Making a blog

Lambda. :

Look at the time. The last time I wrote anything was four months ago. At that point, there was actually a big TODO table that wasn’t done, all sorts of things that I wanted to summarize. I’ve also been running out of TODO tables, which get shelved every time. When I pick it up again, I plan to do the latest thing first, and then have time to move forward a little bit. The result is the same every time, not much was done and then shelved, even some of the long history of TODO past the shelf life, directly abandoned.

But not all the time was wasted. No summary! = No gain

Summing up always takes more time than learning

It might only take a few hours to learn something. It takes much longer, if not several times longer, to summarise into documents or notes. So when you have a lot of time to study, it’s easy to accumulate a lot of things to summarize. And that time would be better spent learning new things than summarizing them. This is one of the reasons why summary writing is slow and TODO is fast.

I did not write summative things before, think technology this thing learned in the brain, learning things is to understand, really understand. Instead of focusing on all kinds of nouns, definitions, like copying books, what’s the point.

Just like my physics notes in high school, I use a piece of paper for each chapter, memorize a few key points, key formulas and several figures, and then clip them into the corresponding chapter. But it does not prevent me from losing points in physics, and basically not in chemistry, all relying on physics to pull back. But there are people who can write pages in a class and copy textbooks there. At first glance, it seems that they work hard, but in fact, they have not learned anything. In the end, they have accumulated a notebook thicker than the textbook. A new semester, our class teacher is also the physics teacher, spot check a notebook, on a class, everyone is a notebook, I just a piece of paper, clip to the desk notebook. Not surprisingly, he was asked if he was fooling. I will explain that the length of notes for each class is not certain, and I can’t find the notes after I get more. Looking back, I want to add something. There is no place to write… These questions worked against me. I had only one piece of paper, and it was easy to expand and find notes.

Fortunately, the old class is very open-minded and pragmatic, see I am not nonsense, so allow me to try. And he also felt that those blindly copy textbooks, in fact, did not learn to understand. Or copy someone else’s notes, it’s someone else’s notes, but it’s someone else’s knowledge map, and it doesn’t necessarily apply to you. Is taking notes for other people to see?

Note is the map of knowledge after refining. Only when I really understand the content can I know what is important and what is knowledge point. It’s enough to string the key points together along the notes.

I hate this kind of rigid, formalistic learning. Including college, there are also people who seem to work hard, take notes in a book style, and most of them are not very good at learning.

But have a summary, take notes

But then I thought it was necessary to take notes.

When you learn more things, you forget them if you don’t use them often. The most immediate experience was writing shell scripts. I wrote all the tools for the backend, dev and formal environment of the game before, and later I automated the pipeline. Also often have to write scripts to deal with online problems, a large section of instructions directly typed, even the file is not new. During this time, a lot of advanced gameplay, all kinds of weird pits, and so on. But then I changed projects, and I didn’t write much script. Occasionally I need to write something, it will be very difficult, some even forget how to write, only remember that it can be done, the code will look like. I have always wanted to write notes for shell scripts. The Internet is very rare for the slightly difficult things, or all kinds of stupid ways to solve the problem, and I can write worse than myself. But I put it on hold until I realized I missed the opportunity.

But I still resent the rigor of note-taking. Note for yourself, note only the key points. It is enough to help you remember something quickly when you have forgotten it.

The project practice

For four months, there was less than a half of the time in high intensity writing demand.

Harvest: MOST of the time, I was the only one in charge of the project, and it was a new project from scratch. From technology to framing, there are no constraints. As I said before, I hate antiques, but ten years of experience is ten years of experience. So the project uses kotlin + Jetpack + MVVM, which is the root of the red. At the same time, the framework is constantly adjusted and improved in practice. As the project continues to evolve, it will expose problems that the small demo would never have encountered, and you need to think about how it can be better and more rational. At the same time also received the code scan, the code quality requirements are very strict, I hate paste code, and then called agile development? Bad code is a personal habit, is a personal foundation and level of the result, just don’t want to face up to this fact.

Disadvantages: writing requirements, not all can be conducive to personal improvement, there is still a part is not valuable, flat no difficulty, tedious and large demand. Truth is of little value if all you do is turn the screw without thinking. So this kind of demand inevitably wastes my time. No value.

Blog theme

There was a gap during requirements review and validation, and I wrote a set of blog topics.

It seems like only yesterday that my blog was finally back to basics. Why the theme is still made. First, after more articles, release is very troublesome, such as the directory to maintain their own, although wrote the script, but automation is almost meaning. Second, it is necessary to write more articles. My theme is still in line with the principle of pragmatism, not the pursuit of gorgeous, simple and practical.

The intermission allowed me to just about finish the topic, but the main site migration, pipeline, automated deployment, etc.

Byte interview

I got an interview call out of the blue. It was a long, long time ago. Project experience is missing a lot of, and still recruit back end. Pretty much. A quick review, but I didn’t touch the database at all. I’m not doing the back end right now because I don’t have to forget it quickly, and it’s not my style to memorize the eight-part essay for an interview. If I can recite the eight-part essay well, it doesn’t mean I can.

One side I feel general, thought to hang up, the result of the interviewer had given. In the second interview, I synchronized my latest situation with the interviewer and also said how I reviewed. Of course, also is the algorithm problem failure. In general, it’s impossible to tell if I’m good or not, and it’s probably not reliable enough to risk hiring me in and checking me out. So I must have hung up.

Since I started my internship in university, I have been given very simple algorithm problems in every interview. I just blame myself for not being able to grasp them. At the beginning, I was very nervous and my mind went blank. After the interview is basically normal heart, do not care about can face, but as an exam, to see what their current level, down or up, and what deficiencies.

Do your best to make up for the missing. pragmatic

The weekend though

The latest development of the hobby, was called by a friend, maybe he wanted to show his archery. But the overhand shot was better than him, not missing the target. And his arrows would burst a lamp.

A few others bought a recurve bow, and I bought a compound bow. You can rub them if you want to twist.

This activity, still valuable, is not a waste of time

World of Warcraft – The Burning Crusade

Also by Amway, the monthly card to help me pay. I spend most of my spare time on it, and today is the last day.

Level 40, during which I did business at the auction house, I have now earned more than 3000 gold, and it is said that I transferred the wealth required for level 60, exceeding the deadline. A few others are more liver, a month to level 65, still don’t pay.

Now that the monthly pass has expired, the game will be put on hold for a while and do some things on the TODO list.

~ lambda. :

So the overall calculation down, the last warcraft this month decayed a bit. Most of the other times are more substantial and meaningful.