
  • A preface.
  • Two. What is Anaconda?
  • Anaconda download address
  • 4. Installation Anaconda
  • Five. Guess you like it

Recommended path for learning Python: Python Learning Directory >> Python Basics

A preface.

  • Anaconda Tool Collection – Third-party library collection
  • Pycharm development tool, commonly known as IDE – write code tool

Two. What is Anaconda?

Anaconda is a Python development kit with 180 dependencies including Python/IPython/CPython/Conda. It supports Linux, Mac, and Windows platforms.

If you want to do Python development and build a development environment, there are two ways

1. Bald solution: In addition to installing Pycharm, you have to install a variety of dependent environments, which is extremely difficult to configure.

2. Lazy solution: After installing Anaconda, just install Pycharm to get started with Hello World.

If you want to take notes or write on a piece of paper, you use a pencil/brush/pen/watercolor… You need a pen to do it, and you can think of Anaconda as a pencil box. You can have any pen you want. You don’t need Anaconda, you have to run to a stationery store and buy the same.

The installation package contains a large number of installation packages. The installation package is about 500 MB. It’s a little big. It’s got everything. Save time and effort with Anaconda, you’re worth it!

Anaconda download address

1.Anaconda official download address: Anaconda download address, depending on the operating system of your machine, such as Python3 Windows 64-bit installation package.

64-bit: indicates a 64-bit operating system. 32-bit: indicates a 32-bit operating systemCopy the code

2. If the download of Anaconda website is slow, you can download it from tsinghua University open Source software mirror and choose the version by yourself.

X86_64: corresponds to a 64-bit OS. X86: corresponds to a 32-bit OSCopy the code

4. Installation Anaconda

The Python configuration development environment has a detailed introduction to the process, which will not be repeated here!

Five.Guess you like

  1. The Python for loop
  2. The Python string
  3. The Python list
  4. The Python tuple tuple
  5. Python dictionary dict
  6. Python conditional derivations
  7. Python list derivations
  8. Python dictionary derivations
  9. Python function declarations and calls
  10. Python variable argument *argc/**kargcs
  11. Python anonymous function lambda
  12. Python return logic determines expressions
  13. Python string/list/tuple/dictionary conversions
  14. Python local and global variables
  15. The Python type function is different from the isinstance function
  16. Python is differs from ==
  17. Python mutable and immutable data types
  18. Shallow and deep copies of Python

What is Anaconda? Anconda download the installation tutorial

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