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Xiao Li is a programmer in a big company. Although he has been working in the company for a year, he can only be regarded as a newcomer. After all, the title is placed there.

The project xiao Li did is not the core project, but at least it is relatively deep in the technology stack. Therefore, Xiao Li is satisfied with the current work, but the work pressure is a little bit higher.

This morning, Xiao Li got up on time as usual, because his home is half an hour’s drive from the company, so he had to hurry out of bed at seven o ‘clock, very skilled to finish washing, eating breakfast, changing clothes, and then set foot on the crowded subway to work.

Every day at this time, Xiao Li makes his way through the hustle and bustle to his final destination, the company.

On the road for a long time xiao Li, finally arrived at the company, the first thing into the company is to queue for the elevator. Every day nine o ‘clock is the peak of the elevator, Xiao Li, looking at the front of the long queue, the heart could not help but sigh: alas, and to be late.

Finally crowded on the elevator, came to his station, Xiao Li threw down the backpack, to sit on the chair, almost came to a Ge You lie.

“Xiao Li, come for the morning meeting,” the supervisor called, and a dozen people formed a circle and began to discuss the progress of today’s work and yesterday’s work.

It was Xiao Li’s turn to speak, xiao Li seemed not to wake up, hesitated for a long time, and quickly said: TODAY I plan to do the XX development work of project A, how much has been completed, how much has been tested, when is ready to release online. Such words xiao Li said every day.

After the morning meeting, Xiao Li returned to his station and began to write code. Xiao Li has a habit of making a list of the day’s tasks and prioritizing them before going to work. This way he can be more productive throughout the day.

What should we do first today? Xiao Li thought, the A project will be released next week, we should do the A project first. B project needs to be urged by the product manager, it is not good to delay, so B project should be put in the second place. By the way, there is still a meeting today, don’t forget, the last meeting was late, was publicly named by the leaders, let Xiao Li ashamed panic.

So today’s work list came out like this, of course, Xiao Li does not make a work list every day, sometimes work a busy forget, sometimes just to fix a bug, Xiao Li will spend a day.

After finishing the morning’s work, I finally stayed up till noon. Colleagues called Xiao Li to have dinner together: let’s go to that restaurant again today! Xiao Li, hurriedly agreed that the time to eat should be the programmer in the day the most relaxed time, we have to pull out the mobile phone, and do nothing related to the work.

But easy time is always short, after lunch, Li dragged his tired body to continue to write code, looking at colleagues lunch next to li envy: alas, I also want to nap ah, but the work has not finished, or forget it.

So, Xiao Li continued to work on the code in the afternoon. The afternoon was much longer than the morning, so Xiao Li began to feel tired and sleepy.

Why is your neck sore again? The waist is not too comfortable, I am not quite suitable for programmer this work, Xiao Li often ask himself. Very not easy to stay up in the evening, the original want to eat a meal to leave, the results of the colleagues all come back to the station, it seems that there is no intention to go.

So Xiao Li had to return to the station. Continue to work hard to write code, always can’t walk alone, how unsociable ah, really inappropriate ah.

Finish this part of the work in the evening and go, Xiao Li thought.

When it came to nine o ‘clock, Xiao Li found that there was still one work on hand. So xiao Li shook his head in distress, it seems that today and overtime, so brave scalp and write code for a while.

Finally handle the head of the work done, a look at the phone, has been half past ten, the whole tired of not, a look at colleagues are also going to go, so Xiao Li picked up the bag, and everyone left the company together.

It was more than 11 o ‘clock when Xiao Li came home, and he didn’t even have the strength to watch TV. After washing, he lay down on the bed. Before long, he fell asleep.

Not long after, the alarm clock rang again, Xiao Li very reluctantly opened his eyes, a look at the alarm clock, it was already 7:30. Really want to sleep for a while, xiao Li thought, but who let the company to clock in, so Xiao Li’s little dream and shattered.

Is this a sad story? It seems not. Is it a compelling story? It seems that the Internet company is just like a besieged city, people outside want to come in, people inside want to go out, of course, there are more people want to continue to practice in the inside, maybe this is the charm of big companies.

The workplace can be a practice, but in a big company, you’ll be further out of your comfort zone and grow faster, whether you like it or not.

Article author Huang Xiaoxi Dachang programmer, Internet workplace new knowledge, lifelong learning practitioner, understand technology, understand the workplace, more want to understand you. It is said that every aspirant and good-looking Internet people are concerned about me

[Huang Xiaoxi] Dachang programmer, Internet industry new knowledge, lifelong learning practitioner. “Java”, “Python”, “C++”, “big data”, “machine learning”, “algorithm”, “AI”, “Android”, “front-end”, “iOS”, “postgraduate entrance examination”, “BAT”, “school admission”, “written test”, “interview”, “interview”, “computer foundation”, “LeetCode” And other keywords can obtain corresponding free learning materials.