Facebook recently made a bot that works better with humans. In card games, robots can adapt to complex rules and work with humans, not only making logical decisions about cards with superior computing power, but also making changes to strategy throughout the game.

“In real life, collaborating with other people is more complex than trying to outsmart your opponent, and we want AI to be able to handle those situations,” said Noam Brown, an AI research scientist at Facebook.

Humans and robots have their own strengths and can complement each other. Once artificial intelligence becomes a teammate, the strongest team will be born.

If you want to know just how powerful Team Max is, you can test the waters with the RPA. RPA is an important carrier of AI technology, which is widely used in various fields. If the universality of AI remains science fiction, RPA’s vision of “human-machine collaboration” is just around the corner.

So what exactly does RPA help people accomplish?

# web crawler

In daily work, some tasks need to collect specific information from different websites, such as commodity trading websites to collect quotations for comparison, or news websites to collect information on a certain topic for a period of time. RPA can simulate human operation, collect information from different websites and complete summary. The whole process can be automated, so that the efficiency of information collection and sorting is greatly improved.

# Order processing

Many e-commerce businesses receive orders, the order will be sent to the warehouse for goods scheduling. At the same time, but also contact suppliers, timely replenishment to ensure inventory. Inventory in and out, is always dynamic, if you want to maintain a stable balance, it is necessary to update the order information in time, compared with inventory records. This process can then be handed over to the RPA to automatically enter the data, complete the comparison, and alert the administrator to respond.

# Mail query processing

If your business needs to respond to tens of thousands of emails, an efficient RPA can be a big help. Messages can be grouped by source or keyword, and the RPA bot responds to different types of emails. With clear rules set in advance, RPA can quickly process large volumes of mail, freeing employees from the chore.

# Transfer data across systems

Some companies have adopted a new system or platform and need to copy historical data from the old system to the new system. Data cannot be imported in batches and can only be copied and pasted one by one. This is a daunting task, especially over a time horizon of even 20 years. The RPA, which works 24 hours a day and is fast and error-free, is the best choice.

# form processing

Many business processes involve data entry, identification, reading, statistics and other related tasks of forms. Some companies are the bill information input management system as a deposit; Some companies feed specific data into certain applications to form reports that support decision making. RPA automates form processing, freeing employees from basic repetitive tasks and focusing on decision making.

# Salary payment

Generally speaking, companies need to pay their employees every month, and if there are enough employees, this repetitive work can take up a lot of resources. RPA can extract the required details and information in the salary table according to the set, calculate the salary according to the established rules, and complete the payment of employees’ salary through bank transactions.

# Premium renewal

Upon receipt of the applicant’s renewal application and premium, the insurance institution shall provide the applicant with a renewal receipt. A receipt is generated for each premium each person pays for the policy. The RPA solution can do this and does not even require any manual intervention in the process.

# Claim Processing

The insurance company must process the claims made by the insured. In this operation, specific information is reviewed, verified and followed up. Processes like this can be automated to allow the RPA to perform the cumbersome claims business, which will improve the efficiency of claims processing and create a great customer experience for the insurer.

# exception handling

Banks or insurance industry in some businesses need to identify abnormal customers or transactions, and timely take corresponding measures. By establishing a clear set of rules to keep human intervention to a minimum, this responsibility can be handed over to RPA robots.

# Financial reconciliation

Tasks like reconciliation are so common that almost every company needs to complete them. Once the RPA software robot has the required rules and details, it can easily do the job instead of a human employee. Accountants are able to do more pressing work, whether it’s tax matters or the next quarter’s budget.

In summary, RPA is designed for processes that have clear rules, are well documented and do not need to change, and it can help organizations in multiple industries automate a wide variety of tasks.

Data reports predict that over 40% of organizations will use RPA products incorporating AI technology to solve more complex business process management problems in the next few years.

In fact, whether you know it or not, our work environment is undergoing a massive transformation. “Man-machine collaboration” will gradually become normal, like another industrial revolution in which the way of production is once again changed and the nature of work is redefined.

Countless business practices tell us that cooperation always creates more value than competition. Human cooperation is no longer enough, this time we will cooperate with robots.

The original link: https://www.51rpa.net/rpaedu/4706.html