Author: The World of Qing


An overview of the

I thought for a long time about how to make the title of the article less pessimistic, but all kinds of copywriting are constantly denied in my mind, either not so eye-catching, or the idea does not match. Finally think, this title is really consistent with my recent perception.

I hope those of you who read the article and feel the same way can also think about it.

Recently, due to the epidemic, many people in China are beginning to understand the experience of working from home. Basically, in the United States, work from home is a relatively common phenomenon in IT companies. In general, there will be No Meeting Day in big factories every week, which is just No Meeting Day, but it is usually regarded as working from home Day. No meetings, so I’m at home and I’m at the office.

It is because of idle time more, more time to read the article. I don’t like reading and prefer to read fragmented articles. When I have nothing to do, I turn over nuggets and Android Weekly, which is my first choice when I go to the toilet.

But I’m sad that so many Android tech bloggers have disappeared in the space of a month or two. Click on their profile page and you’ll see that it’s been months, even a year, since their last update. Rough thought is because of the epidemic, in fact, think about it, this thing in line with the development of technology.

I started android development at the end of 2015, when android developers like Trinea, Ren Yugang and so on were well-known.

What have I been saying? “To be a programmer, the circle is very important” because the circle can let you less detours, broaden contacts, expand ideas, learn from the failure and success of others experience, get the latest experience and information, stay together for warmth and so on! The height of the circle determines the height of life!

If you are interested in advanced promotion, but do not have a clear learning idea, I will share with you a summary of my actual combat experience architecture advanced video, a full set of learning PDF files, interview documents, source notes to you, to help you take a little dettour.

Click the link below to pick it up!

Android Learning PDF+ architecture video + interview document + source notes

If you need anything else, you can also check it out on GitHub, where Android advanced information will be uploaded to GitHub.

Especially Trinea’s android source code analysis project at that time, gave me a very good learning opportunity, or a little Android white, the Volley source code analysis, let me know that such a short and refined code can put so complex logic organization so organized.

To be honest, the company’s APP is still using Volley as the network library at the bottom level. Due to the familiar reading of the source code, I can debug much faster than other team members when there is a network problem (after all, I know where to break the point).

At that time, I added the QQ of Trinea and sent him my resume. I also got the guidance of Trinea on my resume. I clearly remember that Trinea changed the IOS on my resume to IOS… And that it was very unprofessional…

However, since Trinea moved to Didi, he has been busy. The last time I communicated with him was in 2016. I told him that I had a chance to attend the GoogleIO conference that year, and he smiled and liked it… Since then, his personal blog home page updates more didi job promotion and so on.

16 years later, RxJava began to be popular, in this magical framework has not been understood by most people, when the throw line appeared, this person called Keybrother in Chinese information is not very complete, write this for Android developers RxJava detailed solution:

RxJava 3.0 came out soon, but now I look back at the Chinese RxJava article, there are still a lot of regrets, kai’s understanding of RxJava at that time was ahead of The Times, although there have been many better RxJava articles, such as this RxJava meditation series:

RxJava Meditation (1) : Do you think RxJava really works?

But Kay’s article had a big impact on me, not just on my understanding of RxJava, which pushed me to start implementing it in small companies at the time, but also on his witty writing style, which prompted me to start writing tech blogs.

Over a year ago, Kai quit his job to start his own android advanced training course, and the update rate of his blog slowly began to drop off. (His Coroutine tutorial is pretty good, I’m sorry, but I can understand. After all, we all have to earn money to support our families.

2016-17 was the sunset moment before the popularity of Android technology community dropped to the peak. Coupled with the development of hot update technology in China, the online and offline communication of Android technology also reached unprecedented popularity in that year. I have personally attended several technical conferences both at home and abroad either as a listener or as a speaker.

It was also my continuous output on the blog that attracted the attention of the person in charge of watermelon video at that time, and even sent me a private letter in the brief book. Unfortunately, I already had the offer from Linlin and Facebook at that time, but I still didn’t join the blog, which has already become the peak of the headlines now.

Strangely, though, there seemed to be no standout up-and-comers at the start of that year, apart from the historically prolific Hongyang.

Most new bloggers disappear after two or three articles. It seems that the authorities are also aware of this trend, the former focus of InfoQ Android technology public account directly renamed the top of the front end, the iOS, Android, Web in the big front end of the technology field inside. This signal to a lot of new android white people like to discourage the same. In early nineteen, InfoQ published an article that began like this:

Write in front: today, I want to tell you a story, this story contains black technology, genius youth, high-flying passion and unfulfilled ambition regret. More importantly, it was a true story and a major experience in my life.

The romantic death of mobile development:*HGKmX2M1

It begins on a dark note, and sure enough, the author ends with a novel family block-like ending from “Germination” :

The plugins boom is destined to be a technological blip that, in a few years, no one will remember. Those years of passion will become The Wasted Times.

What have done, what happened, to the end of everything is not worth mentioning, but I still pick up the pen, write down those to forget the memorial.

And since 2019, it really doesn’t seem like there are any hot Android technologies to talk about. Instead, the interview topic has become a hot topic on many Android tech blogs.

To go To Dachang or not, this is a question….

I remember there was an old saying called

Books get thinner and thinner, and then thicker and thicker

I’ve never been a pessimist. I like to think about the truth behind things. I was disappointed at first when I saw that the Android community wasn’t thriving as it used to. It wasn’t until last year that I really learned that the reason the disappearing tech titans aren’t updating is not that they’re bad, but rather that they’re too good.

I got a big project in ’19, and the point is, I started bringing people in. Not into management, but as a tech lead for projects.

Since June, 19, I have been involved in and responsible for every link from the beginning to the end, from the ventilation of the front and back end of the project, to the design of the client architecture, to the investigation of the technology selection, to the design review, to the development, and finally to the War Room of project delivery. It was also this project that made me personally realize what I should do as a person in charge of every link of a project from the beginning to the landing.

Be a team Lead and do things that most of your team can’t do.

In terms of technology, how to build the structure and make the technology selection, so that the team developers can successfully complete their daily development tasks.

In terms of management, how to divide tasks for the lower level, encourage team development to keep enthusiasm for their own “one acre, three acre”, so as not to feel boring. In terms of management, how to timely report the progress of the project and communicate with superiors need help.

This is my impression after leading this project.

In the first two months of the project, I did not write a single line of code, but spent most of my time writing documents, doing technical research, and solving the environment configuration in the early stage of development (the dependence of big factories is really complicated…). . Although it is not a real development work, this project has improved my thinking far more than any feature I did before.

After that, maybe the boss thought I was reliable and hoped that I could grow more in the field I was not familiar with, so he did not ask me to do too much business logic development, but encouraged me to participate in more projects to solve the pain points of the team.

Along the way, I was introduced to JNI, equalizer (audio low-level development), team code specification tools, and more. These small projects are constantly challenging my knowledge.

To go back to the opening sentence,

Books get thinner and thinner, and then thicker and thicker

I fully understand now. In the beginning, people used to talk about Android development. Android development, learning about android is about the details of the implementation, and it’s a process of getting thinner and thinner.

But as projects get bigger and broader, it’s not an Android problem anymore, it’s a broader software development, management process. When the product is large enough, a team needs to consider not only the business logic of the development, as a Lead, needs the knowledge breadth to develop, also will increasingly need to do the equalizer, do you want to know, linear algebra, filter, do check the code rules, you need to understand the compiling principle of lexical analysis, syntax analysis, It’s another process of reading and getting thicker. At the end of android development, we need to get beyond Android itself.

When Tech bloggers move beyond the technical details of Android to a higher level of Tech Lead, or Manager, they will no longer post technical details because it is not their job to think about.

I remember some time ago, many people complained on Zhihu, saying that “big guns” like Ren Yugang and Stormzhang started to do their duty and shared their experiences on the public account all day long, without any technical “dry goods”.

In fact, if you can understand what I said above, it is not difficult to understand why they are like this. Standing in a higher dimension to see the software development, will pay more attention to the development methodology, indeed no longer like the previous technical details of the article, moreover, if you do 4-5 years of Android development, also need to read such as Java thread pool implementation principles of this article, don’t you think it is too late?

The thicker you read, the better you learn.

For example, many articles are writing event distribution principle, but most of them are source copy and paste, tracking code, to tell the truth, there is no summary of the analysis is playing rogue, analysis is not analysis.

Few people can point out that Android’s event distribution is an implementation of depth-first recursion. Can anyone think about how it works without DFS? Can BFS breadth first implement event interception as well?

It is also possible to make progress by reflecting on existing knowledge, rather than pursuing so-called “new” knowledge.

Finally, I want to say, especially for those of you who are new to Android, that working hard to improve yourself on a bigger and better platform is much more useful than hiding behind the covers and digging into the so-called “technology.”

It’s only when you get to a bigger platform that you realize there’s so much you don’t know.

Any technology has a time to die, get together and leave sometimes, nothing lasts forever. Only experience and thinking remain.
