In recent years, more and more people do corporate signature, corporate signature because of its convenience is loved by many people. APP operators only need to send IPA packets to signers, and after signing, they can download and use them through two-dimensional code or link. The whole process only takes a few minutes.

But in the subsequent use of the APP, a lot of users will encounter such problems, is the signature good APP suddenly can’t use, or can’t open it, or refund, many customers encounter a situation will be upset, thought is signed off, actually this kind of situation is quite common, have a plenty of because losing sign, However, most of them are due to the expiration of the signature. At this time, we can contact the customer service of the signature platform for renewal. But what should we pay attention to when renewing iOS enterprise signatures?

Generally, when a signature expires, the signature platform will receive a reminder from the system 24 hours in advance. In this case, the client of the signature platform will remind the client that the APP is about to expire and renew the application in advance. At this point, we need to measure the overall situation over the long period of cooperation. For example, if you think it is good, you can renew it directly. If you don’t like it in all aspects, you can consider changing to another company for cooperation. After all, it is very easy to lose our users and all the previous work will fall short.

Itself, as an APP that operators often don’t want to change the signature, after all, remove a new thing, we need to talk a lot of time to learn to build trust, and finally to establish cooperative relations, so in order to avoid more trouble things, or to find a formal platform to do the cooperation, here, give you several criteria:

** First of all, we need to see whether the certificate resources of the signature service provider are high quality or not. ** Because the number of certificates is directly related to the issue of whether the APP can cancel the signature and the efficiency of the signature. Formal signature platforms have multiple certificates in reserve. When the APP loses a signature, it responds quickly, whether at work or after work, so certificate resources are really important.

Second, we also have to see the after-sales service of the signature service provider, the whole process is the need for customer service to assist us to complete, if a signature business customer service you contact many times have no reply, that person suggested not to cooperate, formal signature customer service is 7X24 online speed response, Poor after-sales service will bring a lot of trouble to our follow-up promotion!

* * 3, we see signature service providers of risk control, * * as you all know, now the apple to the APP review is very strict, for the violation shall be treated according to seal book is APP, the signature of the formal service providers of risk control is very strict, IPA with grey bag is uniformly rejected, so if any IPA package after, That must not be credible.

The above is about iOS enterprise signature renewal should pay attention to all the problems expounded, I hope to help you. Finally, I wish you a smooth and prosperous APP promotion in the future.

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