In June, I changed my job

March, April brush questions, May interview, June, July entry, adapt to the new company, August……. August made a decision, whether good or bad.

Stop more days, think a lot, have been thinking about a problem: WHAT do I want, in the end?

After graduation, I engaged in work related to embedded software development. By chance, I learned the knowledge related to Java backend by myself. I was still engaged in embedded software development in my working days, and I learned Java in my spare time for two years. That’s when I had the idea to switch to Java development. Coincidentally, during my self-study of Java, there was a demand for back-end development in the department, so I undertook this work alone. Although I did it behind closed doors, it was helpful to improve my skills. In this way, I struggled for another year. However, there is no large Java technology environment here, and I am alone, which has great limitations for my growth, so I decided to change my job in the first half of the year and turn to Java development. The interview process began in May.

In may on the move, consumed me a lot of energy, work in a line to find a person knows that the interview is how, a morning run, run one afternoon, the shenzhen so big, sometimes the distance of two to two hours’ drive, evening again to a phone call or online written examination, at the time basically maintaining a state on the surface of the three times a day, every day Plus the summary after the interview, I could not finish my work until 1:00 a.m. every day. Fortunately, most companies have a rest on weekends, otherwise I would have no rest for seven days a week.

I have got several offers, including some large factory (not BAT). However, considering the development of technology in the future, I finally went to a small and medium-sized company.

Original company to deal with, it takes a month to go process time, and then into the new company, in this one month, it’s uneasy heart, after all this is turned, and many are not familiar with technology, faced with so many unknown and uncertainty, as classmates told me that before Java development is not so good, really to development project is chicken fly a dog to jump, Maybe you just jumped from one pit to another. My real experience tells me that this is true!

In the new company, every day have a need to do, don’t change the bug, write not over of interfaces, like machine tapping the keyboard, few will talk with you today how much new cases, how is the situation in Afghanistan, where to play over the weekend, and everyone seems to be in a condom, will be closed in, to get in the shower after a certain amount of money and skill, each rush thing, As for the rest, it’s none of my business. This kind of working state, as if in consumption, leaves you no energy to think, to plan, to create. What’s scarier is that most of the country’s Internet companies do.

Looking at the company, some colleagues in their thirties are still working overtime every day, knocking on codes. Their sparse hair makes them look strong, but they seem to be telling others that I am actually helpless! Who wants to work overtime if you can avoid it? Who wants to be bald if they don’t lose their hair! Everyone is for life, once the ideal, once the poem and distance, as if become unworthy of mention, by the time spent in the middle of time, gradually, also accepted this kind of state, slowly began to feel consumed is normal, but it seems that what things have been killed, but feel as if it has no matter……

I know that there will always be an anxiety cycle, and it will be better after that cycle, but I clearly feel that this time the anxiety is not within the cycle. Late at night, sitting in the rental house window, looking at the road to get on the car to car, can not help asking themselves: this is what I want? What do you want, exactly?

In this industry, what we listen to most is to constantly learn, improve skills, enter a big factory, get a high salary, marry Bai Fumei, to the peak of life. Admittedly, IT is the world of the Internet at present, 360 lines, line all want to turn IT, its salary has an absolute advantage, but the sadness behind this advantage, only those who have done just know. Recently, there was a hot topic on Zhihu: “When will the country rectify the phenomenon of programmers’ high salaries?” And what? Regulation? Seeing the person who put forward the question was sprayed, I was also pleased, “programmers earn a few sons, in fact, is the most honest, the most hard, the most open and abovemight. Training a programmer requires more than a decade of study, as well as intensive, objective and standard interviews; But too many industries, to a person can do, anyway, people can not rely on the number of accumulation;” Indeed, technical competition, assessment pressure, midlife crisis, programmer is like a siege, the people inside want to go out, the people outside want to come in, but there is always a reason, let the people inside still adhere to, ideal or life, perhaps is the original dream in adhere to! However, have you ever thought, a lifetime is so long, life can actually have a lot of ways to live. The most important thing is to know what you want, why you live, and what the meaning is!

Every developer has an architectural dream, to reach the peak of technology, to become an architect, to step up to the CTO position, to be honest, FOR a long time I have thought this way, for my own life plan is the same: deep technology, both depth and breadth, keep learning. Never too old to learn, so that you will not be obsolete, do not face a mid-life crisis. But then you will be in this fixed circle all your life, doing technology all your life, at most turning to a product or management, but you will never get out of this circle. You may ask, isn’t it good to reach a certain height and gain fame and fortune in an industry? Everyone has their own pursuit, their own point of view, and perhaps poetry and distance?

Of course, there are also many people who really love technology, think that technology is the pursuit of life, but also determined this path, intend to run in this direction for a lifetime. I actually quite envy this kind of people, have a clear goal and struggle for life, this is a meaningful life! But IT became clear to me that I didn’t really love technology. I was just driven by profit and forced by life. Some people say that sometimes we don’t know what we love, but when we do our job well, it becomes the love of our life. It is reasonable that most people do not know what they want, what they really love, the current job is not love, nor hate, but for the present is the best state to make a living, so they quietly accept this job. But I’d rather be able to explore and find my passion than be forced to love something.

Life is constantly looking for, constantly choice, some people have been on the road, and some people have stopped, we will have a lot of opportunities, but these opportunities, are in our active search for the road, or that sentence: to life, might as well be bold, because we will eventually lose it! Try more, take the initiative to explore, life should be a lot of possibilities.