Preface 🕛

In early March of this year, after dealing with the events of last semester, I began to think about my future plan.

Close friends and students are planning their own future, postgraduate entrance examination of postgraduate entrance examination, public entrance examination of public. My parents and teachers are also trying to persuade me to take the postgraduate entrance exam.

I remember the day when I went back to school, my father still asked me whether I should take the postgraduate entrance exam, but at this time I began to shake a little. Do not intend to take an examination of grind I all the time originally, the result that is thinking to take an examination of grind can be better at this time?

After a wave of understanding, I found that MY preparation time is still too late, I may still have a little distance from my target school. Then I gave up the idea of postgraduate entrance examination, began my employment planning.

This time has come to the end of March, the spring recruitment of enterprises are close. As for me, I found myself very poor in theoretical knowledge except in practice. Based on all of these conditions, I began to check the gaps.

In the past 3 months, my plan mainly has the following breakthrough 👋

📚 Daily Daily

Daily plan

Moving from a ticking list to a daily planner with Notion, you’ve stumbled upon how much time you spend fishing each day. Therefore, starting from this breakthrough point, we can reduce the time spent playing mobile phones and use the fragmented time to learn more knowledge.

The advantage of using Notion is that you can more directly record your daily learning inputs and outputs. With Notion, you can adjust your learning schedule in time to avoid repetitive tasks.


After a year of intensive reading of foreign English magazines, I hope to break my comfort zone and start out with original English books. At the beginning, I was very afraid of reading English books, because I felt that the audio of my usual foreign magazines was only 2 minutes, while the content of an English book chapter was 7-10 minutes, which seemingly increased the amount of learning several times, so I stayed in the same place and did not dare to touch it.

I have been looking for a breakthrough in my English learning until the Spring Festival of this year, when the term of school is approaching. Finally, I have found the boundary I want to break through, which is to move forward to English literature and documents.

Having never read a book in its original form, I chose to read it in mint. I chose a book whose vocabulary is one step smaller than my actual vocabulary, so that it will not bring me too much reading pressure either mentally or mentally.

After 100 days of learning, the process of listening and understanding gradually changed from 2h a day at the beginning to 1.5h and then to 50min. Finally, when I read the last book, I could finish reading in 20min.

Feel the majestic knowledge, but also more determined their goals.

Get up early and read the news

Knowing that staying up late will do no good, so I went to bed early and got up early. Spend your morning listening to and reading the news.

Insist on using output to force their own input

Since early April, I have been writing a blog. I do not want to write hydrology, ADHERE to the original, adhere to quality content. Every article carefully model typesetting, logic and thinking, hope to be responsible for their own, but also responsible for the reader.

June coincided with the launch of the More Article Challenge and The New Star Project, and I got to know a lot of big guys in the vertical field. I had never been fond of playing the community before, and I began to enjoy it.

In the community to meet a lot of industry of the name and big guy, one, the committee, the devil, a machine, three li…… (too many no longer to list one by one), truly feel that there is a mountain beyond the mountain 🚵🏾. In this process, I met a lot of colleagues. Although we are all scroll king, we are also the victims of inner scroll. Everyone is adhering to the original to do a good job of each technical dry goods, serious output.

We are like different plates on a map, brought together by chance.

A group of people, deeply involved in technology blogging, dedicated to the development of the Internet.

The bottleneck period

In the process of learning, there will be a bottleneck for a period of time. Then I combed through the following and found that there were several reasons why I felt less frustrated. First, phased tasks are completed, and no new tasks are set for yourself in advance, which will lead to anxiety. Second, when you don’t see your progress and feel like you’re stagnating, you get very anxious. Third, if you study in the same environment for a long time, you will feel that you are in a closed circle and will never get ahead.

To sum up the above reasons, timely adjustments should be made to reduce unnecessary time costs and do more effective things.

🔥 Technology Technology

The front-end based

Beginning in April to fill the computer foundation, from the network to the number of structures, from browser principles to performance optimization and so on topics. In the process of learning, I deeply sigh at the weakness of my basic knowledge. But no is no. The right thing to do is to fill in the gaps. I bought so many basic books that my shelves filled up. In the process of learning the basic knowledge, I began to write a blog summary and summarize the knowledge points of each examination. Continuously expand the dimension of knowledge, looking for more knowledge points to supplement the unsaturated content.

The new technology

New technologies that have been shelved for a long time are starting to pick up, starting to learn vuE3, starting to learn TS, starting to learn Webpack. New technology is easy to learn and forget, but this time I took careful notes and wrote a blog with logic. To the subsequent need to use these knowledge points, back to look at the blog, a lot of knowledge at a glance.

🆙 The Final is coming

Final month & course week

On June 21, the worst end-of-term month in history began. Is the so-called immortal fight, the whole major is included in the exam, from the theory exam, to PHP course, and then to Android course, no one can be a short-term crash.

Complete the most difficult course with sister Huiwen, Sister Jin, Piggy and Brother Jie. Set the opportunity to prepare for the graduation thesis, strive to do the best, and finally a successful conclusion.

The whole process has all kinds of friction, but because of such friction, let our cooperation is more and more tacit. From the point of time benefit and the maximum benefit of the work, sometimes a very difficult problem can be solved relatively quickly because of the discussion and personal knowledge reserve.

At the end of the course, asked the professional teacher whether there is an upper limit on the lessons set, 👩🏫 the teacher said: there is no upper limit.

🙎♀️ I said: then I can write two or three thousand words.

👩🏫 she surprised, the teacher said: write some key to go in.

In the afternoon of July 7, the final subjects, the end of the term for more than half a month is finally over ~📢

The end of the semester will also mean the end of the junior year, and the bell of the senior year has also started ~

🔑 Goal for the second half of the year

✔️ autumn recruit smoothly

✔️ Clear the shelves

✔ ️ pass BEC

✔️ Public account fan Up

📝 finally End

When a steamed not cooked boiled not rotten fried not bang bang bang of copper bowl beans

Face the inner roll, do not be overwhelmed by the inner roll, keep learning, carry the roll back

📐 📐 📐

The power of words

It’s not the color

It’s about not showing a face

📑 📑 📑

In the tangled world of the Internet

Stay awake and keep learning

📸 📸 📸

Opportunity and effort go hand in hand

There is a boat to cross the mountain to follow

Never give up on the future

👋 👋 👋

The nuggets years | 2021 theme activities I grow half of the campaign is under way on the road…