“This is my 12th day of the November Gwen Challenge.The final text challenge in 2021”

Global objects, or standard built-in objects, are not to be confused with “global objects”.

When I say global objects, I mean objects in the global scope. Other objects in the global scope can be created by the user’s script or provided by the host program.

The built-in object in JS mainly refers to some global value properties, functions and constructors used to instantiate other objects that exist in the global scope before the program is executed. In general, we often use the global variable value NaN, undefined, global functions such as parseInt(), parseFloat() used to instantiate Object constructors such as Date, Object, etc., and provide mathematical calculation of the single built-in objects such as Math Object.

Classification of standard built-in objects

(1) Value properties. These global properties return a simple value that has no properties or methods of its own.

Examples are Infinity, NaN, undefined, and null literalsCopy the code

(2) Function attributes: The global function can be called directly without specifying the object to which it belongs. The result will be returned to the caller directly after the execution.

Examples include eval(), parseFloat(), parseInt(), and so onCopy the code

(3) Basic objects, which are the basis for defining or using other objects. Basic objects include generic objects, function objects, and error objects.

For example Object, Function, Boolean, Symbol, Error, etcCopy the code

(4) number and date objects, used to represent numbers, dates, and objects to perform mathematical calculations.

Examples are Number, Math, and DateCopy the code

(5) strings, objects used to represent and manipulate strings.

For example, String, RegExpCopy the code

(6) indexable collection objects, which represent collections of data sorted by index value, including arrays and type arrays, and objects with array like structures.

Such as ArrayCopy the code

(7) Collection objects that use keys. These collection objects use keys when storing data, and support iterating elements in the order of insertion.

Such as Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSetCopy the code

(8) Vector set: The data in SIMD vector set will be organized into a data sequence.

Such as SIMD etc.Copy the code

(9) Structured data. These objects are used to represent and manipulate structured buffer data, or data encoded using JSON.

Such as JSON,Copy the code

(10) Control abstract objects

Examples include Promise, Generator, etcCopy the code

(11) Reflection

For example Reflect, ProxyCopy the code

(12) Internationalization, adding ECMAScript objects to support multilingual processing.

For example, Intl and intl.collatorCopy the code

WebAssembly (13)

(14) Others

For example the argumentsCopy the code