Today, I recommend 10 open source projects with the highest number of stars on GitHub. It is a tutorial for Java, Python, algorithm and other related technology stack.

01. Spring Boot Basics tutorial

The first open source project is a set of “Spring Boot Basics” program samples, programmer DD Big man maintenance, to create the most complete content on the web, better than the paid Spring Boot tutorials free tutorial, the tutorial is available in 1.x version and 2.x version.

Address: the code

02. Mad God’s Notes

The warehouse is a repository of study notes and video tutorials for the mad gods. He often records some Java related basic video tutorials, including: MyBatis Plus, Spring Bucket, Redis, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker and so on.

Address: the code

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03. JavaGuide

Guide’s most famous work has a 109K Star on GitHub. JavaGuide is a study guide that covers the core knowledge most Java programmers need to know.

Including Java foundation, computer foundation, database, system design, common framework, security, distributed, micro-service, high concurrency.

Address: the code

Spring Cloud Tutorial

The Spring Cloud tutorial’s application sample open source project is also @programmer DD open source. In addition to learning about Spring Cloud through this open source project, you can also follow the previous article: recommend 7 bull to Spring Cloud practical projects

Address: the code

05. Study notes

The author of this warehouse is Called Mo Xi, she is a programmer from three colleges and universities all the way up by touch. Currently, I am working in the Data advertising department of Bytedance, and I am the r&d team of commercial realization of all products of Bytedance.

This repository is momxi’s personal study notes, mainly covering Java, JVM, JUC, Spring, SpringCloud, computer network, operating system, data structure, Vue, etc.

Address: the code

06. CS-Wiki

This is an open source project for computer students or programmers just entering the workplace, which includes Java, front-end and AI related knowledge points and review notes.

Dedicated to create a perfect Java backend knowledge system, not only to help you quickly and systematically prepare for the interview, but also to guide the direction of learning.

Address: the code

Let’s take a look at the details of this information:

Algorithm: This section combines “Introduction to Algorithm” and LeetCode, and each knowledge point is equipped with a corresponding LeetCode topic, so as to know what it is and why it is, and refuse to brush questions mindlessly. This section is still being updated.

In addition, computer networks, operating systems, databases, software engineering knowledge:

The front end



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07. Python Resources

This is a nearly 100K standard open source project that collects resources and libraries for a variety of Scenarios based on Python.

Examples: HTML manipulation, databases, image processing, asynchronous concurrency, game development, Restful apis, debugging tools, validation, data visualization, command line tools, design patterns, etc.

When you have a problem using Python, take a look at this project and you may find the answer. Chinese version:

Address: address: the code

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08. The TypeScript tutorial

Step by step understanding TypeScript from the perspective of a JavaScript programmer. This book is suitable for:

  • Familiar with JavaScript and have read advanced Programming in JavaScript at least once

  • To learn about ES6, it is recommended to read ECMAScript 6 getting Started

  • Understands Node.js and can install and use some tools using NPM

  • Want to learn about TypeScript or have a better understanding of TypeScript

Address: the code

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09. IntelliJ IDEA Simplified Chinese tutorial

IntelliJ IDEA Simplified Chinese tutorial, this tutorial knowledge a variety of IDEA version, in addition to IDEA

Editor, Jetbrain family bucket all use tutorials.

Address: the code

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10. Don’t bother Python

Some of you may have heard of Mobupython, but his popular tutorials have been well received on YouTube. Go to GitHub and search for Mobupython to find his tutorials on Python and machine learning.