Copyright notice: This article is the original stormzhang article, can be reproduced at will, but must indicate the source in a clear place!!

GitHub has released an annual open source report on its website. We programmers are concerned about the trend, and GitHub undoubtedly represents the trend in the world of programming. We might as well read the report first, and then answer the question of the title you are interested in.

For the record, some of the data for this article comes entirely from the report, here:

The most popular open source project

First up are some of the most popular open source projects on GitHub over the past year, as shown below:

Awesome, Free-program-books, React-Native, on-my-Zsh, and so on are some of the things I’ve covered in GitHub’s previous posts, but to my surprise, lantern also made the list. It speaks to the worldwide desire for free access to the Internet. I won’t say more about what the lantern is, but find out for yourself.

The most popular programming language

Do you know how many programming languages there are in the world? I don’t think anyone knows, but GitHub has the answer. All open source projects on GitHub include 316 programming languages. Not to say I don’t know, but I am surprised to hear that there are only 226 countries and regions in the world, and the number of programming languages exceeds the number of countries in the world. Sometimes I wonder, who is using so many unknown programming languages?

What is the most popular programming language of 2016? GitHub also has an answer. Here’s GitHub’s ranking based on the number of PR submissions in the last 12 months. While not entirely accurate, PR is a reliable indicator of the project’s popularity and popularity:

You can see that the number one is JavaScript. I think there are several reasons. First, some early open source projects on GitHub are related to web front-end. Second, with the demand of various cross-platform frameworks on mobile terminals, JS is given priority, such as React Native and WEEx. Js, angular.js, react.js, etc., so it’s no surprise that JavaScript ranks first. Therefore, there are students who are interested in web front-end, JS is a necessary skill, and it is still hot to develop in this field. In fact, the domestic demand for experienced Web front-end engineers is indeed very short, and in many cases, they cannot recruit people with more money and less money close to home.

It’s also surprising that the old language Java is still in second place, and I think that’s largely due to the resurgence of Java with Android.

Python, Ruby and PHP are all dynamic languages, which are different from the Java static language we use for Android development. Someone asked me before that I wanted to learn a language other than Java. If you are really interested, I suggest you learn Ruby or Python, from which you can learn a lot of knowledge that you have not touched on the Java level. PHP is also said to be the best programming language in the world, which does not deserve its ranking.

In addition, the ranking is interesting. The oldest programming languages C++ and C are listed almost every year, so there is no need to worry that your programming languages will become obsolete. If that were the case, those programmers would have lost their jobs.

Swift is still not as good as its brother Objective C this year. I think that’s largely because Apple doesn’t force developers to use Swift, but it’s growing very fast, up 262%. I believe that the growth rate and a strong father, it is still looking forward to its development, but I heard that the syntax is still changing, so it is not fully mature, do not expect too much too soon, but if iOS developers have not learned or even understood by now, it is not reasonable to say.

So, the most popular programming language of 2016 is JavaScript!

PS: As An Android developer, it’s nice to know that the programming language we use is JavaScript.

The organization with the most open source contributions

I have never thought that the biggest contribution to open source in 2016 is Microsoft. Microsoft, which has always been closed, sent force to open source community this year, unexpectedly surpassed Google and Facebook, and the domestic giants have also sent force in the open source community, without saying anything else, just say Android, This year including Tencent, Ali and so on have launched their own open source projects, may really show that embrace open source, is the king!

New GitHub user

GitHub already has more than 5.2 million users and more than 300,000 organizations. And this year, China is the country with the largest growth in new users, more than doubling its growth in 15 years, and as a true Google/GitHub fan, I feel LIKE I’m playing a part in that.

Of course, there are a lot of other interesting data, here is not a detailed introduction, interested may wish to see here.

Finally, the GitHub report represents the data of the past, but it has some reference significance for us to judge the technology trend of the future. It is necessary for all programming practitioners to pay attention to this report. Of course, some of the views involved in the article are purely personal and do not represent the official or any organization.

Recommended reading

How to use open source projects correctly?

Learn GitHub from 0

Join GitHub from 0

Learn GitHub series Git Crash from 0

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Learn GitHub series “Git Advanced” from 0

Learn GitHub team BRANCH from scratch

Learn the GitHub series “How to Find Great Open Source Projects?” from scratch.

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