The end of the bonus, over the end of the year, and to the people of restlessness of the season. Many IT partners may be thinking about whether to change jobs.

Voice-over: Some people say that the company doesn’t give out year-end bonuses until March or April.

Today we talk about IT people change jobs this topic, the landlord also interviewed many candidates, stand in the interviewer’s point of view, talk about what kind of IT people will add points in the interview.

Figuring out what you want is the most important thing

Why do you want to change jobs is one of the first questions you should ask yourself, and the interviewer is also very concerned about your motivation for changing jobs.

  • “Being too far from home seriously affects the quality of life” \

  • “Too much overtime, too much stress”

  • “Technology climate is too bad to learn”

  • “The salary is too low and you never get a raise”

  • “The system is unfair, the office is too complex”

  • “The business went sour, the company went down.”

  • .

Motivation, or the main reason for changing jobs, is a very subjective thing. There is no right or wrong thing in it. Motivation is the main criterion for choosing a company.

There are some reasons to make a career change without hesitation. For example:

  • “No time for family, need a nine-to-five job”

Work is obviously more important than family.

  • “The company’s system is not transparent, the leader’s management is unfair, and those who flatter themselves are promoted.”

Unfair company, one more day is to delay their own.

There are some motivations that you need to think about carefully, such as:

  • “No pay raise at all”

Is it because the company does not have a salary increase system, or because others give you a raise, or because the leader does not recognize you, or because you do not work hard enough?

  • “The organizational structure is always adjusted, and I don’t know what to do.”

Should the organizational structure become the bottleneck of the development of the company and should be adjusted? Or is the leader messing around? We need to know the cause and effect clearly.

  • ‘Can’t learn’

Is the company does not pay attention to technology, no cattle guidance, lack of training mechanism, or their own subjective efforts, not diligent.

Why did you come here for the interview?

  • ‘People around me are looking for jobs’

This is typical of not thinking it through.

  • “I have no intention of changing my job, so I will have a face-to-face interview to see my level, my price and what kind of offer I can get.”

Every time I hear a similar answer, I want to die. It’s a joke. It’s a waste of each other’s time.

What kind of company do you want to work for?

  • “Either way, try it out first.”
  • “Interview first, I’ll choose after I get the offer.”

In these cases, it’s a classic case of not taking responsibility for yourself and treating your career as a joke.

Here’s another question you might struggle with:

  • “Continue to struggle in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, or go back home to do a more relaxed job.”

There are many similar chicken soup articles in wechat moments. I don’t preach, but I would like to give my personal opinion:

  • In contrast, the smaller the city, the more dependent on human relations, the larger the city, the more fair, the way forward and the degree of struggle in direct proportion

  • A fisherman on the seashore, a white-collar worker on vacation, is also blowing the sea breeze at the seaside, catching fish, can it be the same? The former has no choice, the latter is in their hands

  • All my friends and colleagues back home regret and miss the time they spent struggling

  • Today, I have to work hard so that my wife can enjoy quality service at a private hospital when she gives birth, rather than waiting in line for hours at a public hospital to see nurses’ faces and suffer from doctors’ anger

10 years later, you will thank you for choosing to struggle 10 years ago.

Voice-over: Wacale, this bowl of chicken soup, I’m dry.

Priorities may vary at different stages of your career

The second question we need to figure out is what bottleneck we want to solve in our career. We can temporarily divide our immediate career into three stages:

  • Lay the foundation
  • To find the breakthrough
  • As a career

*Lay the foundation*

As a technical person, career years ago, to learn technology, accumulate their core competitiveness as the first point. When looking at opportunities, focus on these elements of the company and team:

  • Whether to attach importance to product technology, product technology does not pay attention to the company should not stay for a long time
  • Whether there is a relatively leading technology stack, has been adhering to the traditional technology stack, afraid of technological innovation should not stay for a long time
  • Whether there is a mature team, too young full stack team may not be suitable for the school to recruit graduates

In a word, “can I learn something” is the most important thing to consider at this stage. I have seen many candidates who have worked for 3-4 years and changed companies for 2k salary. I feel regretful that they missed the focus in their early career.

*To find the breakthrough*

After 4-5 years of technical experience in one field, you should be considered as a semi-expert in the same field. At this time, you should consider whether you want to make a breakthrough in the direction of technical expertise or in the comprehensive direction of business or management in the future.

Voice: Whether it is the direction of experts, or the comprehensive direction of business or management, the owner of the building always believes that ** can not give up technology, the company is short of technical experts, business experts, comprehensive talents, there is no lack of pure managers, always remember what their core competitiveness is. *

At this point, it’s important to consider these elements of the company and team:

  • Mature business/company or fast growing business/company, the latter in the “frontier expansion” stage, there are many battles to fight, won the hard battle, naturally “breakthrough opportunity” better
  • If you plan to make a breakthrough in the direction of technical experts, you should consider whether the company’s business needs corresponding technical support. For example, if you want to be a technical expert in the direction of high concurrency, the company with low business concurrency may not be suitable
  • If you’re going to move into a business or management complex, consider whether you’ll have the opportunity to lead a team, work on core projects, and learn something other than technology

In a word, “can have the opportunity to dominate the some things, to make something, breakthrough yourself, prove themselves” is the most should be considered at this stage, many experienced candidates, resume the project very much, but no one is a leading design implementation, system maintenance no one more than half a year, not a product success iteration of a year, sorry.

* Become a career *

Maybe you have been a technical expert, team leader or manager, has been with team fought to prove yourself, if you want to see the opportunity, I am afraid to consider more industry, business and platforms, industry prospects, business market, the platform development fast unhappy, future 3 to 5 years what is the company’s expectations, and so on.

As a relatively senior person in the workplace, it may be time to think more about “career” rather than “work”.

Voiceover: Last year, there was a student who had just graduated from our team. The reason for leaving was that the platform was too small and too sweaty.

The last word

I have only changed my job to one company in more than ten years of work. I have not had much experience in changing jobs from Baidu to 58.

  • First, the ability is limited, the heart is afraid of being despised by the interviewer
  • Secondly, there are still a lot of things to learn, leaving the bottleneck is far away
  • What’s more, I’ve heard that the employees who have developed well in major companies, and even the receptionists who made a fortune when they went public, are not the smartest and best employees at the beginning, but the ones who stayed behind to do solid work

Therefore, in a fair team, fair company, do a meaningful thing steadily, in the right channel, can stick to it, luck will not be too bad.

I wish you all the best in the New Year. \