
Bop statement: this article is pure gibberish, all about the content can not be true, if there is a coincidence, please do not take a seat, if there is a refutation as you stated.

  • About netease: Netease, which belongs to this article, is not a pig factory, but Bear Internet Not easy to be Sprayed Liability Co., LTD., referred to as netease.
  • The following content is from an anonymous netizen, don’t take it personally!!

What kind of company is netease?

Netease has three free meals which are very good. There is almost no business trip in netease, and most departments do not have 996. Generally, netease clocks in at 9:30 am and can go home after dinner at night.

Ps: Game department except, but welfare, treatment is relatively good.

According to friends of netease, the working atmosphere is good, and people are good at communication. They will play games, chat and blow water together. There are a lot of training, and efforts have been made in staff training, including internal kaola and Yan Xuan store.

Star department is the game and cloud music, there will often be activities, lovely girls dazzled.

Bad place for school recruit there may be some famous universities, there are risks of blasting some department layoffs last year, there may be the more successful the more backward product technology, wages rose slowly, annual competitiveness is not strong, the beginning and end of the layoffs of events is not clear, did not dare to make comments, which Internet companies never cut?

There may be different studios and different factions, and the defense also depends on PPT (most companies rely on the presentation defense, which is not surprising, it is better to do well than to do well, PPT ability is also very important).

On the whole, the corporate culture is low-key, Buddhist, steady, flat, big factory background also do not have to worry about bankruptcy, run away, wages can not be sent out of the problem.

What is netease’s interview routine?

The interview of netease is more basic, and the project questions will not be asked in depth.

The interview is divided into three technical sessions and one HR session, a total of four sessions (only applicable to a certain department of netease Guangzhou, not representative of all sessions). It is easier for a candidate to take the initiative to guide the interview. The way of talking about the project while throwing technical points will increase the pass rate, and there is a certain bonus for famous enterprises to change jobs. The content of the first and second interviews is similar, which is in the form of telephone interview and video interview, and there are multiple interviewers asking about a person.

The three boss interviews are mainly to confirm the intention of the job. How to do this, I have also said in the planet, the basic ability should be solid, which is similar to the interview process of shrimp skin, the overall do not stumbled, there will be no big problem.

A company with high cost performance is often suitable for pension companies, but the particularity of the Internet industry is not to advance, so the general company is not suitable for pension dare not. Companies that dare to retire must have the support of a fist source of income, or some kind of strong strength, choose a company like netease, or it depends on personal career planning. As a transition between two periods of higher intensity work, but also a period of supplementary learning buffer opportunity. It’s not bad

Netease side

This year ago, I had an interview with netease (senior server development engineer post), the whole cycle took more than a month, basically in the afternoon, you can guess that I really don’t work overtime in the evening. You will write a handout and fill in some basic information

One hour at a time, the algorithm doesn’t have to write code, just dictate ideas


  • To introduce myself
  • What are the difficulties encountered in the project?
  • What are the necessary conditions for deadlocks?

The operating system

  • The difference between threads and processes
  • When is multithreading slower than single threads?


  • Difference between MyISam and InnoDB
  • What is an index?
  • B+ tree structure?
  • What is the cluster index? What is the data structure of the secondary index?
  • Can duplicate records without primary keys be successfully inserted?
  • What is the difference between a string as a primary key and a number as a primary key?
  • How can I ensure that I do not insert again during retry?


  • What is pipe chan
  • Pipes faster than locks? why
  • Why can’t stacks be put together


  • C++ 11 static keyword
  • Why does the program run in a heap, stack (not in an index structure)?


  • What is the difference between virtual address and physical address? What address is applied to first after the program is compiled and run?
  • When Linux opens a file handle and writes to a file, what happens to mv
  • How to archive and clear logs
  • What is the command to query which Pids read and write Linux files
  • How many bits does Linux file permission have and what does it mean
  • Is the proc store all files?
  • How is proc implemented, and what would you do if you were asked to implement one?

Algorithm (algorithm first said the violent solution, will calculate the time complexity, and then can think of the optimization of the time complexity point)

  • N length unordered array, find the first k large (two ways)
  • N length ordered array, two adjacent elements, only one element is single, what? (Three ways, will give hints)

Netease 2 face

The second interview is mainly project related, 40 minutes project, 20 minutes other

Project (related to my project)

  • Has there been any major accident/failure in xx project, which was discovered by monitoring project, how to solve it, and what is the specific reason
  • Why is disk I/O soaring
  • How to locate the process CPU usage is caused by which function



  • Introduce Docker
  • How does quarantine work
  • How does the resource limit work


  • What is the architecture of openstack

Ansible and saltstack

  • What is the difference between Ansible and SaltStack
  • What are ansible’s batch acceleration techniques


  • What are the common HTTP status codes
  • What is Keepalived in HTTP
  • What is the semantic difference between POST and PUT?

Netease on three sides

The three aspects are mainly to confirm the intention of entry, and the big boss interview. There is no problem with homework. If the intention is strong, the soft power is enough, and the person is practical, the basic stability is 35 minutes

  • Confirm your intention of entry. Why do you choose Guangzhou
  • Why did you leave?
  • What do you want to do most (pit, answer this question to remember the JD requirement)
  • What work content is unacceptable
  • Language preference (ask when language is different)
  • Do you have an offer on hand?
  • We talked briefly about the project
  • Because I have a blog, I don’t talk much about technology enthusiasm

Netease hr side

The last round was a 20-minute talk about money

  • How many offers did you get?
  • Is it convenient to reveal which offers?
  • Your expected salary is XXX, right? Please confirm
  • What is the career planning, through what way to learn?


The whole situation is like this, because a department of netease Guangzhou may indeed be relatively poor, the final salary increase is relatively small, maybe more core departments will be more, may see that the questions asked are relatively routine, do not say special volume, there is a high probability of good preparation.

Of course, it may also be because I have a large factory background and a little waterproof, or the department is not the core department, so I feel that the overall smooth.

In the process of communication, facing several interviewers at the same time may be the biggest reason for psychological pressure, but the interviewers are very gentle, quick and patient, just like the atmosphere of pk demands and discussing technical problems with colleagues.

Do you want to go to netease?