
An open platform, as the name implies, is the ability of an enterprise to be offered to a third party or within the enterprise. Competence here refers to:

Data capabilities, AI capabilities, computing capabilities, medical capabilities, etc., to facilitate the use of third-party capabilities in the form of interfaces.

The product manager of open platform is to sort out the company’s capabilities, package them with business + scenarios + solutions + technical advantages, and then provide them to the third party.

MVP’s open platform won’t hold you

The construction of open platform is actually the development of 2B business of an enterprise. Open platforms will eventually bring profits to enterprises through business cooperation with other third parties. In the early days of open platform, product managers were tasked with sorting out four points

  • Open platform entry process

  • Open Platform introduction page

  • Open platform service display and check

  • Navigation bar content and design

The product manager’s role in an open platform is more of a bridge. For example, in the Tencent cloud server, the product manager obtains the market demand and communicates with the development students to provide the ability. In the open platform of medical treatment, the product manager obtains the market demand and communicates the medical ability with the students in charge of biology.

Therefore, at this stage, the work of product manager is mostly content review and sorting. Plus the open platform in the prophase class the product logic is simple. Ensure that the page jumps, users need to come from the business and B side of the demand. So the product work at this stage becomes relatively easy and simple.

In this process, product managers also need to establish a platform entry and signing process. This area needs to set rules and standards with the market and the legal community. Because most of the time the system does not support the offline process, the product manager needs to find the boundary point. After users sign up or purchase services, the signing process will be different depending on their open capabilities.

In particular, it is recommended that the use of the early open platform can quickly adopt form collection. Collect clues and information about potential customers. Reduce the collection process of service items and reach users as quickly as possible. The application process is then iterated.

The control center

In an open platform, the console or control center is basic. In the console, third-party enterprises can know their own interface usage, service status, cost balance, and management access applications.

Above is the personal center of Tengxin Cloud. It can be seen that the personal center of the open platform must be connected to manage the corresponding interface (service) with its own application.

Field standards in the control center, such as project name, project description, and project ID, need to be set by the product manager with development.

The capabilities provided by an open platform must be stable and mature, so the fields of an interface can be determined by development.

The common way is to use Excel tables to sort out the specific fields and parameter sizes that each interface can provide. Facilitate unified summary.

Dui content

There is a saying that the product managers with the highest attrition rate, the highest turnover rate, are open platform product managers. Product manager compared to other products. Open platform product managers are more organized and work scenarios are more focused on how to express open capabilities.

The figure above shows the scenario of Tencent Cloud, which describes the solution scenario of cloud server products. These documents are the solution introduced by the product manager after getting the market demand survey.

In addition to UI expertise in copywriting and illustration, open platform product managers also need to be particularly strong.

Because the focus on polishing content, changing the world and reaching as many people as possible has become irrelevant to open platform product managers. The passion died down and I had to leave.

Well, today’s original is here, I will stick to two work cases a week

Recommended reading:

Do it for a year and recruit 100 product managers

My first book. Here it is

In 2018, let’s move on!