Symbol is JavaScript’s seventh (new) data type and is only an attribute of a name that is not iterated by regular methods, so you can define methods for objects that are not private but that you want to use only internally.

 let s = symbol()/symbol('foo');
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  • When we define symbol, the string in parentheses is a description of the current variable.


let a = {
    [mySymbol]: 'hello'} orvar a = {};
a[mySymbol] = 'Hello! '; But you can't write a['mySymbol'] = 'hello';  // Is not a symbol variableThe equivalent oflet a = {
    mySymbol: 'hello'  // Familiarity sets in

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  • A [‘mySymbol’]= A.mySymbol does not equal a[mySymbol].

Where is a good place to use it?

Symbol can change strong coupling into weak coupling, which is easy to modify and maintain.

 / / strong coupling
function getArea(shape, options) {
  var area = 0;
  switch (shape) {
    case 'Triangle': // Magic string
      area = . 5 * options.width * options.height;
    / *... more code ... * /
  return area;

/ / weak coupling
var shapeType = {
  triangle: 'Triangle'

function getArea2(shape, options) {
  var area = 0;
  switch (shape) {
    case shapeType.triangle:
      area = . 5 * options.width * options.height;
  return area;

getArea('Triangle', { width: 100.height: 100 }); 
getArea2(shapeType.triangle, { width: 100.height: 100 });

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You can use symbol.for() and symbol.keyfor () in your project

// mod.js
const FOO_KEY = Symbol.for('foo');

function A() { = 'hello';

if(! global[FOO_KEY]) { global[FOO_KEY] =new A();

module.exports = global[FOO_KEY]; In the code above, we can ensure that global[FOO_KEY] is not inadvertently overwritten, but it can still be overwritten.var a = require('./mod.js');
global[Symbol.for('foo')] = 123;

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I think these are the symbols I will use. Make a note for yourself so you can review it next time.