticker, three times or more will notify the supervisor; Computer shutdown to apply

Every month (seems to be this frequency) the company will once again “auspicious snow activity”, focus on a bad behavior in the company to eliminate publicity, such as: meeting efficiency and such things.

To be honest, I had very few meetings at Tencent… *

High tension line

Tencent’s internal staff are very clean, and the company has a “high voltage line”, which means many things that are clearly stipulated not to do, such as false reimbursement. I heard from HR that someone was fired because he lost 200 yuan of tickets and changed to other tickets.

Of course, this may be for the purpose of publicity, but at that time, my supervisor got a box of iced black tea from the advertiser and said to report it, otherwise it would be checked, which shows how much attention we attach to corruption inside.

Another interesting rule of THE high-voltage line is that in order to keep the internal relationship simple, Tencent employees are not allowed to get married. If they get married, one of them must leave the company (Du Lala was promoted). However, later it was changed to that husband and wife cannot work in the same department, and some sensitive positions, such as personnel, cannot be held in the same company.


Said a lot of employee welfare things, code word more, simply say the work, because the work of the basic Internet companies are about the same, nothing to say, but Tencent has two relatively big characteristics or can talk about

Dominant products

Tencent’s product manager is responsible for many things, from product prototype, interaction to later promotion and operation. PM is often a comprehensive person. The department I was working in at that time, PM alone led the R&D teams in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen to produce prototypes, interact and fly around for publicity. Other departments may have special interaction engineers (UE), but they would use their own products to promote their products

Refinement and micro innovation

Tencent has become synonymous with plagiarism before, but no matter in terms of products or technology, Tencent has done a good job in micro innovation and refinement. Many function points are not decided by shooting heads, but by research. In addition, I did a lot of things in detail, even to the extreme.


There are big company disease, internal struggle, Shenzhen headquarters better departments, more popular

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