This is the 27th day of my participation in the More text Challenge

Think of girlfriend cute smile

I was filled with joy

When I was interested in talking to my girlfriend

Only to find that

The response was a red exclamation point

I was stunned

Didn’t you remember to say good night last night?

Or did you buy her breakfast this morning and she didn’t like it?

Or didn’t let her walk inside the street last night?


I looked at myself over and over again

What did you do wrong

All of these things look like possible reasons to block


I can only apologize with the utmost sincerity

That’s how this is gonna end

So I launched a new attack

An hour passed

Two hours passed

Still no response

Forget it

Don’t want to tube

Oh, no

What if she adds me back and I don’t reply in time

It’s gonna make things worse


Don’t be afraid. You have a blocked resurrection checker

Its main function is to detect if your girlfriend is blocking you and give you feedback.

Close the 360 before use

1. Check Settings

2. Notification Settings

After the girlfriend pull you out from the blacklist, you can choose a way to notify you

3. Automatic reply

After your girlfriend pulled you off the blacklist, can automatically reply.

4. Conditions for closing the program

After setting these, click “Run” and scan the wechat code to log in

Once logged in, the checker will automatically check if your girlfriend added you back.

OK, when you’re playing a game and your girlfriend suddenly adds you back, your brother gets the message immediately.

This is the inspector will automatically help you reply to your girlfriend, for you to buy some time

Ok, at this time I believe with brother’s hand speed, you should have been informed. I’ll leave it to you.

Finally, I advise you: small lick for joy, big lick injury body.

Now it’s time to get down to business.

The source code is on Github, the code is a bit heavy, you are interested to see directly, the file size of 90 megabits.

Source link the code

Finally thank big guy to provide the source code.