The story gets from 19 years of that autumn speak of, colleague small beautiful sent a message to an: “an object went to town.” “What? ! Is your date from the country?” “No, I went to a big company.” “Oh, that’s what it means. Your date is great! What did the examiner ask, I see……”

So I am also ready to move, opened the journey of big factory interview, the following is my experience, can give you learn from.

To prepare daily


SAO years, you are not that strong young man, listen to the advice, as much as you sweat it (sprinkle on the right son oh).

I heard dachang is hell on earth. I have to work late every night. Touch your hairline. Here’s a folk remedy for you: Exercise every day, your immune system will improve and your hair will be saved. Of course, we didn’t check.


If you are learning every day, learning this language and that frame, you are really a good boy. However, the basic things can do, four basic skills (not to say learn funny singing) is easy to grasp? No, I don’t think so. I don’t even have a superstructure.

Good habit

Originally want to write to maintain good habits, but think even habits are not, keep a hammer. From now on, start to develop their own good habits, such as classification summary, summary review and so on. These good habits, scientists say can be formed in 21 days, you might as well try?

To collect information

Don’t just go up and throw in your resume. Why, cast a wide net? Want to be the Sea King? It is better to go to those several recruitment platforms to see what skills are needed and see if these skills are all available. Take a look at what the divisions are, what the businesses are. If recruitment information is not fully understood, you can find Baidu.

Before the interview

Don’t quit naked

Finally, you’re making the move to interview. You said you wanted a lot of time to study, you wanted to quit naked.

Big brother, poverty alleviation hat off? Or do you think the first tier cities can hold the body? If your family has a mine, forget it. The ans don’t have you that condition son, have to ride a donkey to find a horse. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s not good or ethical. Funny. There’s no morality in working for a capitalist. He probably told you that and he did the same thing.

Review your resume in your off-work time or during your break. Get your resume ready and see what you’ve done and what you know to move forward. Don’t say you haven’t. There’s always a tall one out of a short one. Simplify your little amateur demo as much as you can, and forget about it if you can’t. Be careful, be careful to write holes, bury yourself.

The whole opening paragraph

I’m not asking you to speak. Doesn’t every introduction have a whole paragraph? What do you think you’re supposed to do. That’s a must. Don’t feel like you’re winging it. I have eaten a deficit…….

Adjusting the

Forget a suit and tie. At least get a nice haircut and a clean face. I really can’t do that. Oh, you want to wear a face mask, too? Yes, anything in heaven.

Don’t be late

If nothing unexpected is blocking your progress, try to get there a little early. It’s not that the interviewer is stumping you, it’s just that you’re feeling damned guilty and insecure.

In the interview

Preheating in advance

Have the experience of running, every time before running to warm up, exercise muscles and bones, to prevent muscle strain of the body (no words….. Good luck, Emmmm). Interview is the same reason, do not go to face happy company, otherwise the state is not adjusted well will be passed off. It is easy to perform abnormally just after the interview because of bad state or nervousness. Not only will you miss an opportunity, but you’ll make yourself feel even more frustrated.

I just went straight up and let my friends help me massage the interview opportunity to Autonavi, and as expected, experienced a Waterloo.

How the interview

As an experienced interviewer, I have to warn you that if you are talented and get a good offer right out of the gate, this advice is not for you. If you are in a different situation, you are advised to cover a wide range of companies, either first small and then large, or in a mix of small and large companies.

Understand the trade-offs

When it comes to being disrespected during the interview process, whatever you can do, let go.

On a second interview, one of the interviewers groaned every time I finished a question and went out to get takeout.

If that’s the case, I suggest you give up, too. This is the kind of person who would kill you on a daily basis.

Keep a good attitude

You’ve met with a lot of companies that haven’t gone your way, and you may start to seriously doubt yourself. I’m telling you, there are a lot of people who are worse off than you, so keep your chin up, and soon, there will be one for you.

Summary and review

Value every opportunity. After the immediate review and summary, the topic of each interview are summarized and classified. Networks, systems, algorithms, data structures, designs, etc., all listed. For those stuck links, be sure to understand, do not fall in the same place twice. If you don’t know what to summarize, take a look at the summary here.

After the interview

Don’t lie

After a few rounds of interviews, when you arrive at this point, the HR should come to you and ask you for some basic information. Remember, don’t lie! Don’t fake it either! HR people are not vegetarians, they have their own community. Think how easy it is to ask about people in your circle. What’s more, there is another kind of organization called backtracking company.

Welfare treatment

Don’t think talking about money will hurt your relationship. You don’t even have a relationship! Talk big and say you want free meals and a million dollars a year. What are you afraid of? It’s all business. How to pay the five insurances and housing fund? You have to ask.

After got the offer

If you only have one offer and you have no choice, skip this one.

If, on the other hand, you’re a tough guy, and you’ve got multiple offers, you’re going to have to listen to me. Be sure to know what you want, future, money these two are sometimes a choice. You may say, I got so many offers from big factories, they are not bad, so I must choose one with more money.

Well, don’t worry, big brother. Let me tell you something. Money is right, but choose a development, must be more promising than money. Not all big factory projects are good projects, there are always those marginalized, think about your current company. A lot of people might say, you know what? A normal person knows that. But there are people who go to their heads in front of money. I have seen many of them.

Ready to mount guard

Be sure to give yourself a period of transition, such as a few days of rest, or even a day or two. This is the time to hit the waves, otherwise into the city, still want to have fun? That might be thinking a little too much. But don’t worry, it’s not the execution ground, there’s still freedom.

When I changed jobs, it was seamless. One day I returned office supplies and issued my exit papers and the next day I was in town. Ho, boy…

I wish a good future

Well, you should wave wave now, high enthusiasm also passed, then bring your credentials and vision to meet your first day of big factory life. If you work for a company that doesn’t have its own line of computers, chances are you’ll get a brand new MAC. If you’re not used to it, take my advice, bite the bullet, and get used to it. Don’t switch to that damn Windows, or you’ll be back in tears later.

Now, you can go to work. What, you said you needed time to Orient yourself, another week? Oh, man, we’re halfway through the schedule. What schedule! I just got here. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I arranged it before you came. Let’s get used to it.

The last

Many people say that Dachang is like a besieged city. Those inside want to get out and those outside want to get in. I think most of the people who are saying this are outside the city, and some of them are probably trying to comfort you. Who would give up the colorful life of the city?

One last word of nagging! If you do not have channels, and want to enter the factory, welcome to contact me. Don’t misunderstand, there is no one in the factory, can not arrange you, but can help you push.

Harm, gag, give each other everything, wish you a good future!