
In fact, I wrote an article about Chrome plugins 18 years ago, in which amway included 4 Chrome plugins. Given that it’s 9102 years old, the chrome plugin that was thought to be good doesn’t taste as good as what you’ve learned. So I decided to update it again and make up for a few mods that I had missed.

Using effective and useful plug-ins will make our work in a relatively comfortable state and work more smoothly.

Toby. – I lose if it’s not intuitive

Toby can be used as an enhanced bookmark bar. You can bookmark your favorite websites by category. You can also tag each category and filter it in the upper right corner.

When you open a lot of websites and have to shut down your computer, Toby can save all the websites you open at one time and restore them the next time you open the browser.

–> <–

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Todoist – Forget what is impossible todo

If you have too many things that need to be done every day, but you don’t have a very good memory and sometimes forget most of the things that need to be done, then you may need todoist.

This is a plug-in to-do list. There is also a desktop version of Todoist in the App Store, where you can log in to the same account for data linkage.

–> <–

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Recover close TAB – Never scroll through history again

Do you often shut down pages you need to use? Do you still know the url when you turn it off? Don’t know the web address and have to look it up in history?

Recover-close-tab is for you. It opens directly to the last page you closed. Perfect for the disabled.

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Saladict – Mom no longer has to worry that I can’t read English documents

This is a plug-in for translation. For a sentence or word that needs to be translated, give a variety of translation tools for reference. Simply double click the word and hover the logo next to it.

Sometimes the translation result of this translation tool is different from that of another tool. Therefore, only by integrating multiple reference results can we better understand the meaning of the original text.

< — – > stamp it

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Crx-mouse – Never hit the back button again

Ever since I started using this plugin, I’ve felt how uncomfortable it is to hit the back button in the top left corner.

With this mouse gesture plugin, right-click and swipe to the left to return to the last page you visited. Like I said before, it’s smooth.

There are many other gestures you can use, such as move to the left TAB, move to the right TAB, new TAB, close the current TAB, forward, backward, slide down a page quickly, slide up a page quickly, and so on, which are very useful.

–> <–

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Octotree – Finally read the source code in peace

When looking at the source code of some projects on Github, the experience of going back to the previous level is not good, sometimes it takes a long time to wait, sometimes it takes a long time to find the files. This plugin displays the tree structure of the entire project just like your IDE.

Install address: –> stamp this <–

Write in the back

Welcome to amway plugins that you think are useful, we can share and communicate with each other to improve their “user experience”.