The language is intended to be used for project development and can produce many great products. So what seems to be Golang’s best projects? Do not search do not know, a search startled! Here are some of the best golang projects I’ve collected:

  • Docker, golang’s number one excellent project, realizes the isolation of operating system and application through virtualization technology, also known as container;

  • Kubernetes, developed by Google, k8S for short, K8S and Docker are the important infrastructure of current containerization technology;

  • Etcd, a reliable distributed KV storage system somewhat similar to ZooKeeper, can be used for fast cloud configurations;

  • Codis, a set of excellent Redis distributed solution developed and provided by Chinese people;

  • Tidb, a distributed SQL database developed by PingCAP team in China, is used by many Internet companies in China.

  • Influxdb focuses on high-performance query and storage of sequential data, often used in system monitoring and finance.

  • Cockroachdb, cloud native distributed database, a new concept after NoSQL, called NewSQL database;

  • Beego, a lightweight, high scalability and high performance Web application framework developed by Chinese people;

  • Caddy, an analogy to Nginx, an open source Web server that supports HTTP/2;

  • Flynn, an open source PaAS platform;

  • Consul, HashiCorp’s open source tool for service discovery and configuration in distributed systems;

  • Go-kit, Golang-related microservices frameworks, such as Go-Micro, Typthon;

  • Go-ethereum, the officially developed ethereum protocol implementation;

  • Couchbase is a non-relational database;

  • NSQ, a high-performance, highly available message queuing system that can process billions of messages per day;

  • Packer, a tool for generating image files for different platforms, such as VM, Vbox, AWS, etc.

  • Doozer: High-speed distributed data synchronization service, similar to ZooKeeper;

  • Tsuru: An open source PAAS platform that does exactly what SAE does;

  • Gor: a simple HTTP traffic replication tool implemented in Go;

As you can see from this list of projects, many new projects are being developed using Golang, covering a wide range of areas.