I’m a programmer

I’m a programmer

I am a girl from Xidian University. I just graduated in 2016. Previously from Ericsson, he joined Huawei in December.

At present, I mainly work with huawei outsourcing partners to do some basic work. Just now, I also experienced an accountability and was criticized by my boss. I feel very nervous every day, but I still don’t regret my choice now.

Choose to become a programmer

At the beginning, my major was theoretical, and the job corresponding to my major was not programmer. But when I was in the second year of graduate school, I found it was not easy to find a job in my major, so I thought about what to do in the future.

At that time, there were all kinds of voices telling me that it would be more stable for girls to find a state-owned enterprise, or that girls could do a test at most instead of doing development.

I think that’s the best I can do, and working in a state-owned enterprise is boring. So what am I supposed to do?

I applied for a training class, but I found that my teaching was very shallow, and my efficiency in reading was also very slow. When I really looked for a job after graduation, I found that my ability was very average.

In addition, my current husband and former boyfriend is in Xi ‘an, so I can’t go to other places and can only find a job in Xi ‘an.

I could not find a particularly good development company, so I went to Ericsson at that time. Because my English was good, I worked in Ericsson as technical support. The work is relatively relaxed, but the total feeling is not full.

So I decided to get a job in development. Maybe it has something to do with my personality, because I am lively and like challenges.

Work for choice

I stayed at Ericsson for about nine months, and half of that time I learned programming.

This process is especially painful, because every day after work, you have to resist the urge to watch TV, play video games, and read a book.

As expected, opportunities favor those who are well prepared. Just when I thought I had accumulated a lot of development knowledge, I met a valuable person — my friend, who is a manager of huawei’s product line.

At that time, he put out a recruitment post in the graduate student group and said Huawei would recruit people, so I said I wanted to have a try. After the interview, I felt that their level at that time and their expectations are still far from. Of course, I am better than my student days, but Huawei is a very powerful company, and their requirements for programmers, especially social recruitment requirements are very high.

The curve saves the country and runs towards the ideal

I thought: How am I going to get in? My teachers and friends asked me if I would like to work outside for a few months as an intern.

Feel very depressed at that time, how to say I also be a graduate student, still be of western electricity, how likelihood do outsource? ! Maybe I have a one-sided understanding of outsourcing. I always think it is very low-end, and I reject it because of vanity.

But after half a day, I came to understand: I am learning things, first learn in outsourcing for a period of time, and then enter Huawei with a better attitude. If I don’t go now, I may miss out on a dream job at one of China’s great companies.

Find deficiencies, adjust the direction, continue to work hard

After working for several months, I feel that I have made great progress, but not as fast as I imagined. However, I found that in work, skills are one aspect, and “working” is also very important. Being able to work can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Today, I was also shocked by a fellow programmer. His Excel was very good and solved many practical problems. I don’t think you should underestimate any technology at work, even if it doesn’t look “core” on the surface.

That’s all I’ve had so far. It’s a simple process. Just one of the hard, only their own know. I think the most important thing is to be a pure human being and not to think too much and not to listen to what other people say.

I’m a female programmer

Girl-only pressure

There may be more resistance to being a female programmer, especially since I got married in April, and I do find that there are some differences.

As a girl, you probably have less energy and less mind than a guy. But that doesn’t stop us from being a particularly good programmer. If you see a difficulty as a difficulty, it is; On the other hand, if it is not considered difficult, it is not.

For example: Don’t expect your husband to feel sorry for you, he will think he found a fake wife.

In this regard, I am deeply inspired. There were times when I worked late into the wee hours, and when I got home, he would give me a hard look. Before I also and he cold war, but later I thought, we are adults, can not have a little girl’s heart, expect others to hurt, others coax. Life is not about what we get from others, but what we can give to others.

Enrich yourself and live for yourself

If we have a solid schedule, filled with things like studying, going out, etc., we don’t pay too much attention to the moods of our partner. And the more independent you are, the more he loves you.

Now I will be very positive every day, will not be affected by my husband’s mood. This will make you feel powerful, dependent on you, following you, and even doing things for you. So there’s really no need to be sentimental about small emotions.

Husbands don’t influence us, we influence them. We’re women, but that doesn’t stop us from being strong.

Life is very simple, as long as you work well and live well. I even want to challenge the idea that men are all in this together — be truly independent, that’s all!

The lessons of the past are to be learned

When I was an undergraduate, I could actually do some preparatory work for programming and lay some foundation. But when I was young, I didn’t think about taking on something for the future. What I wanted was to get good grades and learn English well.

I think I have three more years to go to graduate school, so I am not in a hurry to do anything for career development. It turned out that if you avoided it at the beginning, you would double it later.

So I hope each of us can stand in the mature point of view to think: what kind of person do I want to be in the future? What ideals do I have? Think of it this way.

Some learning gains

  • Programmer is a very important ability of the occupation, even if the undergraduate school is not ideal, as long as the heart to learn, development opportunities are great, and do not need to rely on the management of interpersonal relations for development;

  • For non-computer professional friends, if self-study ability is general, can sign up for a basic training class. If the ability is relatively strong, self-control, you can read books, find some videos on the Internet, do some programming projects; One of my friends graduated from Xi ‘an Polytechnic University. The best major in that university is textile engineering. But he felt that he wanted to be a programmer, so he signed up for a training class and studied full-time. Now he’s testing for a mid-sized company, earning a decent salary and thriving better than most of his classmates.)

  • Learn a certain degree, if you can have an internship opportunity, is the best. There is a framework at work that allows you to apply the skills you learn to that framework. Experience in practice is more deep, effective than simply reading a book.

  • Learning to code isn’t that hard, just spend some time figuring out the logic. As long as willing to work hard, get started very quickly, especially our young people, basically to half a year can become a very good development!

  • If you choose to do something, stick to it.

  • As a girl, don’t think too much about marriage and children when you first start working.