Kotlin was launched by JetBrains in 2011, became open source in 2012, became the official Android developer language in 2017, and became the official preferred developer language for Andoid in 2019. More and more developers are coming to Kotlin because of its native Java support and less code, and Kotlin is becoming more and more widely used in other fields. Here are six great Kotlin projects.


Project by Prostory

Open Source License: MIT

The address of the project: https://gitee.com/prostory/AndroidZdog

Zdog, a pseudo-3D graphic animation engine for Android, was written using Kotlin.


Project author: ZhiyuanLing

Open Source License: GPL-3.0

The address of the project: https://gitee.com/vitoling/HiWeather

A weather website developed in Kotlin language, other technologies used include SpringBoot, Webmagic, etc.


Author: ZXY

Open Source License: MulanpSL-1.0

Project address: https://gitee.com/zxy_c/wechat-miniprogram-plugin

Wechat applet plug-in based on JetBrains platform.


Project author: Tencent Lanjing Zhiyun

Open Source License: MIT

The address of the project: https://gitee.com/Tencent-BlueKing/bk-ci

Bk-ci is a free and open source CI service that helps you automate your build-test-release workflow and deliver your products consistently, quickly and with high quality.


Project author: Live above live below

Open Source License: Apache-2.0

The address of the project: https://gitee.com/550609334/Twobbble

Dribbble is a small and beautiful Dribbble client developed entirely using Kotlin.


Project author: Xiaolei123

Open Source License: Apache-2.0

Project address: https://gitee.com/xcode_xiao/OKBook

Kotlin + coroutine + MVVM mode to write the novel APP.

If you want to see more Kotlin projects on Gitee, check out the link below: gitee.com/explore/all…