As a programmer, have you ever considered the question, “What level of programmer do you want to be?” If you haven’t already, it’s time to close your eyes and think hard.

This is not an easy question to answer because it is more or less serious. Suppose I were to ask you, “What’s your favorite book?” “, though a little serious, you might answer without thinking: “The Ordinary World.” The difficulty index of these two kinds of problems is obviously not on the same order of magnitude.

But even if it’s a question you find difficult to answer, it’s a question you should think about, for your own sake.

“Maybe I want to be a good programmer in five years!” You might think so, but that’s too general an answer. So let me talk about the level of programmers I work with.

01. Bad programmers

The word “bad” in front of a programmer is a bit of a pain in the ass (and probably a pain in the ass), but THERE’s no denying that I’ve worked with a couple of programmers at this level.

“How can you kick me out of the group? I just asked a few introductory questions. Why?”

I’ve had a couple of situations where I’ve been asked a question that was outrageously simple a month ago in a group and then asked it again a month later with no improvement — I just had to kick it out.

For example, “MySQL installation continues to fail, what can I do, God?” Don’t laugh, I did it for him remotely (for free). The next month, he asked again: “MySQL has been remote connection failure, how to do?”

Indeed, I am not a great god. I was really pissed off, but I managed to calm him down and said, “Dude, you can refer to this article I wrote earlier (read my old blog carefully for the link). It’s very detailed.”

In the first three years of my career, I also encountered a similar situation: “Brother, there is something wrong with your interface……” Before I finished, he rushed to say: “Brother, it is clearly your document writing problems, ok?” He rolled his eyes.

“Brother, you don’t worry, wait for me to finish……” “Have what to say of, you go to correct the document first come over.”

I don’t see much sympathy for programmers at this level. The person wants progress, if take small white all the time self-regard perhaps shirk responsibility will conceal oneself not to think for progress, that can consider to change a profession really.

02. The average programmer

A programmer at this level can handle general programming tasks, and I, for example, probably fall into this category.

I don’t have any geek spirit in me. I don’t like tinkering with fancy technology. I don’t like reading deep, boring theoretical books like Introduction to Algorithms.

The starting point for me to study a technology is to meet the needs of the job. The company needed me to work on SQL, so I did; The company wanted me to work on Ruby, so I did; The company needed to study Flex, so I did; The company needed me to work on JavaScript, so I went to……

If a technology is not useful, I will never actively research it; Docker, Vue, Python, etc. Because technology is never finished, never finished! A simple Java, if you want to become a god, estimated to learn for several years, with my talent.

Some people may seriously suggest, “Diligence can compensate for clumsy ah, you spend more time, skills do not pressure the body!”

Yes, but I think I’m skilled enough to do my job; At the present stage, I should focus on writing more high-quality articles and learning how to operate so as to make the “King of Silence” more original.

The average programmer should not be disrespected. Lack of talent is no big deal. The important thing is to know how to make the best of a weapon that is not sharp enough.

03. Good programmers

Programmers at this level are always comfortable in their jobs and can get along with their colleagues (not in a bruising way). I know a lot of programmers who love programming and are respected. When it comes to completing a task, they deliver more than expected.

It’s an honor to have spent time with them.

Here’s an example. I have a leader, or master, whom we affectionately call Lao Pan. My master is very devoted to his work. When reviewing, he can see some very small scale offsets by naked eyes (at that time, we used to make some Chart pictures with Flex). At this time, we always joke: “Boss Pan, is there a invisible scale on your glasses?” .

You have to resist his habit of carefulness. Every time he asked me to make an Excel, I checked it back and forth three times, thought there were no mistakes, and then passed it to him carefully, waiting for his praise. But he soon sent me a complaint, saying that I had made a mistake somewhere, and said, “Be careful, Xiao Wang.” “Every time I hear this, I get discouraged and tell myself to be careful next time — only to be told again that maybe this is the difference between average and excellent.

Good programmers are always indispensable to the company, and the company creates more value because of them, but it is sad to leave them.

04. Well-known programmers

Programmers at this level are well known in the world. They might work for a big, well-known company, an influential startup, or be a freelancer making millions of dollars a year.

They tend to share, think, and make money, as if programming is no longer their concern, replaced by user growth, knowledge realization, and great products.

They can easily attract large numbers of fans if they are willing to be seen; If they are willing to auction a circle of friends friends, bidders are also an endless stream; If they give a class and publish a book, sales will jump ahead before you know it.

Maybe they should stop imposing programmers on them, and if they do, they should be preceded by a “before”. This kind of programmer is not all high and mighty, some are very easy to approach, in the communication with them, you even have a kind of illusion — am I his big brother, he is my little brother?

Famous programmers are scarce, and before they became scarce, they had a story to tell — one thousand and one Nights, if he would tell it.

05, finally

It’s up to you what level of programmer you want to be. But I hope you can work hard towards your goals with passion!

I remember that there is an article in my junior high school textbook, called “Thirteen-year-old Fortune” by Tian Xiaofei. My father likes this article very much. There is a wonderful quote in this article, which is so impressive that I share it with you.

There is nothing to hold me — except purpose though there are roses by the shore, and there are shades of green, and there are still harbours I am not bound