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The road ahead is long, I will search up and down.

The story begins in 2011, when I started college as a software engineering major.

At that time, in addition to mathematics and English, this kind of professional courses in the university are basically some computer language courses, such as “C# language programming foundation”, “object-oriented programming” and so on.

To be honest, I was probably born front-end (although I didn’t know what front-end was at the time), and I wasn’t interested in these back-end programming languages.

So my freshman year and sophomore year went by with no plan for my life and no idea what I was going to do after graduation. Basically, there was nothing for me to do except hang out in student organizations.

In 2013, the situation changed suddenly. Maybe I was in the third year of college and wanted to make some money in my spare time. Different from other students who were looking for part-time jobs, I began to learn about “earn money online”.

At that time, I also paid for courses and materials. Although I didn’t make any money, I had to say that I learned how to build a website from the courses (most of the websites at that time were written in PHP) and did SEO. I began to learn how to build a blog with WordPress and build a forum with Discuz. Therefore, I bought a server and applied for several domain names. It was a Nice experience to have a blog of my own at that time.

Of course, when used to various WordPress templates also tired, want to play their own tricks, so I began to change its source code, at this time I began to contact HTML and CSS, at that time I felt that CSS to write a dynamic effect (not called animation) is a very cool thing.

In order to create a satisfying personal blog as soon as possible, I began to learn related technologies with the help of the school library. I still remember clearly that the first front-end book I borrowed was Crazy HTML + CSS + JavaScript by Li Gang, a very thick book.

At that time, most of the books in the library that can be called the front end are what “Web design and website construction from entry to master”, “Web production and website construction actual combat” and so on, there is a more classic is “sharp jQuery”, now on jingdong still sell.

These were the books that carried me through my junior year and the first semester of my senior year. In any class, I would take a seat in the back of the class with a book in front of me. Therefore, my graduation project in university is also the construction of a personal blog system related to the front end. The main highlight lies in the various animations and styles of the front end of the blog.

As a matter of fact, there were only a few front-end graduation projects at that time, and the defense evaluation teachers could not answer questions. After all, there were no professional front-end teachers in the school, so they found my interest and let me pass, which also benefited from the fact that I found my first internship.

In my senior year, I worked as an intern in a network company with about 100 employees. I lived in a four-person dormitory, and the salary was very low, 2,000 per month, but I was paid in cash. Therefore, grandpa felt very happy to get a pile of hair every time he got paid. Because it was an internship, the interview mainly focused on my strong learning ability and interest in this area, and did not require too much experience.

Although I only worked as an intern in this company for more than three months (from the end of 2014 to the beginning of 2015), I was full and passionate. Every night in the dormitory, I could talk about technology and life with several other internship partners. On Saturday and Sunday, I would also go to the company to work overtime or study voluntarily.

At that time, the main task of the front end of the company was to draw pages with HTML and CSS (Kendo UI and less) and deal with the compatibility problems of various browsers. JS was basically out of my reach as an intern, and most of it was written by the back end (basically jQuery).

The main reason for leaving the company is that I still hope that I can go to a big company while I am young. Therefore, ON the day of leaving, I sent the team leader an email to thank her for her careful cultivation and guidance.

After that, I began to work my way to the company and goals I wanted, and the skills I listed on my resume looked like this:

For a fresh graduate (class of 2015), it would be no problem to master these front-end skills and find a satisfying job, so I invested in a game company THAT I had always wanted to work for. After all, I also liked playing various online games at that time, hoping to experience the feeling of working in such a company.

It was not long before I received the interview, and I was happy and nervous. On the day of the interview three interviewers take turns to ask questions, ask the question is not deep, basically take an examination of some basic knowledge, a more impressive problem is the primary difference between asked me grunt and glup, then really don’t know, but want to half a day to express out performance two characters, actually right, now think really is the tie.

After I entered the company, I found out that the department I belonged to was newly established. There was only one front end for me, and the other three back ends (including a group leader) were mainly engaged in the development of middle and background systems of the company’s internal operation and maintenance platform. It was a bit frustrating, but it was also a challenge.

Environment and because of that, in addition, I think the stronger ability to learn, in the later React, presents, Vue such framework was born, and at the beginning of the expansion, I will be the first time before and after the end of the traditional coupling project to separation, in front of new technology, the internal update iteration, of course, inevitably will be met with many difficulties.

As for the rest of the story, please look forward to: what happened to me in the past few years (ii)

Keywords: the rise of single-page applications, the expansion of Vue, React Native cross-platform, Node applications, the spring of small programs.


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