The problem

  1. PerThreadQueuedDispatcher.dispatch()Encapsulate the Event and subscriber into an Event object and feed it to a thread-local queue, then poll it to perform theImmediateDispatcher.dispatch()What does the same logic mean?
  2. Dispatching. Get () always returns false? Why is that?

The source code section


void dispatch(Object event, Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers) { checkNotNull(event); while (subscribers.hasNext()) {; }}Copy the code


void dispatch(Object event, Iterator<Subscriber> subscribers) {
  Queue<Event> queueForThread = queue.get();
  queueForThread.offer(new Event(event, subscribers)); 
  // Isn't dispatching.get() always return false? Why the if then?
  if (!dispatching.get()) { 
    try {
      Event nextEvent;
      while ((nextEvent = queueForThread.poll()) != null) {
        while (nextEvent.subscribers.hasNext()) {
    } finally {
Copy the code


  1. In the same thread, the execution process existsThe eventA nesting phenomenon, in which event A triggers events B and C, and event B triggers event D


class Test { class A {} class B {} class C {} class D {} EventBus bus = new EventBus(); Test() { bus.register(this); A()); } @Subscribe void listen(A obj) { System.out.println("A"); B()); C()); } @Subscribe void listen(B obj) { System.out.println("B"); D()); } @Subscribe void listen(C obj) { System.out.println("C"); } @Subscribe void listen(D obj) { System.out.println("D"); }}Copy the code

Think of these events as a kind of tree, each of which produces additional “sub-” events:

   / \
  B   C
Copy the code

There are two common ways to traverse A tree: depth-first (A, B, D, C) and breadth-first (A, B, C, D). This is the difference between the two schedulers.

class Test { class A {} class B {} class C {} class D {} EventBus bus = new EventBus(); Test() { bus.register(this); A()); } @Subscribe void listen(A obj) { System.out.println("A"); B()); C()); } @Subscribe void listen(B obj) { System.out.println("B"); D()); } @Subscribe void listen(C obj) { System.out.println("C"); } @Subscribe void listen(D obj) { System.out.println("D"); }}Copy the code

We can think of these events as a kind of tree, each of which produces additional “sub-” events:

   / \
  B   C
Copy the code

There are two common ways to traverse A tree: depth-first (A, B, D, C) and breadth-first (A, B, C, D). This is the difference between the two schedulers.

The direct scheduler processes events as they are created, resulting in depth-first scheduling.

Perform the following steps: A->B->D->C

The queuing scheduler queues events as they are submitted and processes them by polling the queue, leading to breadth-first scheduling. The Dispatching flag is used to restrict the queue processing to root events. The child event will find the flag set and proceed.

Perform the following steps: A->B->C->D


  1. ImmediateDispatcher is a depth-first dynamic in event processing
  2. PerThreadQueuedDispatcher throughdispatchingThe thread performs the sum of flagsqueueForThreadExecution queues are breadth-first scheduling
