ThingJet digital sensing interactive module provides complete perception connection and comprehensive control strategy capabilities for everything perception, precise control and data management. It is characterized by large-scale implementation, high-precision control, low-cost deployment and extremely easy to use.

Thingjs — 3D visualization development platform for the Internet of Things

ThingJet has powerful device access, control and management capabilities. The platform provides a variety of data gateways, which can be adapted to all kinds of sensors and devices to realize the Internet access of everything in a faster, simpler and lower cost. It is easier, stable and smooth to control everything, and realize data integration and edge intelligence at the source of everything.

ThingJet standardizes and commercializes all objects, lowering the barriers to entry by allowing developers to focus on interaction or business applications through open protocols and lightweight formats. The platform is deployed in mainstream public clouds to achieve cross-cloud hot backup and support private deployment.

1. Strong interactive ability of all things

The ThingGW series of data gateways is the edge computing unit of ThingJET’s enterprise iot platform. Fully support wired and wireless acquisition and transmission, opening the door to the world of the Internet of Things. The data gateway has the functions of data collection, protocol analysis, data storage, off-network transmission, instruction execution, etc. The platform follows the principle of “centralized data and decentralized control” and updates the control plan to each gateway to ensure stable and reliable control execution. The ThingGW series of data gateways are ideal for field signal acquisition and control of both field and remote devices. The debugging, configuration and upgrade of the data gateway can be completed on the platform, greatly reducing the professional requirements and labor costs of on-site debugging and maintenance. Its high performance and low power consumption, small volume of the embedded microcontroller processor and high capacity memory card, with a strong computing, storage capacity, local and remote wireless communication ability, which can realize the data real-time acquisition and processing, complex control algorithms and mass data storage, with abundant peripheral interface and communication functions, It is very suitable for data acquisition and control system, communication system, remote equipment monitoring and other applications requiring high computing capacity. Strong metal shell and internal circuit “three protection” treatment, especially suitable for harsh environment

2, very low threshold of use and development

All kinds of sensors and electromechanical equipment manufacturers in the Internet of things are involved in a wide range of professional categories such as power supply and distribution, HVAC, water supply and drainage, and special industries, and the agreement content of similar indicators is also very different, resulting in a high threshold for use and development. The platform standardizes the protocol specifications of similar devices and supports the commercialization of the devices to the user’s business domain. Through open standard interfaces and lightweight protocols, the platform provides easy-to-understand information to users or developers, greatly reducing the threshold of use and development. Platform debugging and maintenance is simple enough, can use wechat to be competent. A new device or a replacement device takes only three steps to come online. The system also supports preset engineering, debugging and remote upgrade by the background.

3, can be matched with third-party hardware to achieve rich applications

ThingJet has over 9,000 major device protocol drivers, including sensors and electromechanical devices from major manufacturers, and common hardware and software interfaces to support the development of unique device protocol drivers. Rich gameplay can be achieved with third-party intelligent hardware. The system makes the device more responsive and the control easier, stable and smooth. The system standardizes complex things, template-based user configuration, adopts open protocols and lightweight formats, and supports developers to enrich unique applications.