When I was 18, I didn’t wear a watch, but I had time. I didn’t look back. Wild, wild, and wild

This is my favorite singer Eason Chan’s “Tourbillon” lyrics, very fit my mood in the first half of the year, so it will be my year summary of the beginning.

For the first time writing the unskilled, much more difficult to writing, than write technical articles clearly this half a year to do too many things, you can’t describe it, have a kind of empty feeling, like write your resume, clearly project done, functions, but can’t have a good description of the project window is what, smile.

Psychology: profit -> anxiety -> relief

From profit to anxiety to relief, this should be my psychological journey in the past six months.

Twenty-five, for me, is a greedy age, wanting everything and getting nothing. In this era, the Internet is too fast and the convenience of communication brings me a large amount of information every day, such as good or bad, chicken soup, soft articles and some anxiety peddled by we-media. Although I know the routine behind these information, I am still influenced by it.

Why are you influenced by this information when you know it’s the authors’ playbook? This is something I often think about myself, and I think it’s my competitive nature, my desire for success, my desire for shortcuts, that makes me want to absorb conventional information.

I remember in March, I talked with my college classmates who were still studying in graduate school. They were about to graduate. After the autumn and spring recruitment, they all found the companies they wanted to work for. When I talked about these information at that time, I felt mixed feelings. On the one hand, I was happy for them, on the other hand, I was stuck in self-denial. After nearly three years of work, my salary and career are still mediocre. In addition, the job section of the pulse is filled with a lot of information such as “this year’s 30w”, “graduation three years of annual salary 60+”, because people around have reached this level, so it is clear that these information is true, the mood of profit is more heavy.

By April, I had been scanning my pulse on the way to and from work, hoping to find out what other people were like at 25. However, I found that at the same age of 25, the gap had already opened up a lot. The impact of these information intensified my desire for success, which was accompanied by anxiety.

As the saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, and the second best time is now.” In three years of graduation, it is not to say what waste, but there is no systematic to improve themselves, so that people around you are rushing forward, but they are still marking time, usually do not feel, but when one day to show the results together, but seem a little lost, so I will start to plant trees.

Starting around April, I gave up short videos, mindless TV shows, and other nutrient-poor stuff that took up so much of my free time, and started a study program that wasn’t limited to Android. In fact, I am very grateful for the information that inspired me to some extent. In my opinion, it is a double-edged sword. It depends on how you process the information.

Since April, I gradually like this feeling of learning. When you learn a new knowledge, you will feel a sense of achievement, when you clear the ambiguous knowledge, you will feel a sense of achievement, when you share what you have learned and get feedback, you will also feel a sense of achievement.

One day, you will find that those feelings of profit and anxiety have disappeared.


The article to share

Having long been a member of the gold mining community, but always a spectator, this year I began to export what I saw and what I got as an exporter.

While sharing, I divided the article into different modules, such as [Kotlin article], [Jetpack article], [Open Source article]…… Easy to view also facilitate systematic learning.

After sharing, I received many likes and comments from my friends. These feedback made me constantly improve myself and think about how to output higher quality and better articles.

It’s a great honor to be in the top three on mobile in May. Thanks a lot to the Nuggets for the platform and your support. 💖

The open source project

In May, a Jetpack project was opened: Component-Jetpack-MVVM. The project focuses on learning componentialism and Jetpack, with coroutine, flow, Coil and other new technologies. The original idea is to figure out Jetpack with the smallest project.

Up to now, I have received support and suggestions from my friends, and the number of “start” has almost exceeded 200.

In addition, open source support for multiple, radio and custom style of a selector: KindsOfPickerView. Because of the high frequency of using selectors in the project, the online selectors did not meet the requirements, so I simply built my own wheel.

The two projects are also under maintenance. If you have any good suggestions, you can issue me. Of course, you can start to support me.



Because of a job change last year, I changed my house from a single room for four people to a one-bedroom apartment, and it was clear that happiness increased significantly. Taking advantage of his girlfriend’s birthday before Dragon Boat Festival, he added a new member to the family:

This is a 2 month old baby, named “ingot” because it was chubby when it first came here. Fortunately, the living room is big enough for it to roll around. This little thing, for this family added a lot of joy, but also let me more than a shovel shit official responsibility.

The company

I came to the new company last year, and it has been more than half a year since then. I have met a group of lovely new friends in the department, such as Old Zhou, Xiao Qing and Viagra who loves to tell jokes, etc. There is no PUA, no workplace struggle, no infinfective, and we do things in a down-to-earth manner, very OK team atmosphere.

In fact, the idea of programmers is very simple, just want to do things down-to-earth, no time and no fun to play some workplace struggle with you.

The company has brunch and the canteen is nice.

Each meal two meat, two vegetables, one soup plus fruit and dessert, in order to live up to the company’s food, half a year time successfully gained 10 catty.

Because of my weight gain, I found that I was in a very wrong state when I took a photo in April. Once I got fat, my mental state began to decline. In order to stop my loss in time, I started a fitness program. On weekends, I would run around the community for about 30 minutes at night, and my state began to recover.

Occasionally, I will play billiards with my friends.

No matter from the environment or technical atmosphere, the company should give a big praise 👍.

Second half plan

The first half of the year has passed so, time actually passed quickly, looking back, I found that I have done some things, some have preliminary results, I think this is the place to give yourself a thumbs up, of course, in the process of work and study, also found that there are many deficiencies, the second half of the year when continue to work hard.

I have made some plans for myself in the second half of the year, and I hope that by the end of the year, these goals have been achieved.

  • Maintain your own open source projects;
  • Learn the use and principles of Flutter;
  • Learn product thinking;
  • Nugget upgrade to L4;
  • Bringing up the ingot to adulthood;
  • Read 4 books in all fields.

The last

Finally, let’s answer the title of this article

What is 25 supposed to look like?

Is it plain to live in 996? Or have a mine at home, will not be troubled for life? Or are you pursuing your dreams? I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, but there are no rules about what you should be doing when you’re 20, or what you should be doing when you’re 25, or where you should be when you’re 30. You just try.

Finally, I will end with the lyrics of My Eason Chan’s tourbillon. I hope you can live like this in the future.

Look at the side should have all have my wine sports car camera gold watch also pay attention to

Thanks for reading.

The nuggets years | 2021 theme activities I grow half of the campaign is under way on the road…