Column | chapter nine algorithm

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The programmer is young, 30 is a bit old, 35 is very old. Do coders have any other options than technology and management as they get older and more physically, mentally and academically competitive with younger people? The real and not-so-real options below are for reference only.

1. Move to a closer role, like that product manager you hate

The programmer and the product manager are the two positions most like husband and wife.

Programmer to product manager has a great advantage, because they understand the realization process of the product, so they have a considerable say on the project time control, can ensure the progress of the project, for the future expansion and upgrade of the product, so the programmer to product manager is very popular.

With a little more knowledge of product marketing and operations, and a little more communication skills, coder-born product managers will naturally have a big advantage in the market.

At present, the most outstanding product manager in China is not zhang Xiaolong, the father of wechat, who is the best case of programmer to product manager. If you have the insight to understand human needs and believe that you can create a product that everyone wants, you can get a raise, become a general manager, become a CEO, marry bai Fumei and go to the top of your life just like Zhang Xiaolong.

2. Education in any industry can be used as a backup

With the popularity of apes in the labor market, IT instructor has also become a hot position. The older the number of years in the work, the slower the rise, to the older stage, they have to face their own stagnation, IT lecturer will be a good choice for them.

3. Self-employed, who knows who is free

In addition to being an IT instructor and product manager, some programmers are simply tired of writing code and want to get rid of code completely, to get rid of the work of the programmers. Some of them made use of the money they had saved over the years to start their own business.

I do not know because of the news or really have so large base, it is said that the program ape turned to do a lot of food, and are still doing well.

Whether selling sausage powder, selling cold skin, selling hot dry noodles, selling hot pot have!

Program monkey selling baked cakes, selling cold skin, sounds like some condescending. But now the income of the self-employed is not low, even if it is just to sell a hot and dry noodles, sell a pancake, good management, income is not worse than a senior code farmer.

4. Some high-paying industries, like being a celebrity

This proposal, is serious, after all, there are many stars in the program ape successful case.

Pan weibo

Wilber Pan, who designed a game called Panda Fart King, was the first artist to design an iPhone app and created the number one download on the App Store.

Li Jian


The host, Ma Dong, was also a computer professional. When he was less than 18 years old, Ma Went to Australia to study computer science and worked as an IT engineer in Australia for 10 years. As a result, he has a sensitive perception of data and orderly programming thinking, which makes him stand out in the media industry with a unique style.

In addition to these stars being programmed apes, there are also apes who have become prime ministers.

Lee hsien loong,

Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s prime minister, was also a real programmer. He studied mathematics and computer science at Trinity College, Cambridge, and once posted a percolation program he had written, asking Internet users to help him find bugs. Speaking at a technology entrepreneurship forum, Mr Lee revealed that he had “really enjoyed programming”.

5. Pursue your passions and find your true self

They say the best career change is for your hobby. After all, changing industries requires a lot of time and effort and failure. Do a program ape, struggle for a few years, save enough money, it is time to find yourself, the pursuit of their own hobbies. In both of these cases, the programmer had steady jobs, but gave them up and chose to pursue their passions, eventually making it big.



Wang Xiaobo once wrote proudly in his novel that all the software I wrote the book was written by myself. At that time, he also made a lot of money by selling software, a lot of zhongguancun boss wanted to pull him into the gang, which was fatal attraction for the silk Wang Xiaobo at that time, Wang Xiaobo also seriously considered, but later feel more interesting to write things, they rejected one by one.

The above is an incomplete career change guide. However, be careful when changing careers.

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