
demo from ami

How to implement

Wasm is written using Rust and then called by Node.js.

What is the wasm

WebAssembly, or WASM, is an experimental low-level programming language that works with clients in the browser. WebAssembly is a portable abstract syntax tree designed to compile and run faster than JavaScript. For example, Google Earth uses WASM on the browser side to optimize performance.

Wasm can be run on both the browser side and the server side. Delivering high performance through near-native code capabilities has great promise in AI, big data, image streaming, video streaming, scientific computing, and more. Compared to native code, it has excellent features such as lightweight and cross-platform; Provides a huge performance boost over pure JavaScript.

The origin of

As long as you create and publish a Node.js application by 2020.08.31, you can get raspberry pie for free.


So IN order to learn rust (free raspberry PI), I wrote a program to do a mathematical calculation.

Check out the source code here (Github)

For convenience, I wrote both the front and back ends together, and the server uses Node.js express. The concrete implementation is welcome to look at the code. However, RUST is not my strong skill (I don’t write much code), so writing is not elegant. If there is a good solution, I can make an issue and discuss it together.