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In the last month, I interviewed over 20 companies, including BAT, Toutiao, JINGdong, netease, DJI, Oppo, Shopee, China Merchants Jinke, Youzan and other relatively good companies that you have all heard of. I have received six offers. Finally, I chose to join Alibaba Shenzhen (interested friends can send resume to [email protected])

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in 16 years and previously worked in a small start-up company. Therefore, this interview experience is applicable to interviews with salary of 13-25K within 3 years.

Here on my interview experience to do a simple share, I hope to help you. I’m not going to go through what they asked each company, but I’m going to go through the interview process and some of the questions I’ve answered.

There are a lot of questions in the interview, if I miss the questions I will supplement and update, you can first bookmark or pay attention to my blog, convenient to view the latest content.

The interview process

If you are pressed for time or on the job, most big companies support the first round of phone interview, while Tencent and Ali basically have the first two rounds of phone interview. The latest trend is special recruitment, which can be done in one day. Basically, the process might be

Group members –> Group leader –> Director –> HR

Team members face

Generally speaking, the group members are at the same level as you, so don’t be nervous, his level may not be much higher than yours, fully show your advantages and expertise. In general, the team members surveyed basic things. I will focus on some CSS, HTML, etc that I will not focus on later

To introduce myself

Normally, you’ll be asked to introduce yourself first. This is what happens in any interview, so prepare for it. Generally speaking, I just want to give a brief account of when I graduated, where I worked and what I did.


What’s new with HTML5? What is HTML semantics? Seo how whole? What are the new HTML5 tags? Doctype?


Big factory generally more emphasis on JS, CSS side back a variety of center plan, always asked. Flex layout and so on, grid layout also look at two. What is BFC? What are the new selectors for CSS3? Have you ever written animation? What is a box model?


Es6, Promise, Async, closures, primitives, this, setTimeout, etc. May be written some common functions, debounce, new, Object. Create, promise, bind. Others will ask you about design patterns, inheritance methods.


HTTP is probably even more important than CSS for a big factory interview. HTTPS, caching, cross-domain, network security, status codes, etc. (my article on status codes), are basically required.


Feel to do the best project, then I will talk about the JS front and back isomorphism project.

Have you worked on any projects or open source stuff privately? Of course, I’ll mention my MAC address input box with RxJS and React and the React clipping component

The framework

Take VUE as an example. What is MVVM, vUE life cycle, vuex function and principle, vuUe-Router implementation, parent-child component communication, VUE source code such as bidirectional binding and virtual DOM etc. (I have a share about virtual DOM)

  1. The process of accessing a page
  2. Performance optimization (refer to my previous great article)
  3. Mobile adaptive (MY solution is REM layout)
  4. Leaving reason
  5. Team collaboration management
  6. Algorithms, all sorts of sorting, knapsack problems, binary trees, that should be enough.
  7. Pwa, small program

The group leader face

The team leader is usually the team leader who comes in and looks at things other than front-end code and maybe asks questions that other small companies don’t ask

The interviewer’s question
  1. Project deployment
  2. Project monitoring
  3. Error handling
  4. nodejs
  5. Career planning

Once you’re done, you’ll be given the opportunity to ask some questions. This is part of the interview process, so don’t just ask questions or ask cheesy questions about salary.

The question I would ask
  1. How many people are on the project
  2. What does the project do
  3. Project prospects
  4. What might I do if I got in there
  5. The front end is important in this project
  6. What kind of person are you looking for
  7. Why should I choose your company

Director of the surface

At this point, it is generally rare to ask you for specific code details, of course, self-introduction and project introduction is still required, then it is like a chat, depending on your future plans, to see why you want to do the front end (my answer), what you know about the front end and so on.

Hr side

To be honest, I don’t talk to HR as much as I do with the director, but you’d better ask him these questions

  1. Overtime hours and related regulations
  2. turnover
  3. Provident fund, social security base, provident fund proportion
  4. Future plans for the company or department
  5. Advantages compared to other companies


Instead of trying to figure out what the interviewer is going to ask you, think about what big companies are looking for. What kind of person is the interviewer looking for? Through the above content, I hope you can have some of your own thinking, not omissions to supplement, to fully show what has been

The last

There are a lot of questions for the interview. If I miss the questions, I will add and update them. You can first bookmark or follow my blog for the convenience of checking the latest content

The answers to the interview questions will be updated in the advanced series. Please pay attention to them.

Hope you can find the right job! If my article is helpful to you, please follow me on this blog and star or follow me on Github. Scan the qr code below and follow my official account to get the latest posts

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