Hello everyone, MY name is Yi Yang, I have been the interviewer in Ant, responsible for the recruitment of formal employees and partners of the interview, you can find me for big factory interview, internal promotion, school recruitment related!

This is a series of interviews live articles, updated every week, the next article will demonstrate how to write a resume, in order to gain the favor of the interviewer, remember to pay attention to me, after the update will receive push!

How to write a resume

1, resume three principles: clear, brief, necessary, to leave a good impression on the interviewer 2, technical ability matching: to meet the requirements of the employer, the technical level should reach the standard 3, highlight the highlights of the project: within 10 seconds to let the interviewer found highlights, have the power to ask

1. Three principles of resume

A good resume should be clear, short, and necessary

1) Clear: The resume is easy to understand, simple layout, no ambiguity, such as school and graduation date, how many years of work, work experience in the corresponding industry, the position of the application should be clear and clear.

When recruiting, some people will count the internship time, and the working time will not be right. If recruiting, there is no need to write internship related content, unless the content is particularly good.

Some people will put the university they graduated from at the bottom of their resume, and some of them will not let the interviewer guess the graduation date, which is really sweet operation. This kind of general default resume is not good, job seekers themselves are not confident, the interviewer continues to see resume mood is not.

2) Brevity: In a job presentation or job interview, “to the point” is an important skill to have the interviewer understand what you are trying to say. Important sections can be bolded, and the resume should be no longer than two pages.

If you don’t know how to do this part, I recommend you to read a great book called The Principles of the Pyramid.

3) Necessary: Only the necessary information on the resume can help each other to save the most time and improve efficiency. Make sure everything in your resume is of interest to the interviewer.

Basic information includes your name, email address, mobile phone number, years of employment, and desired city.

Some people put a link to a GitHub or blog on their resume. If the blog is full of content, you can put it there. If there is no content, just a few interviews, this link should not be put on the resume.

Your interviewer is likely to read a link to your blog, so be prepared to avoid embarrassing interviews if you forget it.

Some people will list all the similar projects in the project experience, such as A management background, B management background, in fact, there is no much difference in these work content, write A representative is ok.

2. Technical ability matching

This part highlights in-depth fields and core skills, such as experience in performance optimization, monitoring, engineering, etc., master Vue/React source code, network and browser principles, and be familiar with data structures and algorithms, etc. Highlighting these contents can guide the interviewer to advance towards your predefined battlefield. Don’t panic by suddenly throwing out a few interview questions that you don’t know.

3. Highlight project highlights

A project experience needs to be written in a very concise way. It is recommended to use STAR to complete the project introduction. STAR is situation, Task, action and result.

In A nutshell, it is the background of [S] the project, which can be project introduction or problems and difficulties encountered, what work [T] needs to be done and what responsibilities [A] takes to solve these problems, [R] and what measurable results have been achieved.

From a few points in the project, make your value worth putting on your resume.

Project preparation

There are two types of work, one business oriented and the other infrastructure oriented

If your team is an infrastructure team, simply put together the system of your project in terms of why, how, technical difficulties, and business value.

If your team is business oriented, you need to actively explore technical points in your regular work. This depends on the support of the team. The best way is to push the team to explore technical points and do some business value enhancement points.

There are a lot of directions to do, find a direction to do more than a year, and then consider job-hopping after the results. Scaffolding systems, marketing configuration platforms, publishing/coding platforms, microfronts, low code, improvement tools, etc. It’s best to do it in the context of the business. When you’re done, you’ll bring business value, which will be a big help in both performance and interview.

Brush the topic to prepare

Although many people make fun of this, but there is no way, the market is like this. When the interview routine questions can not answer, it is difficult to enter the following link.

There are only so many general questions, including HTML, CSS, JS, async, browser, network, security, frameworks, data structures and algorithms, performance optimization and handwritten questions.

Now many companies will be in the side of the time to arrange programming ability test, so programming questions and algorithm questions need to be well prepared, you can go to muyiy.cn interview website to learn.

Review the list of knowledge points and items on your resume, which will be very frequently used in the next interview.

Don’t prepare for knowledge that isn’t on your resume. For example, if you don’t have access to small programs, don’t read them. For example, if your project is React, you don’t need to prepare Vue. Focus on your resume.

If you come across some knowledge points that you haven’t written about in the interview, this time just truthfully say that you haven’t touched on this area. The interview is to tap your potential and highlight, not to embarrass you, so there is no problem if you haven’t answered some points.

A few common questions

Format problem

Unified PDF format, many people like to send Word format, but different devices under the view will be confused. Typography is simple, black text on a white background, use common forms, headings, lists, nothing fancy.

Working stability

The interviewer will ask you why you left your last job, so be careful if you’ve changed jobs frequently recently. If your goal is to enter a big factory, you’d better stay in the nearest one for more than 3 years, and you’d better not have more than 3 in 5 years, otherwise it’s dangerous.

Interactive response

Some people like to answer whatever they ask, which is actually not good. Questions and answers can be paced by the interviewer, plus it makes you seem like you’re not thinking and memorizing.

Highlight the thinking, framework, or technical details that are relevant to the problem and show what sets you apart. Throw out your technical highlights and direct the interviewer to ask.

Encounter not the problem, tell the truth about this technical point is not, not in-depth understanding, and then their own understanding to say, remember random guess.

Don’t talk nonsense

Some people like to babble and answer a lot of questions, but without focus or priorities, it shows the interviewer that you are not thinking clearly. In fact, the interview is looking for fellow passers-by, in addition to the technical level will also examine how the level of communication, logic chaos, this kind of person is generally not suitable for recruitment to cultivate.

Too fluent

This is very bad, too fluent is not in line with the normal situation, the interviewer knows that everyone is prepared, but unscrupulous recitation of a long paragraph, will give a person a feeling of just recite but do not understand the essence of the question.

There should be a pause, there should be thinking, and it’s best to look the interviewer in the eye and make eye contact.