Compare the changes in the last two years that I’ve been working.

The company is now I officially entered the first company after graduation, before didn’t graduate, I have started to work when I was in a company, a company on a variety of atmosphere is good, the company predecessor is very sweet, very happy to, to say the company predecessor is my introduction to the front of this industry’s mentor, they start with me, and let me move in the direction of higher, It’s fair to say that leaving the last company was a mistake. It was selfish of me to leave because of their careful instruction.

Yes, at the critical moment when I was about to excel, it was also the day of my formal graduation, I left the company. Maybe I was too willful as a fresh graduate, and there was always a pride that I could be sure of.

Because I think I have graduated, I can finally go to the city I want to go to, and I think I have mastered certain skills in the last company, and because I have not graduated from the last company, I can not sign the labor contract. In short, there are various reasons, my mind is complicated.

After quitting my job, I came to my present city, which I have been thinking about for a long time, but it seems to be not as good as I imagined. I always feel that people I meet are indifferent and only care about interests. However, this is a normal phenomenon of social survival, or IT may be my bad luck that I always encounter some bad things. For example, the first impression is that the cars in front of the zebra crossing always do not go. Yes, yes, he is making way for you. At the beginning, there is always some unaccustomed, do not know whether to go or not to go, and then slowly get used to it.

Here is my experience of finding a job in this city as a recent graduate:

It took me two weeks to find a job here, and what I encountered most was the phenomenon of capital pressure. HR said, “You are a fresh graduate, and you have no work experience at all. Our company stipulates that the salary for fresh graduates is 3-6K.

The wage no I in a company’s salary is high, it is still a first-tier cities, in this case, I not letter I can’t find, with the pride, I received the affirmation of the three companies, wages are big difference difference is not significant, I chose me in these companies now in the company. The company is just started, many are still quite good of, in the usual get along there won’t be much of a problem, but the working environment is not so good, the lack of effective communication, originally is not active in this environment, I become more quiet, at first is in a state of can not exchange will not exchange, I think I should is met a few character not compatible, But it still more exchanges of good work, I have been trying to let go of yourself, try to communicate with them more, company leaders also felt the work environment is too depressed, to communicate with each of us to do the work, let’s discuss more, after finished the leadership of the atmosphere of the days that eased, and then back to the original appearance, and the company’s projects are also very worry, Everyone was busy and had no time to communicate with each other, which made me resist entering the company with high spirits when I just came here. I still had to work under such great pressure of survival, and gradually I began to accept this oppressive environment.

During this period of working in the company, I also grew up a lot. I did some things that I had never been exposed to before in terms of technology and encountered various difficulties. I began to realize the importance of taking things slowly and down-to-earth. Maybe I didn’t gain much skill here, but what I gained most was that I smoothed my edge, increased my experience and learned about social survival.

Here are some suggestions for those of you looking for a job:

Do what you love; Find compatible colleagues; Take the technology to pay attention to the practical operation of technology and technology promotion; Lower posture, put down the mentality, learn modestly; Speak emotionally and get along well with everyone;