Original: Taste of Little Sister (wechat official ID: XjjDog), welcome to share, please reserve the source. Any reprint that does not retain this statement is plagiarism.

No one knew, after thousands of years, Bi Sheng and Longjing, actually had contact. All because of the Oracle JDK.

Tencent yi JDK, name Kona. It scares me to hear about these amazing companies making amazing things these days.

Every time you look, you piss.

“Oracle is freaking out! Huawei also open-source their own JDK!” This kind of topic see many, I really is a bit want to see the excitement of Oracle. With so many challengers, can Oracle withstand the barrage?

So, which of these challengers is stronger? Who can challenge Oracle’s hegemony? Let’s take a look at some of these overbearing JDKS.


Huawei JDK, named Bi Sheng.

“Bison JDK is an open source version of Huawei’S internal OpenJDK customized version. It is a high-performance OpenJDK distribution that can be used in production environments.”

“Bison JDK currently supports only two LTS versions based on OpenJDK 8 and 11; The BISON JDK currently supports Linux/AArch64 platforms.”

The BISON JDK has been upgraded to version 8U262. Thanks to the contributions of many developers in the OpenJDK community, the BISON JDK now supports JFR.

Dare not overblown, also dare not have the slightest look flat meaning. The above two paragraphs are quotes from other articles.

So, who is Bi Sheng? He is the inventor of movable type printing. His main invention is copy. Well, printing is copy, one of the four great inventions. At present, even baidu lower limit search, input bi Sheng two words, there is no JDK and any association.

So Oracle won’t panic just yet. Let’s make Bi Sheng a keyword first. Chrysanthemum factory has a long way to go.

Its address is:

Copy the code


Alibaba’s open-source version is called Dragonwell. Please forgive my ignorance and please forgive the ignorance of Youdao Dictionary, I don’t know what this word means.

Finally, Baidu taught me. I’m a Dragonwell. We often talk about longjing tea, which is called Dragonwelltea.

Isn’t Java coffee? How did it turn into tea? Change the soup and change the dressing? Not necessarily!

“Alibaba Dragonwell is a free, production-ready Open JDK distribution that provides long-term support, including performance enhancements and security fixes.”

“As the cornerstone of Java applications, Alibaba Dragonwell supports all Java businesses within Alibaba’s economy. Alibaba Dragonwell is fully compliant with the Java SE standard. You can develop Java applications on any common operating system, including Linux, Windows, and macOS, and choose Alibaba Dragonwell for your runtime production environment.”

Well, it’s better than Huawei, at least it supports Windows.

On Github, the star count also reached 3k! At present, it is better than Huawei! Updated history, also 7 years ago, proved that people are really long-term maintenance, is not empty talk.

But faith is priceless. When their ancestors come from the Open JDK, it depends who has more worshippers.

Its address is:

Copy the code


“Kona is a JDK release based on OpenJDK, maintained and developed by Tencent’s professional JVM technical team, with long-term support and quarterly updates. Kona is currently used as the default JDK in Tencent cloud business scenarios and other Java application scenarios. Kona is based on OpenJDK, while providing more function expansion and maintenance. Through Tencent Kona, users can get more advanced features and performance optimization, improving the user experience and developers. Currently, Tencent Kona only supports Linux x86-64-bit systems.”

With our analysis above, and the written description above, I don’t think I need to say much.

It’s a pitiful less than 500 stars, not as many as one night’s readme for collating data. With this kind of attention, it’s going to take a lot of effort to challenge Oracle.

Its address is:

Copy the code

To compare

Why put Bi Sheng in the first place? It is obviously inferior to Longjing. Because I like his name, they do not shy away from “printing” and “art”. However, Tencent, as the originator of “printing”, coy with a “Kona” name. I’d call it BestJDK. Ambition would be straightforward.

However, before anyone can challenge Oracle, it is customary to have a time of chaos. Hopefully, these JDK will sit together and have a contest over who is No. 1. Don’t let the media tell you what to do.

In addition, without exception, all the OX X JDK, there is an Open JDK. I wish I didn’t have that word to express a little surprise, but it didn’t.

The outdated JFR function has become a hot topic of publicity. When I think about it, it is because JFR is so partial that ordinary Java practitioners are easily fooled and scared to death.

Since they all come from the Open JDK, why not feed back into the community and start a branch of their own? As a developer, should we support this behavior?

After Oracle announced their own JDK charge (8U211/8U212), the better choice is OpenJDK. But everyone is used to downloading the JDK from Oracle and is skeptical of OpenJDK.

What makes you so skeptical of OpenJDK that you trust the wild JDK after clone OpenJDK?

Oracle has shredded the Java ecosystem with its reckless behavior. These companies’ attention-grabbing behavior has further fractured the Java ecosystem. To reduce potential concerns about fragmentation, AdoptOpenJDK strongly encouraged all OpenJDK providers to submit patches to OpenJDK. But that is no longer possible.

A thousand mile dam is destroyed by a nest. With Bi Sheng, Longjing and Kona, Oracle will have to weigh it up.

Xjjdog is a public account that doesn’t allow programmers to get sidetracked. Focus on infrastructure and Linux. Ten years architecture, ten billion daily flow, and you discuss the world of high concurrency, give you a different taste. My personal wechat xjjdog0, welcome to add friends, further communication.