The start of 2018 promises to be a “tumultuous” year, with layoffs washing under our feet as early as February, boiling frogs.

Memories that began to turn yellow

That afternoon, we were still munching on candy bars and pounding away at our mechanical keyboards. The rhythmical sound was our programmer’s declaration that we wanted to change the world. When I came back, stunned and frustrated, I turned it off, packed up, and walked out of the war zone where we had fought together. The sudden and “blatant” lay-offs continued for three rounds.

I was in charge of the front end of a home graphic design client, but instead of Electron, it was a Windows desktop client written in Qtopia with front end pages embedded. After successfully completing the first version of the software, I resigned in July 2018. The process was very simple, and my boss signed the software freely. I also left with a sense of peace.

I have worked in this company for 14 months in total, and the salary and benefits are not good, but I got to know a bunch of lovely, lively and energetic friends. Under the patient guidance of the team leader, I also learned PHP, helped to share some PHP development tasks, and wrote an API service with ThinkPHP 5 framework. I also went over the basics of Python 3, but didn’t have time to do a small project.

Although, also worth the trip, front-end, I learned to use two large platform capture tools Fiddler, Charles, with SwitchHosts, the debugging to play fun; I made a desktop client for a small front-end team that can monitor file changes and automatically refresh the browser, the core of which is BrowserSync, and took the opportunity to learn Electron. This small project has not been opened source due to my laziness so far. With the project completed ahead of schedule, I learned the React Little Book written by the big Beard, which is a good way to get started. There are some bits and pieces, new knowledge points, although there is precipitation into the document, but did not carry out systematic sorting and correlation, now recall, it seems that did not learn. “A hundred miles and a half,” something like that.

Because of lazy and unsystematic planning, I had a fair amount of input and very little output, and the quality was not high. A front-end like me, in my own place, is far from passing muster. However, these feelings often seem to fade away in my sleep, and only my heart becomes more and more anxious, like the last yellow autumn leaf hanging on a bare bough.

A bad beginning is worth remembering

In April 2018, before voluntarily leaving, I went to Tencent, the place of pilgrimage in my heart, to interview for the position of front-end development. I went through three rounds, survived the first two rounds of technical interviews, and kneeled very directly before the manager’s basic algorithm interview in the third round. Bad start, come back to the pain, while learning algorithm knowledge, while output in the personal public number “program ape uncle he” and digging gold, flat response, also right, compared to others to write the front-end algorithm article or do learning algorithm App, it is too good to be true.

In many nights of tossing and turning, thinking about their way out as a front end, how to set a standard to meet their psychological expectations. The selfishly flashing of the neon lights, out of the window the night room smelled of dark, thinks he have much to understanding or for multiple knowledge are used, but never thought to connect various points of knowledge, through a knowledge network, and then found that he had never pay attention to personal knowledge framework. How many times vue-CLI, but also built their own scaffolding wheel IRM-CLI, read the teacher Huang Yi “Revealed vue.js”, but never thought to take a good look at their knowledge framework, think of this, suddenly from the “grave of youth” – bed in the play sit up, only feel cool back.

As a front-end programmer without my own knowledge framework, I have not examined whether my knowledge reserve structure is reasonable, complete and robust.

Oh! I found the source of my long – standing unease.

What is lost is gained

In July 2018, AFTER I quit my job, I had to stay idle for nearly a month. Firstly, I wanted to relax, and secondly, I wanted to stop and review what I had gained and lost in my last company. Finally, I chose to work in a bank, with a formal establishment and excellent welfare and annual salary. At that time, I was thinking, why did I achieve the so-called “high annual salary” of hundreds of thousands of yuan in the novel?

Later, in my continuous reading, I came across this sentence:

In the future, you will find that most of the so-called high salaries in most jobs will be low salaries once you achieve financial freedom.

All of a sudden, I was out of pride. With my metacognitive ability cultivated by reading the columns above, I reexamined myself. I was just a frog in a well, with only my own technology, work and life in the world.

Metacognition, or metacognition, is the ability to understand and reflect on one’s own thinking process. Its strengthening rely on with the usual “deliberate exercise”, and the progress of the metacognitive ability and can, in turn, strengthen the ability to “deliberate exercise”, in this cycle, so why do the good people will be more and more outstanding, because their thinking process, is in the course of evolution, constantly increase the circuitry of the cerebral cortex, finally increase the surface area of the brain cortex.

Fortunately, I learned how to upgrade my brain’s operating system step by step, inch by inch, toward the moonlit wellhead, knowing that there were vast skies beyond which falcons flew, and galaxies full of unknowns.

Ready to go

If I say, the biggest gain of 2018, that is to open my metacognitive ability.

And technically:

  • Analyzed the implementation process and basic principle of Vue, but there is no independent implementation Demo;
  • React and Redux, do basic TODO;
  • Learned part of the iView component source code design specifications;
  • I learned the basic Python, and with the support of the front-end foundation, I read the Introduction to Python Data Analysis and did the unprofessional crawler.
  • I learned to use CI/CD service of Gitlab and built GitLab-Runner on my own server.
  • Finished the basic PHP, using TP5 framework TODO a TODO API service;
  • Learn and build nginx server, simple configuration basically over;
  • I added SSL certificates to my blog domain and designed and completed the Hexo theme myself, see:
  • Play with wepy and MPVue and prefer MPvue;
  • Played docker;
  • Played Travis and Github;
  • Linode was used to build a private science Internet server, which was changed to BBR magic to accelerate the kernel, and installed SS background management system. It does not spread and share the process and experience, but only for learning purposes.

In addition, I am also used to surfing on several foreign technology networks to broaden my vision or to further study, some of which require scientific Internet access:

  • Google Chrome Developers
  • JavaScript Weekly
  • 33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

The last “achievement”, burning money, bought a pile of books, abruptly filled the bookcase line:

In 2019, I will use the most important skills I have learned over the past year to help me achieve the following goals:

  1. Further upgrade the brain operating system to enhance metacognitive ability;
  2. Do a good job of personal public number, as their own output platform at the same time, to bring readers can really use experience;
  3. Will do their own demo, all put on Github open source;
  4. Read more books, walk longer;
  5. Continue to run 3km a day at night and work out on machines 3-4 times a week to gain 75kg.

2019, perhaps is the extraordinary one in my life, but I want to make it start strongly, than in the past have yellowing of the year, a wonderful ten times or even one hundred times, just in the last day of the year the last minute, I will raise my glass to me is not an ordinary one classic iced coke, allow it to impact my throat, a carefree feed reward I will work hard this year.

In addition, leave a link for the nuggets official the campaign: Denver annual essay | 2018 technical way with me The campaign is under way…