What is a VPS host?

VPS host is a high-quality service that divides a server into multiple virtual dedicated servers. VPS implementation technology is divided into container technology, and virtualization technology. In a container or VM, each VPS can be configured with an independent public IP address and operating system to isolate the disk space, memory, CPU resources, processes, and system configurations of different VPS, simulating the exclusive use of computing resources for users and applications.

Two entry-level servers are recommended:

  1. Overseas: Boot RackNerd 2021 Black 5 Promotion: INTEL Series VPS pay $10.88 a year for scientific online research
  2. Domestic: Youdaoplaceholder0 Tencent cloud server 2 core 4G 8MB/s bandwidth 1200GB/ month traffic 74/ yuan a year run experimental applets preferred

VPS host uses are:

1. Web space

A site with a lot of visitors consumes a lot of IT resources, and the site hosted in the Hong Kong VPS host is very stable. Web teams can focus more on creating the best web content without worrying about availability and scalability.

What is a VPS host and what are its general uses

2. E-commerce

Scalability and availability are key concerns for e-business. Every minute of downtime results in lost sales, and slow site access results in lost customers. In addition, e-commerce is a periodic peak. For example, during events and festivals, VPS hosts have the flexibility to expand resources such as traffic, memory, and hard disk, and to respond flexibly to high concurrency.

3. Testing and development

Because THE VPS host provides the highest administrative authority to the user, the user is free to create environments, build systems, and specialized business software, which is ideal for testing and developing applications. The VPS host is very powerful, equivalent to a small stand-alone server. At the same time, it also has the advantages of flexible expansion and flexibility of VPS cloud host, which is very suitable for the development team of commercial projects.

4. File storage and sharing

VPS hosts can be used as data/file storage. Large files that cannot be transferred via email can be stored and backed up via VPS cloud hosts, and even virtual teams can share information and files between partners or customers.

5. Used as a cloud database

Almost all Web applications need a database, and using a VPS host is a powerful and extensible database for developers, and database administrators do not need to use special skills to perform complex tasks as before.

VPS host how to build a website:

1. Register the domain name

Website in the construction of early, you can choose the right domain name for registration. If the choice is a domestic VPS host, but also for the record of the domain name. After the successful record, if you need to use the database, then you need to start the server in the service.

2. Web design and website construction

Whether it is an enterprise website or a personal blog, in order to improve user experience, we need to design and customize the website, even if we choose to build the website by ourselves. Custom web sites require designers to design according to user needs, and then developers to develop. And self-help website is relatively simple, just need to choose the site template that meets the requirements, and then adjust and set the section.

3. Upload the website data and files to the VPS host

Website data is the core of the whole website, so in order to prevent accidents, we upload files, should do a good job of important data backup.

4. DNS domain name resolution

We need to resolve the domain name, in order to access the website through the domain name, domestic recommended free domain name management DNSPod.

5. Configure the VPS host website environment

Most VPS host providers provide the user with a control panel, which is then configured with a relatively quick and easy way to operate. If you want to know the specific operation method, you can contact bluehost technical support, and our staff will assist you to complete the relevant configuration of VPS host.

What are the benefits of building a website with VPS host:

1. Have an independent IP address

Do the site must be suitable for search engine optimization, then the independent IP space of course better than those sharing IP virtual host space! In addition, you do not have to rent what with others, using virtual host, if the server is sideline Trojan, your website is very dangerous, may be the whole station hanging horse, or even delete data, all buy virtual host also need space business server security to do well. Of course, you bought a VPS is equivalent to an old server, server security must also be done.

2. You can install virtual hosts

Oneself open space on their own platform, theoretically can open countless space bound countless domain name, basically you buy a VPS need not buy other space, because you have become a space business, but generally a server will be divided into at least 8 VPS, so each VPS has certain resource pressure. A maximum of 10 websites can be installed on a TYPICAL VPS.

3. High operation stability

Because all resources are you a person to use, unlike the virtual host, sometimes because a bad space was sealed server, sometimes because a user did not record was sealed the whole server, the number of visitors is too high beyond the NUMBER of IIS concurrency and show super resources and so on so small problems. Because the general virtual host CPU is limited, some limit IIS concurrency. Space problems you have to find space vendors to restart the server or technology to solve what, and you have VPS, you can restart their own.

4. Infinite subdirectories

This is best for medium to large sites, as you may have news channels, forums, videos, music, blogs, categories, etc. If you still use virtual space, how much space do you need to buy? The cost is not cost-effective, for small and medium-sized websites, blogs, and enterprise website can choose virtual host, but how many large websites to buy space to do channel subdirectory?

5. Speed up access

Website to do pseudo static, to do GZIP compression, do PHP acceleration, do SHTML mechanism and so on these operations, the original can only be set up in the server, in VPS can also complete the Settings, and in the virtual host, it is difficult to do. For example, web pages will open at least 20% faster with GZIP. The increase in access speed is obvious. Now CHINAZ, A5 webmaster network have done GZIP, do not believe you check to know, open their website is almost open in seconds! More related content can refer to the site URL pseudo static ratio needs to pay attention to what matters.

6. Learn server technology

For example, safety knowledge ah, server environment to build what, that is, when their own network computer, can also build their own website, the price is generally less than 1/8 of the server, for those who can not afford to buy an independent server, and the virtual host, co-renting host is not practical stationmaster is undoubtedly the best choice.

7. You can install the software

For example, acquisition software, this is very convenient, in addition to the site needs to generate, can be directly generated in THE VPS, fast, high efficiency. VPS, of course, the relatively small memory, suggest too much do not install the software, I have tried to install QQ chat, it’s just I try to play, I feel the VPS is equivalent to a computer of my own, to modify the website program, can be directly modified, inside program uploads, compression, remote login VPS package can be used directly operation, very convenient.

What are the factors that affect the running speed of VPS host?

1. Internal construction of the website

If the performance and equipment of the VPS host have met the requirements, but the speed of the site is still unable to improve, then it is necessary to check whether there is a problem inside the site.

2. Locate the VPS equipment room

The distance of the position will be different, and the distance will determine the speed of data transmission. Of course, if this distance is not so big a gap between domestic and foreign, then the impact on the speed is not very big. In addition, the nodes in different locations are also different. The VPS host may be a backbone node or a common node. The former must of course be faster than the latter. So, we can consider from this aspect when choosing VPS host. Then how to judge the machine room stand or fall? Interested friends may wish to see this content: how to judge the quality of the computer room.

3. Bandwidth and hardware

No matter how good the software is, there is no way to give full play to all the advantages without hardware support. For example, although the VPS host bandwidth is very large, but if the configuration is not good, then it can only play out the current configuration of the ability. Therefore, in the VPS host CPU, hard disk, memory and other aspects we also need to have a good configuration.

How to judge the merits of a VPS host:

1. VPS host functions.

Many just contact the construction of the stationmaster, do not know much about the Internet, before the purchase of VPS host and did not go to understand some functions, resulting in the late operation is very complex. For example, VPS host business whether to provide a management interface, function is not determined to provide, is not able to automatically generate web page module, FronPage extension function?

2. VPS host traffic.

General VPS host business will provide different traffic packages, and stationmaster in the selection of packages, need to choose according to the actual demand. Many host chamber of commerce to limit traffic, limit the size of the different, the impact of the website will be different. If the restrictions are small and we don’t know before we buy, the site on the VPS host will not be accessible. If you really limit the flow, choose two big site space, it will be in vain.

3. Flexibility of VPS host.

The so-called flexibility, generally refers to the host business is not able to provide convenient package upgrade services. For example, the package we choose at the beginning of the site is low, but if the later development, the host business is not able to provide traffic space to increase the service, or is not to provide data migration services. Another, is it possible to choose different operating systems? What do YOU need to do to prepare for data migration?

4. Load.

The load is directly related to the performance of the webmaster to buy the host. If the load is too large, the resources allocated by the webmaster to buy the host will be few and it will not be practical to use.

5. Online rate.

Generally see a host business product is not good, our most common method is to check its online rate. Usually host business will be committed to the online rate is how much, and before the purchase, the webmaster can best try it, or find some other users of the evaluation, so that we can give a reference. If the online rate is not high, the operation of the website will certainly be affected.

VPS host for which users:

1. Those who need to set up a website and have no external IP at home or company or too little money to buy a server;

2. People who need continuous cloud computing for a long time;

3. Pursue easy, convenient and stable service without too much technology;