What is a person? What is life?

When I was in high school, I figured out what life was, and I still feel fine about it.

What is life? Life is a process of constantly discovering problems, analyzing them, and then trying to find the best solution to solve them.

Today, when I was writing code, I suddenly realized another question in my mind, which is, what is a person?

What is a person? Man is a piece of program code, a piece of self-written, self-running, self-debugging, self-learning perfect code

Put the definition of man and the definition of life together

How can one live this life well? That is to let people this program code in the path of continuous problem solving can always run well, and solve the problem well. That means the person has had a good life. How can we solve all the problems? That person will change.

Why do people change?

If we talk about why people change, let’s talk about why people don’t change. If people don’t change, it means that the code is working very well, and it can completely solve the current problem, so people don’t change, that means the program code doesn’t change. Change is because the current program running effect is not ideal, the program itself is constantly adjusting error correction, so the change shows that people are trying to solve the current problem. And the best change? Programmer knows that the master programmer and the difference is, rookie player programmers write code that can not only solve the current problems, do not introduce new problems, but also can solve the problem of some can’t predict the future, or to those who can’t predict the future to minimize losses, and the code is still very strong, is not easy to run out of the question for a long time. When it comes to people, what is an awesome person? That is, the decisions he makes can not only solve the current problems, but also solve some problems that are not easy to predict in the future. He does not dig holes for himself, and there is no hidden danger of bringing new problems. When we judge this amazing person, we often say that he is very intelligent and has a long vision. The vegetable people, when solving the current problem and introduced new problems, robbing Peter to pay Paul, patching up, the east and west wall all collapsed.

The gradient

If it is some small problems, the old program after a short period of adjustment and learning can be solved, then we say that the program has undergone a gradual change, that is, there is a smooth transition learning period of change, can also say that people have undergone a gradual change.


However, life is so complicated, the future is always unknown. There are always some new problems in life. At this time there will be mutations, mutations have two situations, one is the old program how to adjust parameters, learning can not solve the new problem. On the other hand, when the old code has accumulated too many small problems which are barely solved by gradual changes of efforts, it means that the code is not robust and fragile. If this kind of small problems accumulate too many, it will lead to the fragility of the whole system. When the last straw comes up, the system will collapse. That’s when you have to mutate.