5G is apple’s real launch

  • Most people are considering which model is cost-effective and whether to change the phone, but I think most about the following points:
    • Apple tends to set trends in the mobile phone industry, both in terms of appearance and functionality.
    • A lot of people didn’t buy the Apple 11, they were waiting for the 5G 12, because the apple is very durable and usually lasts for several years
    • Several practice flashpoints on the front end this year: e.g. low code platform, front endServerless, as well as thewebIDEAnd so on.

What is serverless? Now if it is a common build process, so you have to go to buy a server, then configure nginx, then start your backend server, if it is a separate project before and after the end, even after the front building static resource product synchronous offers users access to the corresponding folder (there is also a container, here don’t do too much paper), a series of operations, It’s hard for a person to fully achieve it, or it’s a little bit too high for a person to achieve it at all. But with Serverless, you can write your code in the webIDE on the web, keep it in the cloud, configure it in advance, and click on the release when you want to build it. During this period, all operation and maintenance, deployment operations are blocked for you (here for the sake of easy to understand so the explanation may not be very standard).

5G penetration is needed, and soon

  • What impact will it have on the front end?
    • To speed upserverlessThe popularity of the application, this is for sure! As transmission speeds get faster and the power of cloud computing increases, more and more things will be done in the cloud, as mentioned earlierIDE(Speaking Chinese is the web version of the editor)
    • The scenarios of civil 5G and commercial 5G are different, but they have one thing in common. Once the transmission speed is faster, more things can be done in the cloud. In the past, we will consider using some recomputing business and logic for performancewasm,BFF layerTo optimize it, but as the transmission speeds get faster,FAASorServerlessPatterns solve this problem. Let the cloud handle the sharing of these issues, and the front end focus on interaction
    • The requirement for interaction fluency is higher
    • The front end is better for heavier, more complex functionality
    • The “front end” may be lighter, the front end may focus on the interaction implementation in the future and do the rest in the cloud, but the front end can do a lot more byServerlessMode shielding o&M deployment layer, one person to complete the front-end development deployment o&M work. (Best hope)

Low code platform

  • There are many low-code platforms out there, but the best ones are currently availableimgcookAccording to thesketchDesign sketches generate code directly because our company UI issketchSo this is what I got out of my practice (I don’t know any of them, it’s just a recommendation),What framework, environment, and webIDE features are available for the code they generate. The key is that the image generation code is also in beta
  • Optional code
  • If you are working on a C-end product and often have active pages, I suggest you use this to achieve it. The work of low end graphics will be replaced. How long will it take

  • Do you want to learn more tools? My advice would be to just scratch the surface: because there are so many technologies out there, you need to grab the most important one or two that are best for you and your product. Otherwise, it is a burden to learn more. It is better to have more time to study some underlying technologies and improve comprehensive ability

What can we do

  • Take advantage of the momentum, 5G is unstoppable, and it’s fast (trust Apple’s lead)
  • Re-interaction, experience. Start thinking about how to make the user experience better in the business
  • To adapt towebIDEDevelopment model, most things will be done on the cloud in the future, you just have to learn how to use them
  • Learn about the backend as appropriate, for exampleRedis, mysql,Such as the use of
  • With its emphasis on 3D, large screen visualization and other previously heavy business scenarios, Google Chrome may be surprisingly strong in the future, perhaps ten years from now it will be able to achieve real 3D projection visualization on devices
  • What framework does writing UI not matter, multiple encapsulation of pure functions without side effects, for the futureFAASorServerlessTo prepare the pattern, a visualization class is recommendedServerlessPattern development library:node-red. (based onNode.js) We do a lot of things with this, by encapsulating pure functions, visually dragging programming, and incorporating various modules (maybe not as rich as a cloud vendor, but it’s free and independently deployable)

The last

  • Remember to follow my official account:The front-end peakMake you different from others, have the ability to think independently
  • You can comment if you have written poorly or have other ideas to point out

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