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Author: Taro jun


Today is minor Cold, the coldest time of the year and the third working day of the New Year.

This winter, very cold than before, is not only the weather is cold, the heart is cold, entrepreneurship were significantly less many, many, investment is becoming more and more cautious, side can’t hear a few success to the investment company, it was a cry, a collapse of easily, more is quietly in secret struggle, a little bit better, tighten the spending, We cut our staff on a small scale and count how long we have left. Before saw the investor, casually blow, immediately pay, now see the investor, ask you how to profit, can not blame them, all for your good, this period is not profitable hard to live ah, let alone what to rely on burning money to maintain the business.

In fact, these things, with programmers are also very big.

May be in a relatively stable place to stay feeling, such as BAT what, but when it comes to the year-end bonus you should also have some feeling, Ma Yun will not like a few years ago as the year-end bonus.

As for wild programmers, many of them already feel this way. Either company suddenly died, this is the worst, if you just start to work with a company to die, that’s worse, in this time, everyone began to Sue gave birth to alleviate, so-called Hugh alleviate, is nothing but try to keep a group of valuable rather than similar to interns, fresh graduates need to spend effort to foster moment but also to grasp the idea of them.

In fact, this is the biggest problem.

One of the rules of winter survival: If it’s not too cold, don’t go outside.

Winter is no joke. If you’re thinking of going out and seeing the world because of a slight mood, be careful. One, you may not find a job, and two, the chances of your new company dying are higher than they are now. Most of the time, especially the young people who have just worked for a period of time, may have a lot of speculation and ideas about the company, so as to complain. In fact, why do we elderly people want to stay in this company? Because we have seen many, most companies are duplicity, this problem we have actually, others looked at the big search car team not good, in fact, the interview if someone says, I will immediately stop, I said don’t suit it one hundred percent of the trust of word of mouth, we have shortcomings, also have a difficult time, also have a lot of problems, to learn not to complain, It’s about solving the problems you see, even if it doesn’t work out, but the process is a process of growth.

Winter survival rule two: recuperate, accumulate.

In this kind of winter, excellent people are more in demand, and the less excellent people are less willing to hire.

So, if you are still calm, do not follow the winter of sleepy breath, cheer up, maybe one day be eliminated is you, this time should continue to learn to improve their competitiveness.

For beginners who just started out in the industry, don’t be discouraged, lay a solid foundation, follow the trend of front-end development, and participate in the community to discuss open source projects. In fact, winter has nothing to do with us programmers (if wages and jobs are not affected).

Rule 3: Save money and invest wisely.

Winter is coming, the original poor programmers, may be discounted year-end bonus, money can not be lavish, unlike me, recently began to resume accounting, and then constantly remind themselves not to buy big, do not buy useless things. The money that save comes down, invest financial management product, also do not cast what stock, careless all compensate on trouser head. I now generally use to dig money to finance, often engage in activities, or quite good.

Winter survival rule four: Stay together.

Generally encounter the winter of capital, capital began to clump, in fact, we programmers also want to clump, through the holding up of the group, can dredge dredge blood. Recently, our company has been planning some offline communication between companies. Then, I will occasionally participate in some communication in other industries on weekends, so as to enrich myself and my team. Of general hot Internet environment, it is the virtual time in field, because not everyone cow force, in the online blowing cool device deciede controversy as with theory, so in the past year, when the cold down, no one has found time to make these things, we all want to do something hard, so will return to rational, Instead of going to D2’s annual sight-seeing event, go to more practical events that will help you expand your horizons or network of contacts, as there are a lot of these days.

In short, winter must be hard, and the right thing to do is to make it through. When I come back, I will organize some offline activities in the front end. You are welcome to pay attention to them. If there is no activity then, it may be that I have been frozen to death.