
Previously read the Spring Boot source listener mode, more or less a little harvest it.

Read what Spring Boot has done to the listener mode

Consolidate knowledge of listener patterns

As part of the pre-knowledge to explore the source code of Spring Boot listener, in the “in-depth study of Spring Boot” (3) Spring Boot listener mode (1) “, the first implementation of a simple listener mode, as we continue to explore the cornerstone.

You learned about the extended use of listeners

For example, you can wrap the event class by sending an event to the broadcaster.

Let’s continue with the simple demo we wrote earlier:

// Broadcast wrapper class
public class DailyLifeRunListener {
    private DailyLifeEventMulticaster eventMulticaster;
    public void snow(a) {
        eventMulticaster.multicastEvent(new FangPiEvent());
    public void rain(a) {
        eventMulticaster.multicastEvent(newLaShiEvent()); }}Copy the code

Listener events can be identified by generics

When a listener needs to listen for only one event, consider using generics to represent the event being listened for.

  1. Retrofit listener

    public interface DailyLiferListener<T extends DailyLlifeEvent> {
        void onDailyLlifeEvent(DailyLlifeEvent event);
    Copy the code
  2. Reform the poop incident

    public class LaShiListener implements DailyLiferListener<LaShiEvent> {
        public void onDailyLlifeEvent(DailyLlifeEvent event) {
            ResolvableType generic = ResolvableType.forClass(this.getClass()).as(DailyLiferListener.class).getGeneric();
            if (generic.isAssignableFrom(LaShiEvent.class)) {
                System.out.println("Septic Tank attention: You"+event.getBehavior()+"The");
            }else {
                System.out.println("Events of no interest have been skipped."); }}}Copy the code


This is a listener independent class. But it is widely used in Spring Boot listener mode.

ResolvableType is a utility class that Spring wraps to simplify the extraction of generic information.

public class ResolvableType implements Serializable {
    // Create ResolvableType based on the original Class type
    public static ResolvableType forClass(@NullableClass<? > clazz);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the constructor argument
    public static ResolvableType forConstructorParameter(Constructor<? > constructor,int parameterIndex);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the member variable
    public static ResolvableType forField(Field field);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the instance
    public static ResolvableType forInstance(Object instance);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the method arguments
    public static ResolvableType forMethodParameter(Method method, int parameterIndex);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the return value of the method
    public static ResolvableType forMethodReturnType(Method method);
    // Create ResolvableType based on the original type information
    public static ResolvableType forRawClass(@NullableClass<? > clazz);
    // Create a ResolvableType based on a type
    public static ResolvableType forType(@Nullable Type type);
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This is the static method that constructs a ResolvableType.

To understand the simplicity of ResolvalbeType, we use a set of methods for obtaining generics of generics:

public class RelolvableTypeExample {
    private Map<String, Map<Long, List<Integer>>> param;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException {
        ResolvableType resolvableType = ResolvableType.forField(RelolvableTypeExample.class.getDeclaredField("param"));
        // Get generic strings in Map
        ResolvableType generic = resolvableType.getGeneric(0);
        System.out.println(generic.resolve()); // class java.lang.String
        ResolvableType generic1 = resolvableType.getGeneric(1); // interface java.util.Map
        // Get the generic Map
       > generic Long
        ResolvableType generic2 = generic1.getGeneric(0);// class java.lang.Long
       > List
        ResolvableType generic3 = generic1.getGeneric(1);// interface java.util.List
        // Get the generic Integer of List
        ResolvableType generic4 = generic3.getGeneric(0);// class java.lang.IntegerSystem.out.println(generic4.resolve()); }}Copy the code