I just read What’s New in iOS. There are a lot of contents. This article is a record of some places that I think are bright.

# SiriKit #

In iOS 10, developers can use the Siri SDK, which is undoubtedly the most important SDK in iOS 10.

# Proactive Suggestions #

Looks like an integration with CoreSpotlight, haven’t looked closely.

# Message App Extension #

In iOS 10, developers can offer message. app two kinds of app extensions, one for Sticker (yes, it’s called Sticker), the other for custom interface for emoji searching, and so on. Apparently this is an API that will make emoji app developers laugh until they cry.

# User Notifications #

This API lets you handle local or remote user notifications based on criteria such as time or geographic location. It looks like it can intercept and replace the payload sent by your app.

# Speech Recognition #

As the name suggests, the speech recognition API converts audio streams into text in real time.

# App Search Enhancements #

Enhancements to CoreSpotlight, of which I’m more interested in Visualization of Validation Results.

# Widget Enhancements #

In order to cooperate with the experience of iOS lock screen Widget below 10, apple provides widgetPrimaryVibrancyEffect and widgetSecondaryVibrancyEffect interface for customized widgets.

# CallKit #

A very important API, the opening of the VoIP interface, and a brand new App Extension, “That enables blocking and caller identification. You can create an app extension that can associate a phone number With a name or tell the system when a number should be blocked.

# App Extensions #

In fact, as mentioned above, and this is the most important one, iOS 10 has gone crazy and introduced the following 7 new App extensions:

  • Call Directory
  • Intents
  • Intents UI
  • Messages
  • Notification Content
  • Notification Service
  • Sticker Pack

# Improvements to third-party keyboards #

Very, very important, the ability to hold down the Earth key has never been easy on third-party keyboards, but now it is. Through handleInputModeListFromView: withEvent: can pop-up keyboard list system. Using documentInputMode to detect the language in the context of the input, you can make some adjustments to the input like alignment.

For more information, see here: https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/content/releasenotes/General/WhatsNewIniOS/Articles/iOS10.html#//apple_r ef/doc/uid/TP40017084-SW1

I need to focus on experiencing some of these apis, and I will update them here if there is any progress. Welcome to point out any questions.