“This is the first day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022”

What do-you-need-to-know-about-new-era-of-Internet-Web-3-0-as-a-frontend developer

When Facebook renamed itself Meta and decided to move into the “metasverse,” Web 3.0 became popular again.

In fact, there is no exact definition of Web3.0, but it is often associated with blockchains, cryptocurrencies, meta-universes and other emerging things.

With a 10-year transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, we may need to wait for Web 3.0 as well.

Only the small lotus showed its sharp horn, and only the dragonfly stood up.

Like three even, rich little hands 👍👍👍

Web 1.0 static era

Let’s take a look back at Web 1.0, the Paleolithic era:

Web 1.0, which began in 1994 and lasted until 2004, was a time when websites were static pages with text and images that could do nothing but read text and read it like a newspaper.

And the Internet at this time has no protection mechanism, users can easily click malicious links, infected with viruses.

With technologies like Flash and JavaScript coming into play, the web has embraced the 2.0 era and everything has become much more dynamic.

Web 2.0 big data era

Web 2.0 is the era of big data, which began in 2004, and users are no longer “reading newspapers.”

Users began to interact with the web, Posting, leaving comments, buying and selling items, and so on. This is where collecting user data and then analyzing it becomes especially important.

Users are data, and data is money.

Users create data, but they don’t own it, it’s the big companies that do, they store it, they manage it, and privacy becomes a precious thing. You can always see ads for the things you want to buy

Web 3.0 blockchain era

The Web 3.0 era is coming. In 3.0, the user becomes the owner of the data! Decentralized blockchain networks make this a reality.

There is no CEO, no company, no central server, the service is open source, the protocol is agreed upon, the transport is private and secure, and the copyright is protected (NFT). Faster, more secure, more anonymous, more virtual.

Users can connect to different virtual worlds and interact with 3D models or other people.

Sound crazy? But it is already happening!

What are the actual Web3.0 applications currently online?

In the next article, we’ll look in more detail at the possible implementations of Web 3.0 applications, such as Metaverse, Investopedia, and so on.

If you are interested, focus on not getting lost

I’m Nuggets Anthony, output exposure input, technical insight into life.