** What are the IT professional skills required for each IT position? ** Now many IT positions can be roughly divided into software engineering, network engineering, information management, multimedia design. I’ll focus on the first two directions here. IT’s bad if you’re in IT and you don’t know what your skills are.

I. Software Engineering:

Software engineering: includes development and testing, mainly for the development of software and the provision of corresponding services in the direction of relatively large number of employment, senior positions are generally system architect and analyst or other similar positions.

1. Job Entry: Junior software programmer

Many people think that as a programmer they have already entered the IT industry. I’m sorry to break IT to you, but you’re wrong and you’re just touching the threshold of the IT industry.

Perhaps the architect does not need to be able to lay bricks, mix cement, product designer, do not need to operate machine tools; But any basic software designer must be able to program — that’s the difference between IT and other industries. If you can’t write programs, you’re not in IT at all. So you’re not in any position to judge the IT industry.

And this career for beginners is filled with a lot of overtime, boredom, stress, and everything you don’t like — except beautiful lines of CODE. If you don’t like CODE, shut the IT door because IT’s not for you.

2. Advanced position: Test engineer or development engineer

In this step, congratulations on your success for the first time to change your job, you are truly stand in the door of IT, these two job skill requirements – almost need to be familiar with at least a programming language, master the basic algorithms and data structures, to master relevant knowledge network, understand computer principle and system structure, compiling principle, Familiarize yourself with development and testing patterns, process concerns, and so on. The only difference is that one focuses on testing and one on development.

To put it simply: development engineers care about how to make a product; The test engineer is concerned with whether the product produced by the development engineer is excellent, good, qualified or substandard.

From here, your monthly salary will usually be between 6K and 10K. Suddenly, there’s a lot less overtime, a lot less CODE, a lot less silence (you don’t criticize people’s CODE, you’re always thinking about how to CODE better).

Don’t worry, this is the way you must go, because for an engineer, CODE is no longer the key, the key is how to CODE, how to better CODE. At the same time you also start thinking about life, because your personal money become flush a lot of time and can dominate, you’ll begin to often go out with friends, travel, play, etc., you will begin to pay close attention to the quality of life (such as going to the cinema, occasionally to buy some luxury goods, shopping is no longer cheap, but the price is right choice and higher cost performance).

3. Senior positions: System Analyst/Architect/Requirements Analyst at the same level

By the time you get to this point, you’re becoming a cute little calf and all of a sudden you look back at yourself, and it seems like you haven’t touched code in a long time. Once in a while, writing a small tool you need for a project seems as productive as it used to be, or even more so. You learn a lot more — project management, software architecture, requirements analysis, security, reliability, usability, scalability. You learn that you can program in two or three languages, even new ones, in a short period of time. You have a deep understanding of how computers work, the architecture of systems, network engineering, and all the other things that you already know. In the company, you have become a little sun. You can easily solve problems that no one else can solve, and you can always come up with original and effective ideas unexpectedly.

You may find that CODE and how to write CODE are not the key issues, but how to design from a global perspective works.

As your standard of living improves and you meet more and more people, you will suddenly find that some people ask simple questions and some will follow you with enthusiasm.

After that, your development can no longer be described by a job title or something like that, and you will gradually become unique and valuable, and what you say and do may become a classic case study for future generations, or the object of others to imitate. But it’s all based on your own constant work and struggle for it.

Two, network engineering:

For systems engineering and network engineering industry, based on physical network environment planning, construction, maintenance and optimization, etc., senior positions are network planner, network analyst or equivalent positions.

Information management: mainly oriented towards data services, usually focusing on big data storage, retrieval, etc. The senior position should be information system analyst, or equivalent (I am not in this direction, so I am not sure).

Multimedia design: Graphic design, 3D design, music production, CG animation production, cartoon drawing, UI design, etc.

Network Engineering (Software Engineering for salary reference) :

1, entry position: network administrator OR equivalent position

Your first job didn’t even have a name, and all you did was learn to build a network cable and walk up and down the computer room to see which port was wrong. You go around making things that might be wrong; Change wiring, change interface, change equipment, and so on boring work, your salary is not much higher than a programmer, you might think that this is you an unknown soldier helpless pain IT life began. Unfortunately, you are miserable because you are learning how to be a network engineering IT person, not because you are a network engineering IT person.

2. Advanced position: Network engineer

As you study and work, you may already understand what a computer network is, and you will be able to easily write web pages and widgets in a programming language. Your profile page may start to fill up with features that no one else can duplicate (unique looks, unique features, etc.); You may have started to understand algorithms and data structures. You can easily understand the status of network protocols. When you encounter a network failure, you will not immediately take the instrument to detect it, but start to analyze the possible problems and causes. You can even see possible problems and optimizations in a topology.

And outside of work, you also start to pay attention to where there is fun, maybe you have a little occupational disease, evaluate everything you see online environment, think about their strengths and weaknesses and room for improvement.

Because IT’s time for you to make your first job transfer, you’re on your way to becoming a real network engineer, and your efforts have earned you a place in the IT army of network engineering. The long road finally lies before you.

3, Senior position: network analyst or network planner at the same level

Instead of scratching your head at the topology, you can now relatively easily sketch out the network topology that your customers will have based on their needs, and know in your mind what their favorite, most cost-effective network solution is and when that solution is likely to go wrong and need to be redesigned. You can even design a whole new set of proprietary protocols for them to use.

When there is a problem with the network, you will not run to the site with the equipment. Your first job is to check and adjust the network topology, estimate the loss and reduce the loss caused by the failure.

You are the backbone of the team and you are a walking dictionary and engineering guide for network engineering. Similarly, a group of people start following you, you start talking to the big guys about the existing network, you start thinking about how to build the network better, you start trying to improve the protocol, and your path gets wider and wider.

Hope to help you ~

The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago. The second best time is now. ** For those of you who are ready to learn programming, if you want to improve your core programming ability (internal work), you can become a promising technician in the future! ** might as well start now!

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