The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology hotspot at present and even in the future. In 2020, with the continuous implementation of 5G and other cutting-edge technologies, the Internet of everything has become the general trend. It is not hard to find that in the rolling process of IoT industry, databases, operating systems and software applications related to it are mushrooming. Home appliances, industrial, automotive and other traditional fields are also starting to combine with IoT, realizing relevant applications and continuously realizing industrial transformation.

It is gratifying that China has led the world in the growth rate of the global IoT industry. According to the latest “White Paper on the Internet of Things 2020” released by the China Academy of Information and Communication, the scale of China’s Internet of Things industry has exceeded 1.7 trillion yuan by 2020, and the overall industrial scale of the Internet of Things has maintained an average annual growth rate of 20% during the 13th Five-Year Plan period.

It can be predicted that the Internet of Things industry is already on the eve of the outbreak, and the in-depth mining of industry demand and the implementation of large-scale technology will undoubtedly be the core in the next few years. Under the huge application prospect and scale increment, for developers, a quick understanding of relevant technologies can undoubtedly grab the technological dividend from IoT in advance.

If you also want to learn IoT technology

This share must not be missed!

In order to enable developers to have a deep understanding of the overall picture of IoT technology, feel specific technology application cases. At 20:00 on January 12 (Tuesday), JD Zhaopin Cloud online open class will invite Huang Yong, senior architect of JD Zhaopin Cloud IoT Product Department, to introduce the technical speech and innovation practice in the field of IoT for developers **. If you are interested, click the registration link under ** to register.


Huang Yong, senior architect of JD Zhilian Cloud IoT Product Department, has led the design and actual construction of enterprise-level IoT application architecture in aviation, energy, logistics and other fields, and has rich experience in IoT technical framework design and project implementation.

Suitable for the object

Individuals and enterprises interested in the Internet of Things.

Learning points

  1. The evolution of IoT technology and the forecast of future technology development trend;

  2. For the IoT field, jingdong Zhaopin cloud core technology capabilities and evolution path introduction;

  3. Jd Zhilian Cloud IoT business technology practice and application case sharing.

IoT Technology open class not to be missed

Welcome to click [registration link] to register and participate

Recommended reading:

  • The Internet of Things is a new engine for reconstruction and growth in the age of digital intelligence

  • Iot development | how to choose a suitable for your Internet operating system?

  • How can edge storage relieve storage pressure in the Era of Internet of Things?

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