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Yes, you read that right. Tencent intelligence, a new generation of cloud database CynosDB, “C” bit debut!

CynosDB is a new generation of high performance and high availability enterprise-level distributed cloud database developed by Tencent Cloud. The integration of traditional database, cloud computing and new hardware advantages, 100% compatible with open source database, high throughput of millions of QPS, unlimited storage, the price is only 1/10 of the commercial database. Ultimate optimization for general-purpose hardware, breaking the Andy Beale law and releasing hardware dividends!

Cynos comes from Latin Cynosura, the North star in Ancient Greek mythology, meaning a focal point, a person or thing that attracts attention. CynosDB, as a new generation of high performance and high availability enterprise-level distributed cloud database developed by Tencent Cloud, is a natural “Center” in terms of status and capability.

Redefine the database by the cloud

Databases are never short of star products. As is often the case with DB-Engines Ranking, which uses Popularity as its benchmark from day one, it’s the beginning of a technology talent show that has never been shut down. Unexpectedly, Aurora, Amazon’s AWS cloud database, was launched in 2014 to officially enter the $40 billion-a-year database market.

Subsequently, Amazon AWS was successfully included for the first time in Gartner’s Leaders’ database, and Aurora’s Popularity score skyrocketed by 100% per year. At the same time, more and more cloud vendors’ databases began to emerge in the industry and academia, and the era of cloud to redefine the database has come. Tencent cloud database CynosDB is also officially in such a historical stage should be “cloud” and born.

Core design concept of enterprise distributed cloud database CynosDB

Comprehensive: Fully compatible with the new open source database

Cohesive: Extreme kernel-level optimization combined with new hardware technology

Creative: Achieve fully managed intelligent operation and maintenance

Cost Effective: On-demand billing with no server architecture

Users can focus on the development of business applications and provide users with a flexible, agile and sustainable new generation of cloud native database services with new features, high performance and low cost.

“Cost savings and agile innovation have become the core drivers of cloud on the enterprise.” Mark Hurd, Oracle CEO

Redefine distribution-divide and conquer

Customer’s most simple demand for database is “more, faster, better and less”, that is, “storage, performance, ease of use, cost”. Based on the in-depth analysis of the current user scenarios of Tencent Cloud, CynosDB redefines the distributed architecture of the database – divide and conquer under the ecosystem of fully compatible open source database.

The computing engine is decoupled from the storage engine to achieve stateless and fault isolation of compute nodes. All status data is stored in the storage engine. In this way, compute nodes can be scheduled and quickly recovered at the speed of seconds, minimizing the impact on services.

Then the storage engine is “unloaded” to the third generation intelligent distributed shared storage system developed by Tencent. We have made a lot of innovative designs in system stability, high reliability of data, extreme performance and enterprise-class characteristics. It implements strong Data consistency across multiple availability zones and multiple replicas. Combined with the Continuous Data Protection (CDP) technology, the Data reliability can reach 99.9999999%. It provides single-client IOPS and sub-millisecond RT (Response time) latency, reaching or exceeding the level of commercial storage.

Governance is computable intelligent storage, the ultimate optimization for general hardware: log conversion to record and data page operation pushed down to the storage layer to complete, reduce network IO to a minimum, transaction commit RT to a minimum, to achieve the real “log is database”. The zero-copy technology can reduce the performance loss caused by the context switch of the operating system and the data copy between user mode and kernel mode, further optimize the system performance of critical path, and reduce the request delay. At the same time, AI deep learning technology is used to realize disk fault prediction, I/O prefetch, and cache capabilities of storage nodes.

The dream of a cloud database

Cloud database CynosDB is an important milestone for Tencent cloud to continue to improve, enrich and open cloud computing capabilities, and also promote the further improvement of community ecology. With the emergence of new technology, new hardware and new architecture, there will be more manufacturers to join the ranks of self-research cloud database, to join millions of QPS, or even millions of TPS star team. For CynosDB, meeting the most simple needs of customers is just a starting point, and the ultimate dream is to achieve the ultimate simple needs.

Cloud database in the future will become the enterprise IT infrastructure of water, electricity, coal, can be on-demand fast start, to support various types of data, to meet all kinds of business, unlimited storage, server, all intelligence, the drive, zero operations, free, when global coverage and can be automatically extended to close client, provide stable and reliable free extension services, CynosDB will make unremitting efforts to bring more product capabilities to the world.

CynosDB will soon open beta application, use the invite our, further information, please pay close attention to tencent cloud website (cloud.tencent.com/act/event/c…). .

Has been authorized by the author tencent cloud + community release, the original link: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1134345?fromSource=waitui